Rating:  Summary: good first half of a book Review: contrary to several reviews that said this book was horribly written i found it to be a vast improvement over 7 and 8 (and 9 which wasnt quite as bad as 7 and 8) the only problem is its only half of a book. if your very into jordan this review will do nothing as to whether or not you purchase it. but it should be stated that this is only half a book. nothing happens! not a god-damn thing he takes the book far enough to entice everyone and make them wonder what will happen w/ the several intresting plot lines he has introduced and the leave everyone holding the bag. its so dissapointing knowing it will be at least two more years before he wraps up loose ends. speaking of which, he doesnt do anything with the end of book nine. he spent 8.8 books telling us how sadin was tainted, sadin was EVIL and the whole world accepts it as so. then in book 9 at the very end its all better. does anyone say anything about it? yes a total of maybe 5 pages is dedicated to this massive change. this book is good but horribly incomplete. i think that jordan should stick to writing, not being a damn stripper who gets everyone worked up and then bails when things get intresting
Rating:  Summary: Jordan lost in his own mess. Review: With Eye of the World, Jordan got off to a pretty good start. The next few books in the series were pretty good as well, but after that it is a pretty linear decline into mediocrity. Crossroads of Twilight is definately the worst book in the series thus far. The entire book seems to set the stage for yet another book, which won't come for another 2 years. I had thought Winter's Heart had enough explanation of the present. I was hoping that Crossroads of Twilight would add something of substance. It's depressing that the series that really got me into fantasy in the first place has fallen so far. The only reason to read this book is the fact that it is book 10 in WOT; it would have no hope of ever standing alone.
Rating:  Summary: ...and how could nothing come to pass in 600+ pages? Review: I started reading this series at the beginning of high school, now I am about to finish college, and I think I will have completed grad school, a postdoc, and gotten tenure by the time this series is finished. After finishing the first 6 books, I was mesmerized. They were outstanding; fantastic characters, cool story, etc. I started getting disappointed with book 8, and it has only gotten worse. Even after book 8, I defended the series to all of my disappointed friends who had thoughts of abandoning WOT, explaining away their criticisms saying that the recent unremarkable additions to the series were merely foreshadowing awesome events to come. But after reading book 10, I am going to have to side with them, my patience has worn thin. I don't think I will be able to abandon the series entirely, but I keep getting excited for the new releases only find myself frustrated and annoyed after finishing them. As stated by many others, the plot goes absolutely nowhere in book 10. Nowhere! I still don't know how that is possible considering the size of the book, but it's true. As I pushed on through the book, I began to get worried because it didn't seem like anything big was going to happen, and that feeling climaxed to disappointment as I reached the end. Unfortunately, you can summarize this entire book in about five lines. Also, as previously stated by other reviewers, Rand, the main character mind you, barely plays a role and the other characters progress at a turtle's pace. I am talking about the slowest turtle that has ever been or will be on the face of the earth. Robert Jordan needs to realize that he doesn't need to explain every little detail if he has already explained it before, multiple times. If you're reading book 10, chances are you have heard of Aiel, know what an Ajah is, and are familiar with the Seanchan. I like details, but I don't need them repeated to me just to fill up space. Considering that the cover price of this book was more than any of the others, I suggest the next one be free to all who purchased this one. I don't know how many more chances I can give Mr. Jordan to redeem himself.
