Rating:  Summary: spare their lives Review: As an extremely patient, devoted fan of WoT, I have painstakingly spent hours of my time poring over each page of this series... however where my enthusiasm once was is now a lackadaisical glassy-eyed apathy. I cannot fathom how a once-great author could possess the propensity to completely butcher a previously riveting work of art. CoT provides no real depth or development anywhere. I have reread previous books (particularly books 1-6) in the series more than a dozen times, but this series has lost its previous shine and the last few books seem consigned to a fate of collecting dust in the lower reaches of my shelves where I keep my less-than-liked books.... if they even find their way there. As a reader determined to stake it out until the end though I will most likely slog my way through the series' meandering and hope that it reaches a conclusion that will not be robbed of its glory by the torturously long journey required to achieve it. I do hope however that RJ will finish this series off soon and take on new challenges, or just call it quits.... at the moment he is only taking the lives of innocent trees and wasting away in the same capitalistic manner that has come to dominate much of society today.
Rating:  Summary: Get to the POINT already! Review: This book was such a disappointment that I felt compelled to write my first review. It's too long, has no plot development and is so filled with incidental characters that I felt like I needed a reference dictionary. Did anyone else notice that characters repeat themselves? The first time it happened, I thought I'd lost my place and was re-reading something. By the third time, I started to get irritated. Doesn't Jordan have an editor? If he does, I'd say it's time to get a new one. A thoroughly disappointing book in what started out as an exciting series. Save your money and try George R.R. Martin instead.
Rating:  Summary: What an waste! Review: If you liked the Books 7, 8 and 9, you will love this one. It continues the 'pattern' of 1000 pages of nothing. I am so disappointed and angry I can not write or think clearly. DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK. Mine will be for sale online in 2 minutes. Read the first six, go online and read a synopsis of all since then, and let us hope all the current outrage will force Jordan into putting a knife into this plotline. George R. R. Martin has plainly surpassed Jordan as the best author in the genre.
Rating:  Summary: Worst Book of The Series Review: This book is the worst book from the Series, no questions asked. Absolutely nothing happens in this book, everyone just talks about what happened in the last book. Go right to book 11 in a couple years and the prologue should rehash everything that happened in book 10.
Rating:  Summary: and the plot comes grinding to a halt Review: My sarcastic thought after finishing this book: The characters in the book are either waiting for something to happen (like the readers), or the characters are trying to figure out what to do next (like the author). My serious thoughts: I feel that this book was poorly written. There are more sub-plots running than in any of the other books. The constant switching from 1 set of characters to the next made reading difficult. Not one of the sub-plots were resolved. I accept that as the story has grown, with more characters and a larger world to draw (and draw from), that the pace has slowed down. I have enjoyed all of the previous books, even the often bashed 7-8-9. But all of the previous books have had events introduced and events resolved. This book is sadly lacking in both. In all of the previous books, the world grew, the characters grew, events happened. I feel that this book is nothing but a 700 page prologue for the next novel. I do believe that Mr. Jordan is setting up something big, but shame on him for publishing this. Any book, even one that is part of a series, should have a plot and a climax. This book has neither. If he needs 700 pages of set up for what is going to happen next, fine, but don't sell it as a separate novel. I would rather have a 1400 page novel with some plot movement than this.
