Rating:  Summary: im not happy Review: after waiting so many years for this installment, i find that its not what i ,had hoped for yes mat is there and he is great, but the story goes nowhere plenty of politics, more that i could take, in fact i found myself skimming the pages, never before done with this series, i do realize that it must be hard to keep the story going after all this time, but i know that he is better than this
Rating:  Summary: Its not worth 1 star Review: I told myself after Winter's Heart I would stop reading this series.Why didn't I listen to myself!!!The first books in the series were sooo good, I keep thinking Robert Jordan will go back to the way he use to write.But now I know he's looking to drag this out to book 100. Some part of me is starting to think Robert Jordan is no longer writing these books,that maybe he sold it to some newbie writer off the street.I don't know, and I don't care anymore. Well, let my mistake be your good fortune. Save your money. If you are looking for a great fantasy book, type in a search for George R.R. Martin. His books could be called too good.
Rating:  Summary: Terribly diappointing Review: If you're looking for a continuation of the action from the first nine books, don't bother reading this one. Basically, it reacts to the event which ended the 9th book and advances the story only slightly. I was very disappointed! It seems that Mr. Jordan does not know how to end the story and is only selling books at this point.
Rating:  Summary: Jordan now says only 25 books left to finish the series.... Review: I read an earlier review that Jordan used this book as a staging point to set up the remainder of the series. However, a fantasy book requires some physical action, and here we have none of it. (And besides, wasn't Book 8 a "staging" book as well?)Jordan starts off by recapping the thoughts of some of the major characters on events that took place in the last book (Rand's cleansing of saidin)-and this takes half of the book to recap! Events that should have taken less than a book to cover are taking over a book to be told, if not two or three! Perrin's rescue of Faile should not take more than one book-yet we're still going on with this from Book 8, and it's still not resolved!! Ditto the White Tower battle-there's no end in sight with that one! If you compare events from the first 4 books (especially Eye of the World or Dragon Reborn) with how events have dragged out from Books 7-10, it is incomprehensible how a series that started out with such tremendous promise has dwindled down to repetitive, trite prose. While it might seem nice to personally meet everyone from Randland (living or dead), we don't need a point-of-view sequence from every single character! The way things are going in this series, we're going to have a point-of-view sequence from a piece of embroidered cloth! Jordan's writing has devolved into extending clothes descriptions to at least two pages each time a character is wearing a different set of clothes. And when you need to spend a whole paragraph describing how a maid will have to re-polish a table (after Birgitte smashes her cup down)? Come on! Rumor has it that Book 11 (due out July 2006) is tentatively titled "To Begin Commence Commencing to Begin Thinking about Commencing the Last Battle". In this book, Rand takes a ..., Perrin scratches his scraggly beard, Elayne has a bout of morning sickness, various Aes Sedai pout, Nynaeve tugs her braid, Mat hears dice tumbling off and on in his head, Lan feels that duty is lighter than a feather and tougher than getting through Crossroads of Twilight. Another reader stated that getting through this Book 10 was a sheer test of willpower-I agree!
Rating:  Summary: No longer a fight against the dark one... Review: but a fight against boredom is the one found myself in reading this latest WOT book. The plain fact of the matter is that very little happens in the book. There is talk of battles to come, but it never really goes anywhere. Characters stay the same and the points that we have all been noticing for three books go unnoticed by the main characters - i compared Egwenes situation to that of a pantomine "he's behind you". Mat is written into a situation that has been prophicised that there really is no surprises to be had there. And Rand, the main character is in the book for less than 30 pages out of the entire 650+ volume. Very disapointing After the events of the nineth book i had expected it to start on a path that would take us to the final battle. I enjoyed the leed up to the final battle (books 1-9 are my favorite fantasy books) but it seems Mr Jordan is unwilling to take us there just yet. The entire series could do without this book- and i am hoping the wait for the next book won't be long. Please let the next book have some actual story in it instead of the characters continuing the same situation that they found themselves in, in the previous book.
