Rating:  Summary: Wow Review: Thats really all you can say. Mr. Luceno tied up all loose ends that us diehearts kept questioning, keeping at the edge of your seat for the entire book, with an ending no one, in my opionion would ever expect. All in all, it was a great Series, but is in dire need for something to follow. The only down of this whole set of books, was the jumping from author to author. The aura of the books kept changing as well as the style, making them more dificult to follow. Also the facts and descriptions of characters kept changing from book to book, not to mention the thoughts, beliefs, and ideas of them. This book was deffinatly worth the $20 spent and the long wait.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent dialogue - rushed closure Review: I have to give Luceno credit for writing some of the best dialogue seen in any New Jedi Order novel.He makes Han Solo the easy favorite with dialogue matching what we loved from the films. C-3PO and R2-D2 are also written better than I have ever seen in any Star Wars book. In fact, this is the first time I have seen Threepio used the way we are used to in the films. Other authers seem to have a hard time using the droids at all - let alone make it fit into the story in a natural way. But still, with all the good this book has in dialogue, I can't help but notice the pressure Luceno must have felt in completing the series. A lot of time is wasted on repeating stuff we all know from previous novels. And some of the situations seem to be manufactured just to get some use out of certain popular characters (I'm not referring to the droids here). Nom Anor was inconsistant. Harrar was too "good" to soon. Jaina wasn't used in a significant way (she felt like a third wheel). Boba Fett is kind to Han? (Where was he and his army in the rest of the series?) I suppose everybody wants to know what happens, but I won't reveal that in a review. You'll have to read the book yourself. Suffice it to say that there is closure - if somewhat rushed. I would give it 3½ stars, but have to lower it because I simply expected more. Great dialogue isn't everything. :) BTW, this is NOT the final post-ROTJ novel (as a few reviewers have claimed) because Walter Jon Williams of Destiney's Way fame has been contracted to write a follow-up "post-NJO" series to be released in 2005.
Rating:  Summary: Because its a Bittersweet Sympony of Silence... Review: When I bought this book, I did so because James Luceno wrote some of the best paperbacks for this series, he co-authored my favorite books of all time Robotech, and because this is the last of the NJO series. And all I have to say is that its a bittersweet symphony. The NJO series of Star Wars is perhaps the most progressive move in a major Sci-fi series ever attempted, especially considering that this is Star Wars, a icon of the Sci-fi world. To take the old ideas of the Star Wars universe and turn them up on their heels is a big and dangerous move. But it is a brilliant move as well. Let me elaborate just a bit. NJO is totally new with all the old characters you know and love. NJO takes the old Star Wars universe and twists it until it is just about unrecognizable. NJO is a cool sip of water after a day of 120 degree heat. James Luceno is the man who has to wrap up a series that is 19 books long and has been added to by some 7 seperate writers(maybe more?). Its a big task and not an easy one by any means. But success is absolute in this case...I believe. Luceno successfully answers the questions about the force brought up in the books of writers before him. He concludes a war that has been going on for some 19 books with all ends properly tied up. Luceno uses a good bit of human nature to end the many character developments that have been used by other writers. Finally, Luceno makes everything ok even though you may not want NJO to end. When I turned the last page, I was saddened a little. NJO has taken a large part of my money lately and now I will have to save it. NJO has also changed the old Star Wars I grew up with into something incredible and deep. But when it ended, I was ready to let go. And this is the end. NJO is over and so too are the books based in Post-"Return of the Jedi" universe. If for no other reason, you should pick up this book as a keepsake. Something to remeber all the wonderful books set in Star Wars that have kept us warm on the lonely nights. Its a bittersweet symphony...and I'm crying.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty good but it left me feeling like theres more to tell Review: While this book is well written it I cant help but ask the question, Why didn't Timothy Zahn write the final NJO book? Still, its a pretty good ending to a great series and I hope to see more Star Wars books that take place after the NJO series.
