Rating:  Summary: Excellent Story Review: For all you impatient fools out there, I guarantee that when the series ends... you'll wish for more.
Rating:  Summary: Worst book ever written. Bar none. Deserves -5 stars. Review: This is the worst book I have ever read in my entire life(or in all my other lives if I was shirley mcclaine). Nothing happens. I think reading the ingredients to a can of soup is more exciting. The only good thing about a book like this is to show aspiring authors how not to write. In addition to Strunk & White's book on writing, this book should be quoted for 'bad style' quotes. Oh, this book makes an excellent fuel if you run out of logs for the fireplace. I don't believe in the death penalty. Therefore, I would let deathrow inmates read this book.However, that might be considered 'CRUEL & UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT'. I just finished reading this book, and am seriously considering suicide;)
Rating:  Summary: The best Series I have ever read! Review: I have read every book in the series at least 5 times, and each book has emboldened my appreciation for Robert Jordans writing style. This book tends to be a catch-up for all of the characters that you didn't hear much about in the last few books. Book ten does move you ahead in many ways, but until about halfway through you don't catch up to the end of the last book. I love the way Mr. Jordan explains the relations between men and women, I find myself agreeing often. Mat and Tuon is a romantic strugle to even attract a womans attentions to this type of series. This book has a lot of twists and turns that you have to follow, to see who is a darkfriend, and who isn't. In conclusion if you read book one, you probably have read them all, and are waiting impatiently for book 11(as I am). You shouldn't be dissapointed, this is an excellent book. But, Oh, would I love to pick Robert Jordans brain.=:)
Rating:  Summary: Here's a Question: Review: Will all of you people who say this book is terrible, slow, boring, etc. buy the next book? I'm just curious at how you've hated the last 4 books yet still buy them and read them time after time.
Rating:  Summary: Scott Review: Don't bother with this book. It seems that the author has sold out good story telling and moving the story along so he could print an additional book and make more money. If you do buy it good luck trying to stay awake.
Rating:  Summary: Don't buy it! Review: Boring boring boring. The usual stuff - nothing happens at great length. It's not worth the waste of your time, and I suggest that, if you want to waste money, buy a good cigar instead and then you will at least have some pleasure out of burning your money. This book is simply a re-hash of the last 3-4. I get the impression that Jordan has just cut paragraphs at random out of the previous few books and stuck them together again to make this one. Perhaps we should all play "Make Your Own Wheel of Time" by doing the same thing. This would be a good cure for those whose memories of how bad the last book was fade over the twelve months between instalments.What happened to editing? The publishers should be ashamed of themselves for letting this drivel loose on the world. I suspect that they're using the series as a cash cow, and therefore aren't interested in seeing any progress. Well, the publishers should take note: I haven't bought any since No 6, and don't intend to until someone shows me the final one - maybe then there'll be some plot progression. I would recommend everyone follows the same plan - that should bring them to their senses quickly enough.
Rating:  Summary: definately filler Review: i've had this book for almost two months and haven't quite made it through yet. it's basically a lot of filler. if you like the characters (all 2 billion of them) and the general storyline you'll like this one. especially mat and egwene fans. my big problem with this book is that it never, ever goes anywhere. mat and tuon spend almost half the book flirting, but there relationship never really advances. the same with perrin's search. every single story line goes no where!! but, on the plus side, its still interesting. like all rj books its intense on detail (a lot of people say too much detail, and they're probably right - only about half the detail is in any way important). but if you don't mind the "and then he put his pyjamas on, walked to the bathroom, opened the door, walked to the sink, turned on the faucet and got out his toothbrush" kind of novel its fairly ok. i'm still kind of hoping that all the filler will be somehow relevant later. and to be fair, i can seriously spare the 8 bucks needed for the next book. or, rather, the trip to the library to read it for free!
Rating:  Summary: crossroads of twilight Review: Personally, I was hoping that all the reviews weren't true and that everybody was just being hard on RJ. But in the end, I found that I totally agreed with them. All the book was about was absolutely noting!! I found myself skipping through entire chapters trying to get to a part that got somewhere. Therefore, i got through the book in less than three days. And that was reading only a few hours a day. All in all, I'm not quite sure that I am going to waste my money on the next novel or not. I was the first in line to get this book, and I'll probably be last in line to get the next one. I just wish that the last battle would hurry up and get here so that we can find out what happens and it would all be over with!! In the general world of writing, you tie up loose ends and THEN make new ones!! Not make new ones on top of old ones!! A total waste of time!!
Rating:  Summary: must read Review: the best book in the series thus far.
Rating:  Summary: A better use of the fans' money... Review: Why don't we all stop buying his drivel, and chip in to get a ghost writer to finish the story once and for all!!! I am a former fan of Mr Jordan's work. I have nothing against long books (although if you do a comparison of earlier works to later works, you'll notice the much larger margins and fonts in the later works - the books aren't quite as long as everyone thinks, wordcount-wise). In fact, I prefer them. I also understand the occassional need for a "setup" book. For all of the really optomistic, hard-core fans out there, I salute you, as your optomism makes this a better world to live in. If everyone had the anger towards Mr. Jordan that I have, Global Warming would be even worse due to the steam shooting out of everyone's ears. How people can keep confusing "boring" and "no development" with "setup" is rather mind-boggling to me. If it were only 1 "setup" book, I could overlook it. If it were 2 "setup" books that had a book or two of reasonable plot development/character development/closure in between them, then I also could overlook it. But this is the fourth straight book of nonsense, with nothing in between. The writing style, as others have noticed, is much too detailed. Which in and of itself is not necessarily bad, but it's the SAME detail, over and over again, about things no one cares about (fashion and tantrums, as one astute observer put it). In the last book, the Prologue was ~75 pages, with a few pages on many (but not all) subplots, to help the readers get back into sync with all of the threads. This is ridiculous. That's almost as long as some good books in their entirety. It would be ok if A) the writing style was interesting, B) The threads were interesting, or C) The threads were somehow relevant to the main plotline. Unfortunately, this was not true (for most of the last 4 books) Mr Jordan has simply bit off more than he can chew. There are too many characters and subplots for him to keep track of, and he tries to cover this (albeit unintentionally) with verbosity. My bit of optomism is to believe that RJ is not stringing this series out for the moulah. I think he is simply confused. Apparently RJ has answered some criticism by stating that he's writing this for himself. Well then, STOP PUBLISHING IT (which, by definition makes it for others). Some wise fans have suggested to the disillusioned such as myself to stop reading. Well, I have. I can only hope others follow suit. The fact that this book is currently getting 1/2 out of 4 stars (subtract the required 1 star that you're forced to give) is sad, as this means there are others still wating their time and money. Hopefully next book there will be more like myself, and the review average will skyrocket. Get George R.R. Martin to finish the series up, and you'll have me back on the wagon in a heartbeat.