Rating:  Summary: Good continuation but... Review: Robert Jordan continues the Wheel of Time saga, but in such a long, slow, frustrating manner. Each book that comes out is in larger type with more spaces between lines, to give the illusion that it is as long as previous editions. In this book almost nothing happens. Most of the book is spent around the time that Rand cleanses saidin from Winter's Heart, and only advances a few days of time beyond that. The book is divided into at least six sections, with only a tiny amount of time spent with any given character. Too many people doing too little. Jordan really needs to start wrapping this story up, or take a page from George R. R. Martin and start killing off main characters. Wait for the library to read this one, unless you want to complete your collection. This one's a yawner.
Rating:  Summary: Great Series... Horrible Book!! Review: In recent Robert Jordan books we have been seeing more talking and less action. In this book there is no action!! There is so much detail in things no one cares about, you find yourself skipping pages. The series already contains so many great characters, why introduce even more?? It will just confuse (or bore) the reader. And absolutely nothing was resolved at the end of this book. When I read the last book, the end had me wishing for the next book just because I wanted to see what happens to The Ahsh'man. Do we see that in this book ? Nope we see claptrap about Egwene and her Aes Sedai, Perrin and Faile, which thier current storyline should have ended in this book because it is just too boring. Do yourselves a favor and skip this book it is not a necessary read in the Wheel of Time saga.
Rating:  Summary: Plot advancement Jordan, you need it! Review: I have been reading this series for years, and it was once upon a time my favourite. However this has changed due to a few things, mainly I've found better authors (Steven Erikson, George R.R. Martin, Robin Hobb), and I'm sick of waiting for the next one only to be disappointed. I thought there was a pick up with Winter's Heart. I really did. There was acutal movement with the chracters, and Rand did something I'd been specualting about for ages, cleansing the source. However has other reviewers have pointed out, this book is mainly about what everyone else was doing whilst this was taking place. I simply cannot work out how Jordan doesn't pick up the pace. I mean his earlier books had it, it was from about book 5 that things slowed down. And many other authors write big novels and manage to do it. So why can't he?? He is milking it out a bit, and I for one am heartily sick of it. It is never going to end. Having complained like this, there were some good points making it worth 3 stars. I actually enjoyed reading most of it, even if I felt this should have been melded to Book 9. Some of it was very entertaining. I enjoyed Mat being back on the scene, his interaction with Tuon was good. I also found myself quite enjoying Egwene scene's which normally I don't. Perrin's were better, but more Rand was needed. I missed the Forsaken. I would have liked a headcount to see who survived the cleansing. Messana's scene was good, added some menace to the series. If you are a fan you will find this enjoyable to read, but finish it feeling bitter. Jordan's writing has improved, this is not as bad as the Path of Daggers. However if you think many plots will be resolved, don't. Nothing really happens, decisions are made yes, but with the way things are nothing will happen for at least 2 or 3 books. Get it for a nice read, but just understand that the final book is years and years and years away
Rating:  Summary: Cash cow Review: Jordan is milking this cash cow for everything its worth. Half the book takes place before the end of the last book, Nothing happens in this instalment of the Wheel of Money. You could skip this one and wait 3 years for the next one and not miss anything!!! Jordan has me hooked on this series.(I've been reading it for 10 years), but it will be a cold day in hell before i purchase any other book he writes.
Rating:  Summary: what a waste of time! Review: By looking at the other reviews I can tell that I am not alone when I say this book was a huge disappointment. I have been a fan of the series since the first book came out and would be the first to recommend it to a friend. But it has become clear with the last few books that Jordan is trying to drag this out as long as possible, regardless of what it does to the story or how his fans feel. I forgave the plodding story in the last book because he ended it on such a powerfull and pivital note, one that I assumed he would pick up in Crossroads. Instead we get 500 pages of useless backstory before we even reach the point where the last book ended! We dont even see Rand untill page 540 and they just gloss over his clensing of the one source. Even the interesting parts got lost in the endless drivel. It seems to me he just took material that was cut from his last book and made this on out of it. How else can you explane a book in the Wheel of Time series that has NO ACTION, I dont think anyone even draws a sword! It was 680 pages of trivial conversations. To any fans of the series I would say skip this on , you could go from book 9 to book 11 and not miss a thing.