Rating:  Summary: An End to an Excellent Series Review: This is an end to a very excellent series. I started the NJO series only a couple of years ago well after Vector Prime was out in paperback. Some of the books were slow, but others just cooked. The Unifying Force is one of those that cooked and twisted me around. All of the major characters are in this book as mentioned in the other reviews of this book. Some are mentioned others have camio appearances. There were several spots in the book where it felt like it could end, but I didn't want it to end, then I realized that I still have another 300+ pages to go. If you haven't started the NJO series yet....DO NOT read this book until you've finished off the other major novels in the NJO series. I'm very happy with the way the series is wrapped up.
Rating:  Summary: Unifying Force Review: The Unifying Force by James Luceno was a mastery of a book. That is not to say it up there with the best books ever, but to a fan of the universe created by George Lucas it is one of the best ever. It deserves a ranking up there with Zahn's original trilogy. I have read all of the books in New Jedi Order as they came out along with all of the Star Wars books. The Unifying Force deserves a spot among the best in the New Jedi Order. My personal opinion is the top two are Star by Star and Unifying Force. I almost didn't jump on this one right away because the past few NJO novels have been OK and not stellar. I was glad I did. The book was fantastic. It had something for everyone. The war and massive space battles, and through statistics thrown in you get a sense of how massive this war is. The use of all the leaders throughout ALL of the previous Star Wars books, from Wedge Antilles to Ackbar, through Kre'fey to Sovv, including Bel Iblis and so many more. Your favorite was in this book. Unifying Force brought back all the favorite characters from other books. Some of my favorites, Shada, Talon, Crev Bombassa, Lando, and Tendra were all involved. The politics were there in limited form, same with love stories. Even though the Jedi and their affiliates really did get the focus in this story, Luceno made it not seem too focused on them and some other books have done. The best part of The Unifying Force, I believe, is the grandeur and absolute enormous size of it. It is huge in every sense. The Galactic Alliance is making a huge stand. While all the other books did a very good of bringing back a few old friendly faces, this book brings back EVERYONE. There is not a single important person not mentioned or that doesn't make an appearance. It is some much fun to see all your "old friends" in action playing important roles. I have only a few minor complaints with this book. I didn't want to put them in, but I feel I have to include them to be fair. The battles seemed rushed sometimes. Han, Leia, and Luke specifically seem to get into impossible situations with captures and fights all over the place, and they always conveniently get out. It seems almost as if the author was told that he was in no way or form to kill anyone important, which makes sense but kind off kills the suspense. Also, at times there seemed to be too many characters running around inside the Coruscant system and you sometimes lose track of them. However, as I said before, I have very few complaints with this novel. This book meant a lot to me personally. It was meant to have a feeling of closing. There is a very good chance this will be the last book to be set this side of the Galactic Civil War. The Unifying Force did this very well. I finished the book in a very happy mood, a very content one. The loose ends from all over the place were tied up. The New Jedi Order comes to a close with a great novel in The Unifying Force.
Rating:  Summary: Unifying Force Review: As a long time Star Wars fan and reader I have read and anticipated every book in this series. I had my doubts about how long it went on not the usual three or four book arc, but I checked bookstores and online constantly. Unifying force was disappointing. I was really looking for more and felt like they dropped the ball. Maybe there should have been one more book, but even though I look forward to what is next this one let me down.I just felt that some of the answers were a bit rushed because of the monumentous job before the author. I also didn't know where things were heading for instance the Jedi should be more together than ever and to me seemed more or less fractured and split to the winds again. Seeing as over half their numbers had been eliminated.
Rating:  Summary: Thrilling conclusion to the New Jedi Order series Review: When I heard James Luceno would write the final chapter in the epic New Jedi Order series, I was a bit worried. Sure Luceno wrote the very good Prequal Era book: Cloak of Deception but he had also written two of the not so good entries into the New Jedi Order Series the Agents of Chaos books. I needn't have worried. Luceno's final entry into thet NJO series The Unifying Force is an excellent Star Wars book and a fitting conclusion to the New Jedi Order series. Almost all of our old Star Wars friends make some sort of impact in the story. While some of the twists and turns are more predictable, overall this book is a top-notch effort. The biggest criticism I have, is that perhaps this book might have been better expanded into 2. The conclusion at the end leaves something to be desired, but overall the book is extremely well written, although it downplays some of the more romantic elements in previous books and ignores some important information from Keyes Final Prophecy about Tahiri and Corran Horn. Overall I find very little to critisize as I write my final New Jedi Order review. From outrageously excellent books like Star by Star to the not so good like the Force Heretic series, its been one hell of a ride.