Rating:  Summary: Robert Jordan Must Have Bored Himself Review: I LOVE the Wheel of Time series (especially the first 5 books). True, they have been diminishing in quality and readability over the past few years, but this one just takes the cake. Seriously, RJ must have bored himself to death writing this. You know what happens in this book? NOTHING. Seriously... NOTHING. A half page is spent describing WASHING A SHIRT. One character comes up to Perrin and says "walk with me [so I can speak to you privately]". Not another word is said because the next 4 pages are spent describing what in a movie would be "extras" making up the people in the camp, what each one was cooking for dinner, and whether each should spend time mending his socks. And the repetition! Oh GOD! Save Me! We Get It! Egwene is not respected as Amyryllin! Matt has trepidations about marriage, and he hears dice rolling in his head (OVER and OVER and OVER). And every single woman is tough and wants to be in control while every man is confused and clueless. We Freakin' Get It! On a positive note, Nynaeve did not tug her braid once. That's cuz she wasn't in this episode. Please Mr. J, continue the STORY! Don't turn into an old man who just likes to hear himself talk. Or are you just trying to cash in on dragging the story out? I think if that is true, it will backfire, because people are really starting to lose interest. How about this, FINISH this story then start on a prequel about the origin of the Forsaken. This whole book could have been condensed to Chapter 1 of a book. In all honesty, so little happens that when the next book comes out, if you haven't read this one, you won't have missed anything and you will be able to pick up without missing a beat.
Rating:  Summary: Where's the beef? Review: I think I can sum up this book with a quote from the show, "The Family Guy," as he talks about watching The Blair Witch Project... "Ok, so they're in the woods...nothing's happening...nothing's happening...nothing's happening...movie's over, everybody looks ...." This book didn't bring the story anywhere. You could pretty much skip it and pick up at book 11 (when it comes out in 2+ years) and not miss a beat.
Rating:  Summary: Wheel of Time = Waste of Time Review: And I though that some of the previous books were slow! This is absolutely filler that could have come out of a random sentance generator. NOTHING happens at all in this book. He should be birched for foisting this drivel off on people that have been loyal customers of his in the past. Unbelievable that this guy is getting away with this. Well, no more for me. I might pick up the next one from the public library, or some such. But Robert Jordan is NOT getting any more of my money unless he stops milking this franchise and returns to the quality of the early stories in this series. Save your money, or if, like me, you have made the mistake of buying this, let the author know you are NOT happy.
Rating:  Summary: Slow Train to Nowhere Review: I think the other reviews say it all. This books is a break from Jordans normal writing style. In most of the previous WOT books Jordan would touch on all of his plot lines but concentrate on advancing two story lines. In this book he trys to spend too much time on everything and you end up going nowhere. Not only does he not close off any story lines, but he opens up several new ones. The end result is you only get half a book here. There are alot of interesting things that happen, but I suggest waiting for the next book and then buying both at once. In fact if Jordan wants to salvage most of his readers after this debacle he will need to release a followup book to this in a hurry. If we have to wait another two years or more I can see alot of fans not comming back.
Rating:  Summary: A Big Let Down Review: I personally refused to read anything concerning this book before I could get my hands on my own copy. In the previous books I've stayed faithful, and have always found something in each book that was great. (Which was a stretch for Path of Daggers) Now I'm sort of wishing I had. It's not that Jordan has suddenly started writing in a different way than in his previous books. The problem with this book is that it does not move forward the plot of the story a single iota. Not one element of the plot is changed in a signifigant (or interesting) way. Too much time is spent on Egwene and WAY too much centered on Elayne and the pointless succession of the throne. I am not a serious literary critic, but I think that I've stumbled across Jordan's problem. He seems to be focusing hundreds of pages (in his last few books) on unneeded details about the different cultures that populate his world. Kind of like he re-read Tolkien, who did this effortlessly throughout all of his books, and is now trying to make up for this by explaining the exact rules that govern an Aes Sedei speaking to the Hall...and other such unwanted details. Another thing I've noticed, he has started making jumps in plot as a substitute for describing action. One second the Seanchan are just landing, now they are taking all of the southwest of the continent. Did I miss a chapter in between? I'm not going to reveal too much about the events in the story, as they're pretty few and far between as it is. I rated the story three stars simply because when Jordan does hit his stride (you can't go over 600 pages without hitting it once or twice) he shows why the series started so strongly: he can grab you when you wants to. To wrap it all up, if I had it to do all over again I would have waited for the paperback. It continues the story you may love, and you may be drooling to find out what happens, but you can wait a little while longer before you are disappointed.