Rating:  Summary: Bwilf Review: O.K. so after 4 books which have alienated most of his fans, news if that Robert Jordan has a new book coming out soon. And its not book 11, its a PREQUEL. Why is he writing a prequel when the series everyone is waiting for him ot finish is not finised? Two reasons come to the mind quickly. 1:He does not know how to tie up the series, just look at the last 4 books. Those books covered as much as the first book did by it selfI heard at one point that the series was suppose to be only seven books at the beginning and over time it has encrease which leads to #2:He has sold out adn is after the money. The answer is probable both, and unfortunetly I still do enjoy his writing so I will read this new book.....when it hits the library, 'casue he will not get another dime from me.
Rating:  Summary: Nothing but filler... Review: I finally got around to reading this book. I've enjoyed this series of books very much since I stumbled upon them. I can honestly say that this is the first book of the series that is complete and utter garbage, filler. The story moves nowhere. I can't even say nowhere fast because Jordan's flair for detail bogs you down and makes the reading slow. Hopefully in the next book Jordan will remember that the story is about the Dragon reborn and his two friends. I hope that Jordan spares us all the agony of another 700 page book describing what color underwear all the Aes Sedai are wearing on any given day.
Rating:  Summary: CRAP CRAP CRAP Review: I swore I wouldn't read this...at least I didn't buy it. I have, in hardcover, books 1 through 9. I may...MAY...purchase book 10 (in hardcover) if it is on sale...for about $5. Not much more than that, and only so I can keep my collection intact. This book is garbage. Nothing...I mean NOTHING at all happens in it. Can you imagine writing a 700 page book and have NOTHING happen. TOR needs better editors. Or at least ones with the guts to tell an author to forget it.
Rating:  Summary: Not a book Review: After reading it, I wonder if it can be called a book. To me it read like just part of a single chapter. As for the characters, as I read the series, I almost can see the strings that leads from Jordan's hand to each of the them. That makes them feel rather artificial and forced into certain molds.
Rating:  Summary: RJ Makes two girls taking a bath together boring!? Review: No, I'm serious, if you've read the book, you know what I'm talking about. I'd rant and rave about how nothing happens in this book, but it's been said 1000 times already. For cryin' out loud, he takes over half the book to even catch up to the end of the 9th (filling us in on the couple of days we missed what other characters have been doing... like taking a bath). I felt this series started to go downhill with book 5, when he started leaving out some of the secondary characters for a book, to create more and more characters that don't move the plot forward at all. So why'd I give it 2 whole stars. He still takes three lines to say what could be said just as well in one, but he does paint a scene well. However, even his attention to detail gets anoying. He can be in the middle of a battle, and digres off to someone's lapels, or what they were doing three years ago, or ... Even if he does this in the middle of a conversation, it has a way of breaking the flow. Add me to the list of people who want to see this series put out of its misery.
Rating:  Summary: Are we there yet? Review: Actually, I stopped at #8 and refuse to pick up any of the WoT series until he's FINISHED! That said, I get the basic plot from the other reviews here and so I feel good about my decision to wait. I remember (sigh) the early days when I was reading the first two or three in the series. Like the beginning of a new relationship, it held promise, I looked forward to each page, and scheduled "dates" where I could sit home and spend time with this wonderful story. Since about book 6, however, (like many relationships) it's gone quite stale. Wrap it up, Rob.
Rating:  Summary: Filler Review: Though this book moves very slowly, it still has the intricate character development of the Wheel of Time series making it a wonderful step towards the Last Battle. If Jordan is Going to end his series in 12 books, he has to tie up a lot of loose ends. Book 10 is setting us up for something great and making sense of some of the previous books. It's filler.
Rating:  Summary: Excerpts from the latest 100 posts Review: Hi, just thought I'd copy and paste some of the stuff people have written in the last 100 posts that I thought were pretty funny... Well, I've just finished the Prologue chapter and it only took me a little more than a week to do so, and most of that only when I needed something to read while doing my business on the porcelain throne. Read it only if you have sleeping problems. But little did I know that nearly 12 years later, I would still be reading the series and now hating it. I thought I was lucky when I found this book in a thrift store and priced at one dollar. I was wrong. It was overpriced. I want my 5+ hours I spent slogging thru to the end back! RJ must have contracted Alzheimers because his books have deteriorated horribly. You suck RJ. Trees died to make the paper for this book. Their sacrifice was in vain. I wish I hadn't spent my money on this exercise in futility. That's right folks, this is a 670+ page novel about nothing, and I don't mean this in a good 'Seinfeld' way. TRULY, in this book nothing happens. I think anyone who gives this book top rating are the absolute die hard fans of Jordan that would give the toilet paper he wipes his but with a 5 star rating. Why isn't there a zero star rating? I managed to enjoy this book, and I will teach you the secret. First, borrow it. If you pay even one dollar for this thing, you will feel dirty and used. get this book if you've run out of valium. I know its not nice to kick a man when he's down, but RJ really does deserve it. I actually bought a used, unabridged audio book version so I could "read" it while I drive. It helps, 'cause when I put down the hardcover, I'm not all that anxious to pick it back up Glaciers move more quickly than the last five books of this once-promising series. I'll not be buying any more books in this series, and my advice to anyone considering starting the series is...."don't bother". In the end it's just a "Waste Of Time".
Rating:  Summary: Reading the reviews can be quite enjoyable! Review: As others have, I've been with this series since the beginning and can't seem to break away, even when I know it only gets worse (the story-telling, that is) with each book. Well, I've just finished the Prologue chapter and it only took me a little more than a week to do so, and most of that only when I needed something to read while doing my business on the porcelain throne. Anyways, I just wanted to say that I've been reading the reviews (both for this particular installment of the WoT and the previous books), and wanted to point out that the reviews are more entertaining to read than the books!! I especially like the one that said Jordan's die-hard fans would give the toilet paper he wiped his butt with 5 stars!! Hilarious!! There are more reviews like this out there...just spend a few moments perusing them and you'll start enjoying yourself, too!
Rating:  Summary: /.lkjhgfdsa Review: Crossroads of Twilight is not the best book in the series in the least. I thought that it was ok, but not all that great. Rober Jordan should finish this series up, it's being dragged out too much. It took too long for me to finish this book. i oculdn't really get into it very much. I'm goin to finish the series, but if the rest of the bookds are like this it is going to be very slow in comeing. Not very much action, alot of talking about where or what everybody is planing to do. I really do hope that the next book in the series is better than this one.