Rating:  Summary: unimpressive Review: It could have been better. As much as it pains me to say it, "The Unifying Force" was not the astounding, profound conclusion to the NJO series that I have been expecting. James Luceno can and did successfully portray the core movie characters, as well as long-standing EU characters. The main problem with this novel was that it was lacking the profound dialogue that other NJO and EU authors have used to add tension to pivotal scenes. Climatic battle and escape scenes ended too aburptly, and frankly lacked the darkness and edging despair that makes the triumphs so much greater. Also, Luceno rendered many highly involved characters over the course of the novels all but incompacitated, such as Tahiri Veila, Corran Horn, and even Jaina Solo. However, Luceno did reawaken the warrior-hero in Luke Skywalker, and did a terrific job of characterizing Jacen Solo. In my opinion, the greatest and most exciting novel in the NJO series was "Star by Star." Since that novel ended with the loss of Coruscant, and the goal in the "Unifying Force" was to retake it, these two novels should have been mirror pieces to each other, having the same dark undertones. Perferably, even penned by the same author. Read "The Unifying Force" and enjoy it, because the story-line itself is more than adequate, even if some of dramatic details are missing.
Rating:  Summary: Very Satisfying End to the NJO Review: James Luceno seems to know what he's doing. This, the last book in the New Jedi Order story arc, kicked my butt. Sure, there are a couple of things I wasn't as happy about, but we'll get to those in a minute. Let's concentrate on the good for right now, of which there is an abundance of. First off, the story was well paced and flew by. There were over 500 pages in the novel (yay!) but it was paced so well, you wouldn't have known. The book starts out action packed and doesn't let up for the remainder of the time. What I also enjoyed about it was the epic feel of it all. It felt like the final chapter in a five year storyline. All of the characters, and I do mean all of them, get their time in the sun in this one. That classic Han Solo humor is in full swing as he and Leia keep finding themselves in one deadly situation after another. One highlight finds Han and Leia in a Vong invaded space station fighting pretty much side by side with an old bounty hunter nemises of Han's. One who had been absent this whole storyline. I appreciate Luceno's prequel humor about Fett's clone-ness in a throwaway line that you should look for. Luke, oh buddy, this is Luke Skywalker as we've always wanted to see him. Luke, using what he's learned of the Force in the previous novels and showing everyone he's the master. I seriously cheered at the book at a certain climatic moment in a battle between Luke and one of his enemies. This is Luke Skywalker as a full fledged Jedi Master in action, friends, and I enjoyed the heck out of seeing it. And as powerful as Luke has become, we finally realize that this whole series is about Jacen coming into his own. All that philisophical talk that bored some fans in the beginning of the series, Jacen's imprisonment during "Traitor", all of that finally comes to a head as we see Jacen begin to become what he's meant to be and it's an amazing sight to behold. This, I feel, is what the whole NJO series was leading us towards. Of course, as I said, all the other characters get a chance to shine. Lando, Wedge, Talon Karrde, Mara, heck even ol' Nom Anor has his moments. And I'm telling you, killing major characters in past books pays off here big time, as Luceno uses that fear effectively for some of our heroes. Will they all make it through this final conflict? That's up to you to read and find out. The major problem I had with this book was Jaina. Sure, she was there for all of the big events and much was made of the fact that she was meant to be there, but I can't see why. The major thing she did, and maybe this was why she was there now that I think about it, was chase after someone that caused Jacen to go after her and end up where he needed to be. So maybe she was there to help her brother along in his path in some small way. Okay, this has been a case of something becoming clear to me as I write it, so maybe I'm wrong in thinking she had no major part to play like she should have. Overall, this book rocked. It does look like the end of an old era and the beginning of a new one. And to me that's both sad and exciting. Exciting as I would love to see where the new characters go on from here, yet sad because unless future authors just want to keep torturing our old heroes by continually putting them in life threatening situations, it looks like the old heroes are ready to just live their life and put an end to their fighting days. In essense, the NJO feels like a true passing of the torch series. But man, what an exciting ride it was. I've never had such fun reading Star Wars as I did during this remarkable series. Well done, gang.