Rating:  Summary: Slow and Boring Review: Nothing happened in this book. I was so disappointed in this book. After the conclusion of the 9th book, I had assumed that you would see Rand and the others actually doing something in this book. Wrong answer. You barely even glimpse anything of Rand, Min, Nynaeve and Lan. Too much time is being spent on setting up storylines and way too much time is being spent on describing what clothes people are wearing or how they are going to do something in advance or what the hall ways look like. Just tell us the story and give us the characters and action that every one has been wanting. The series has dragged on long enough - give us the conclusion !
Rating:  Summary: I saved my time & money Review: After the last few disappointments, I refused to allow Jordan to make a fool of me again. You people have shown me I made the right choice. I will wait until this thing hits the [money]discount bins, buy it, and put in on a shelf with the first 9 (In my opinion only the first 4 were worth the money). When Jordan decides to quit milking his fans (suckers is most likely the more accurate word)I'll pull the books down and read them. For those of you who want to encourage him to conclude this thing, refuse to buy any more books until he does. Better yet, return every one that can still be returned. Odds are he and his publishers are laughing at us, they might not be so willing to laugh once sales dry up.
Rating:  Summary: I quit Review: I quit. I started reading this series in high school. I think I was able to read up to book five(?) before having to wait for the next book to be published. I graduated from college last year. I don't mind waiting years to read the next installment of a quality series but tWOT hasn't been a quality series for quite a while now. This book was the final straw.
Rating:  Summary: Absolute garbage Review: The only thing Mr. Jordan has become the master of is fleecing people of their money. A series of books that should have been done in 4 books has been dragged out to 10 with no end in sight. Mr. Jordan is not a good writer, just one who has stumbled onto a good idea and has managed to waste that as well. He has seen the last of my money.
Rating:  Summary: End It Soon! Review: This book was a great disappointment. I discovered this series four years ago and was immediately caught up in the well-developed characters and intricate plot -- now I grow weary of these same things. This series needs to come to an end, and soon. This particular book does little to move the story along, the only reason to keep reading is to someday find out what happens! Don't waste your money on this hardback; instead, buy a cheaper book club edition, a used copy, or wait for the paperback.
Rating:  Summary: flash2028 Review: I love this seriese and I'm trying not to take this book personally, but its hard. I feel bad for every person I have turned onto WOT. Jordan and his editor have managed to turn die hard fans against them. I've kept hope that some of the side plots hinted at in ealier books would be resolved eventually, while the main plot progresssed slowly. Its hasn't happened at all. It just keeps growing and going no where. My little brother is currenlty reading book six and is loving every word. I feel bad knowing whats in store for him. I would keep hope, but I can't fathom how Jordan could address everything he has introduced with out some spin off books. It is all such a dissapointment now. I'll probably wait until the series is finished before I read another book and then I'll spend as little money as posssible.
Rating:  Summary: so sad Review: To restate what many, many others have already said, this book is incredibly disappointing. I simply could not get through hundreds of pages filled with minor, forgettable characters and no plot advancement. On the strength of the earlier books, I had continued to read the series despite its flaws. With this latest addition, I've decided I no longer care to see how it ends.
Rating:  Summary: I give up Review: I've been following this series for years and was vastly disappointed with the last few. *This* one however, says nearly nothing for 680 pages. The worthwhile parts could be compressed into 80 pages. Pages and pages of comments on clothes, the scenery, looks, thoughts and *nothing* happening. Two possible reasons, possibly a combination of both: 1 ) RJ has painted himself into a corner and doesn't know how to get out yet. 2 ) The resolution is closer than we think and RJ does not want his revenue stream to end and is deliberately stretching it out. Myself, I refuse to buy any more of this series until it is complete. At this rate, I'll be buying books in 2050.
Rating:  Summary: Rambling Pointers Review: I don't mind books that take a while to write, I don't mind a series that has taken an author a long time to write, but I do mind it when it takes him TWO books to tell us what they are all doing in a 2 or 3 month timeframe. Now, I know what you are thinking 2 or 3 months is a long time. You are right. However, we either get redundant amounts of information (Look over there!! Rand is doing something with a lot of the one power!!) or you get trivialities that really do not progress the overall story line (as far as anyone READING the series can tell). There really is no reason for it to take 2 books and 5 years to tell us those things. My only request to get on with the plot. 7 years to wait to see what the hell happens with the White Tower? When does Rand (or Logian) deal with Taim? What is going on with the overall plots? I am happy that Elayne is becoming queen (3-4 books?), I am happy that Rand married the girls (since book 4 or 5 I have been waiting), I just think he should move it along a bit. Overall, I give this book an 'eh'. Just not enough there to make me care that much.
Rating:  Summary: One step forward, fifteen steps sideways Review: I have been an avid reader of this series for many years now, but I must say that this was a big letdown from the previous novel. Sometime around book number 6 or so, Jordan seems to have become mired in a rut where one book advances the plot and then 2 years later another book is issued descibing all the semi-interesting things that were happenning around the same time in other parts of the globe. I understand that there are only so many Forsaken that can be killed off before the series gets dull. However, given the delay in between novels I cannot think of a good reason why every book should not advance the plot. This book was one huge setup for events down the road, and there was simply no payoff. I would reccommend treating Jordan the same way that Star Trek movies are perceived; skip every other one so that you are not frustrated!