Rating:  Summary: Yawn, 700 pages and nothing happens Review: I don't know what Robert Jordan is thinking, but in this book it becomes obvious he is trying to provide a lot of character developing detail, like say for example Dickens would. Elayne Trakand, one of Rand Al'thor's women has 95 straight pages devoted to her court life as she's vying for the throne of her supposedly dead mother. These action packed pages involve her trying to decide what dress to wear, deciding which sitting room to greet her guests in, and other such trifles. These 90 + pages cover about 6 or 8 hours of one day, by the way. It's not even very well written. Jordan excells with his strong characters who have PoV's in Crossroads of Twilight: Mat, Tuon, Rand, Cadsuene, Siuan and to a lesser extent Perrin, Faile, and Egwene. I learned more about Thom Merrilin from 3 sentences in passing than i did about Elayne. I'm really not sure if this was even intended or not, but this book really stalled from about pages 250-500. Leaving them out would have been no problem at all. The male half of the Source was cleaned by Rand at the end of book 9, and by the end of book 10 still no one has realized what has happened, just then catching a few hints, even though every channeler in the world could sense it happening. The only redeeming values this 680 page tome has is the immersive world, the Mat sections, (Mat being my favorite character since the beginning of the series), and the hints of behind the scenes plotting that you can catch at intervals. Still, if you plan on finishing the series, you might as well read this volume so you are refreshed on the terminology and names for when something worthwhile comes out.
Rating:  Summary: Crossroads of Twilight Review: Nothing happens. If you are not a huge fan, do not read this. It is very dry and long winded. The only reason for the three stars is that I am a huge fan of the series, and anything resembling a Wheel of Time tale goes a long way. It is very well written, but not in keeping with the tradition of the books. After waiting for two years for another installment after the impressive 'Winter's Heart', I had hoped for more. Hopefully we won't have to wait as long for the next installment, and when it arrives there will be some progression of the story (I think Rand spent the whole book in the same room!)
Rating:  Summary: Book 10's Alternate Title ... Review: Jordan is starting to become the Clancy of the fantasy world. Jordan's writing would imply that he doesn't hear any of our criticisms because we make him a best-selling author with each book. Success begets arrogance, which begets this drivel. The more I read this work, the more I miss Tolkien, Martin and even, Jordan (books 1-6). Well, I appreciate the chance to read 680 pasges where each story is take forward a few weeks, with basically nothing happening during those weeks.
Rating:  Summary: Perhaps this isn't the END........... Review: Well I Finished the book and I agree that nothing spetacular happened in this one. It seems the more books that come out the slower the pace gets maybe this is because it is finally getting very close to the ending and every detail counts at this point. Well at least I try to think positive.........LOL I have heard though that this is only Part One of Book 10 and the next part could be out in a few months which would certainly explain why nothing happened and it felt so unfinished. Of course this could just be a rumor as well but I am hopefully. He did oringinally delay the release of the book because it was so large so perhaps the rumor does have some truth to it. Perhaps it was so large that it had to be divided into two books.
Rating:  Summary: what happened to this series? Review: This WAS a truly wonderful series of books. This one is just sad. Page after endless page of mind-numbing pointless detail where absolutely nothing happens. Does he not know where to go with the story? Or has it turned into such a cash cow for him that he is intent on churning out pointless book after pointless book just because people will buy them. Maybe someday Jordan will start writing again, until then skip it. This is a waste.
Rating:  Summary: A Major Disappointment Review: Until I read this book, Robert Jordan was my favorite author (well, in a tie with George R.R. Martin) and I LIVED for the next Wheel of Time novel to come out. This one was like a short visit with old friends, but it was 700 pages of useless "chit-chat" There was no action, no adventure and only VERY minimal plot advancement. I can't believe that I waited two years and had it on pre-order for a year to read this. Don't waste your time and energy or money on Crossroads of Twilight unless you are an absolute Wheel of Time junkie..... Better to just re-read the earlier books.
Rating:  Summary: Why 5 stars? Review: For 10 tries we made each getting closer but still falling short of the mark. We get better and learn where to strike, but again his blade is there to block every move. How many more tries before we defeat this master of swords?, who can say, but when it happens, everyone will be there to witness it through. The greatest epic of our time is upon us, no where else can you find such a massively detailed interesting series. Give me Goodkind and Martin, yes they are very good, but it was Jordan who started the interest in epic fantasy again. The wait is often long, getting longer each time, but learn patience, the best ending often takes a while. Jordan planned a certain number of books, and it kept growing beyond even his assessment. Enjoy the masterpiece and you to will become a blademaster. The question is, will you wield a heron marked blade when it is done or a wooden practice sword with no idea what to do.