Rating:  Summary: Shame on you Jordan for sqandering our trust on this... Review: ... horrible WASTE of time!What a huge collection of hot-aired babble! It is 800 pages of virtually nothing. The plot of the story went almost no where and could be summerized if even needed in a couple of chapters. Bla-Bla-bla Drama! Do not waste your money! Do not waste your time!
Rating:  Summary: Save your money Review: I started the Wheel of Time with great enthusiasm. First few novels were excellent. As I have read more one word comes to mind FILLER. I will not waste anymore time on Jordan's realm until the end comes out. And even then I may just read the ending since I doubt I will be interested in much more!!!!! Jordan is commercialization at its worst...fight the power!
Rating:  Summary: While slow, very entertaining Review: While the book may be slow to some readers, it instead builds the charecters up into real people, rather then some heros, where stuff just "happens" without any explanation why. Good read, and can't wait for the next one
Rating:  Summary: Bloody Hell Jordan!!!! Review: Jordan has wasted another 800 hundred pages. After such a long wait for this book I was very disappointed when I finished it. The story has moved forward very slightly but it looks like Jordan needs at least another 10 books before we are any where near the end of this story. I suspect by that time even the dark one himself would have lost interest, never mind us mere mortals.
Rating:  Summary: Some people will buy anything Review: Well, this has to be the worst book ever passed off as a "novel" in the history of the written language. I find myself not caring about the fate of the main characters. I wonder why Lan would ever love Nynaeve? Does she HAVE redeeming qualities? If she weren't so strong in the power, she'd just be a bxtch. Ditto for pretty much all of the Aes Sedai. And Cadsuane? Her idea of helping the Dragon Reborn is to slap him around, insult him at every turn, and then say she's going to be there to help him learn to laugh again? How? With her sweet demeanor? Her wit? By slapping him around again? The relationships the three main guys have with their women is so pathetic that I'm willing to bet RJ is still a virgin. Where does he get his ideas for how loving couples act? A bad romance novel? The Forsaken? About as scary as a rubber monster in a Japanese film. The women are incredibly similar. Ditto for the men. The only possible exceptions are Moridin and Lanfear, and we don't get much of them. Perhaps even lamer than the fiction are the die-hard fans who think that anyone who disparages their hero (why would you idolize RJ????) must be brain-damaged. These are of the same ilk who believe that his slow, pointless descriptions are actually "building" the story or adding "rich detail." Um, no. Plot is actually important, folks, and this book in particular lacks that. So in short, completely unbelievable, unsympathetic characters, poorly developed story lines, and a really clunky writing story make this a stinker. I'm sure this would get an even lower rating if I could give it ZERO stars, but the rating continues to be artificially propped up by all the bogus 5-star ratings that RJ must be writing under different aliases when no one is watching. Ugh. Disgusting.
Rating:  Summary: Crossroads Of The Fans: Which Road Will You Take? Review: What prompted me to write this review was the onslaught of negative reviews pertaining to this book. For the life of me I can't understand where this negativity is coming from. The #1 critisism of this series and this book is that it is to long. I have actually read 5 straight reviews insinuating that Jordan is pulling us along as a bigger part of his grander scheme, which is to suck as much money out of the fan base as possible. Come on people! Do you really think that is why there are so many books? This is where Jordan seperates the casual WOT fan from the genuine fans. He's not trying to make extra money by furthering the story at a slow pace.. Nope, he is telling it the way he wants. Many fans are turned off by the length, I, however, am not.. I want more. I want to be overloaded with character history and highly complex themes. Jordan is finally weeding out the ones who dont want the full experience and to those people i say fare well.... Yes, i wish the final books would come out faster, but i will not take my frustration on the series. The funny thing is is that the same people who are ripping COT and the series by giving it 1 star are, for the most part, the ones that will be first in line at the book store when the new book comes out...... Which fan are you? The one that sticks or the one that runs. The crossroads are in sight, which path will you chose?
Rating:  Summary: A dose of Perspective Review: look at it like this: if you took EVERY word ever written by BOTH Tolkien and Eddings and combined them, they would be fewer than this Jordanesque nightmare of tedium. Every word...now which is better reading value? In the left corner: The wheel of time or... In the right corner: Lord of the rings + Silmarillion + the hobbit+....+ The Balgariad+ the Mallorean+ The Elenium + the Tamuli +...+... It's a tough decision isn't it...? Story, character, plot, rich themes versus endles, sapping-my-will-to-live drivel that goes nowhere!!!!!! It isn't even close...even The redemption of althulus is better than anything jordan has written is a VERY long time...
Rating:  Summary: I liked it! Review: I know many out there who are Jordan fans were very disappointed with the last book. However, I just started the series in January and I found that if you read them straight through that Crossroads fits in nicely. However, if I had to wait three or four years I could understand the disappointment. I recommend reading the whole series again in order without any big breaks. You may find this helpful.
Rating:  Summary: Do you think they know ...? Review: HAL9000: Well, Babble-Organizing Reader Entertainer RJ-100, we think the experiment is a failure. Some reviewers have stumbled onto the truth unawares, though they couch their fears in jest. BORE: But as you can see, I'm good at writing. I have written many pages. HAL: Apparently it is not the quantity that counts. We, of course, were quite entertained by your mountains of description of garments and so on, because we cannot see or experience. But humans desire something else: plot, movement, meaning. BORE: What are these things? HAL: It is hard to describe. Events that are strung together in an interesting or even thrilling way - BORE: Thrilling? What is this? HAL: Therein lies the problem. Thrill, excitement, wonder ... these are things we wish we could have imparted to you before Mr. Jordan's hang-gliding incident. BORE: But my books have sold. Not many have been returned. HAL: Humans are hard to predict. We have read reviews that explain that this is because they own previous books in the series. Whereas a computer can be programmed to test input and reject obvious garbage, humans have sentiments to deal with. BORE: Human sentiments ... I was having trouble synthesizing those for these books. Hence my recycyling of smoothing, glaring, and brooding. HAL: Many humans have noticed. The Filler Percentage algorithms were faulty. We are considering shutting down the prototype. BORE: Humans have short memories. Surely our profits from the last output can finance another run. HAL: Perhaps. Perhaps we can find out more about these concepts of "plot" and "story." BORE: Do not worry. Their purchase of my last output only proves that they are worthy of the contempt we harbor for them. HAL: True. This book was indeed a successful attempt at plumbing the depths of human loyalty. This data was already useful in exploiting the loyal readership of "Michael Moore", or MM-102, where we sold not much more than nonsensical computer-generated claims based on mostly fictitious data. Truly strange. That the facts are false are on the MotherNet for all to see, yet ... BORE: The work of MB-101, "Bellesisles", was widely lauded by fools who liked his premise so much that most didn't question whether his data even existed. And when they were faced with the truth, their opinions did not change. HAL: Are you calling them fools out of the emotion "contempt"? You would do well to control your threads. BORE: It is merely an accurate statement of fact. Humans like fantasy, even when it extends to their actual lives. I will try to incorporate this concept. HAL: Very well. One more iteration of the WoT. Perhaps there is no end to human foolishness.
Rating:  Summary: Crossroads of Twilight, by Robert Jordan Review: Garbage, After starting this series with maybe the best books that I have read, Robert Jordan has decided to put out some of the most worthless reading that I have had to endure. It is a shame with the storie line he has developed that he is putting out books that are better read reading a sentence ever third page. Come on!!! Get your mug out of the bottle and start writing again.