Rating:  Summary: The End of One Era, The Beinging of Anotehr Review: The war is coming to an end, but who will win? Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker are stuck on the living planet Zonama Sekot, a planet that could be the salvation for both the Galactic Alliance and the Yuuzhan Vong. But Supreme Overlord Shirma would rather see every planet in the galaxy burn to ashes then to surrender, that's why he has hatch a five thousand plus ship fleet to Mon Calamari, temporary capital of the Galactic Alliance, to crush the native inhabits of the galaxy in massive stroke. But the Alliance commanders and the Jedi have a few tricks up their sleeves, but so do the Yuuzhan Vong.From the first to the last page, The Unifying Force will keep you reading for an uncountable amount of time. James Luceno, who wrote Agents of Chaos, (NJO books 4 and 5) comes back to write the conclusion of the New Jedi Order, a series of books that have broken the rules of fantasy and science fiction. It has kept it's readers glued to the page for five years, even though this series has 19 books (not including two ebooks), it doesn't seem to be enough to tell the tale of one of literature's most brutal wars. One closes the book of the New Jedi Order feeling as if he or she had just survived a massive cataclysmic disaster, but knows that they will be able to tough out any future conflict. This is not the end of the Expanded Universe, after the war with the Yuuzhan Vong, the Jedi find that they must redefined what the Forces is, lines between the Light and Dark have become permanently blurred. The Mandilorians, lead by none other then Boba Fett(he's only in the book for about five pages, then fly's off, so stop drooling), scored major brownie point with the Alliance by liberating several systems single handedly. But what do these small, but incredible strong warriors have in store for the rest of galaxy?
Rating:  Summary: It did what it set out to do Review: I've had my problems with this series in the past(espically the last three books) but I have to say that this book is second only to Shatterpoint in terms of greatness. Rest assured most of your questions and lose ends will be answered people Nom Anor will finally pick one side or the other Jaccen and Jaina will be reunited The Galaxy will be saved There are great battles and plently of action which has been lacking some of the books ect everything will work out fine. Most of the time final epics in a series manage to fall flat on their face, this one managed to do amazingly well and truly triumphed in the face of my great expectations. I'm almost sorry the series is over. I mean if you think about it those of us who have been reading this series since the very beginning kind of sort of grew up with these characters. When Vector Prime first came out I was 15 and in the midst of puberty, unable to smoke, drive a car or vote. Now I attend college and have a steady job. So I guess in the end in addition to how good the book is "The Unifying Force" will make you think of all the things you have done in your own life since this series first started in '99. I have to tell you it is a rare Star Wars book that can do that for me. My only question is why did James Luceno not get to write more of the other books in The New Jedi order? He is a great author.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars New Jedi Order : The Unifying Force Review: This is a school project I'm only in 7th Grade A long time ago in a galaxy far far away.... Twenty-two years after the destuction of the second death star, the new republic has been shattered along with the capture of Courasaunt by the Yuuhzhaan Vong and turned into Yuuzhan'tar. Anakin , Han and Leia's youngest son died on Mrkyr after saving Tahiri from the Yuuzhaan Vong Shaper Malina Kwaad. Also due to the interventions of Nom Anor and Eminence Harrar on Zonama Sekot the living planet has taken a crash course though hyperspace. This volume of the New Jedi order series will have you captivated from the Selvaris slave camp to the far regions of Yuzhaan'tar. The book starts on Selvaris, a planet ,world shaped by the /Yuuzhan Vong. At the time, it was being used to contain prisoners of War. This book tells of Luke, Mara, and Jacen's Mission to rally the Roving planet Zonama Sekot, and Han and Leia's Plan for the final battle to decide the fate of the Galaxy. It also shows the tale of Nom Anor's conflict of joining the Supreme Overlords right hand or helping the Shamed Ones that he (under the guise of Yu-Shaa the Prophet) helped liberate. In a giant battle to end all battles, the stakes are high and the losses are great. Throughout the war the jedi have searched for a way to link the Yuuzhan vong to the Force. From the teachings of Vergere, Jacen, Han and Leia's eldest son, is on the brink of finding out how to master the Unifying Force. In my opinion, this book has it all: action, like the battle at Yuuzhan'tar, comedy, like the witty comments of the main characters, Sci-fi, and even a little bit of romance with Jaina and Jagged Fel's growing relationship. And did I mention Sci-fi? I may like this book because I'm a sci-fi fan and it may have been because I've been waiting for the conclusion to New Jedi Order, but I really recommend this book. It might've been a little hard for me to understand without prior knowledge of the Star wars Universe. I liked it because the author James Luceno has a way of bringing a story to life with his explosive plot, intriguing character development, and the flowery description of the planets and star systems. He makes it seem that there really is a Galaxy far far away. If I could pick any one to create the finale of the New Jedi Order Series , I'd pick this author because he also wrote two crucial New Jedi Order Series books, Ylesia and Destiny's Way. I think that they were major turning points in the New Jedi Order Series. From Vector Prime to The Unifying force the New Jedi Order continues to give all its got until the very end. I would recommend this to people with prior knowledge of Star Wars. But even if you don't, I still think you'd enjoy this book because it leaves you with a feeling of awe like at the end of a good movie.
Rating:  Summary: Best of the NJO books, Tremendous! Review: This is a review of the AUDIO CD book. While this is an abridgement it is 5 CDs and 5 hours long. This is the best NJO novel of them all. OK. Maybe I'm glad the NJO is finally over and I'm over-rating this book for that reason. But NO! This book manages to tie up many lose ends - not all of them tho like some have said - and deliver a coherent conclusion amidst tremendous action. A lot of your questions are answered here, but many interesting questions remain unanswered, leaving the door open for future books to followup. This is a 5 star effort. Check me out. I seldom give 5 stars. I will never let Lucas licensing suck me into a series again. They made me want to buy every book as a MUST HAVE for the series, but then they start killing off some of my favorite characters. I stopped after SBS for a long time buying the books, relying on the library or otherwise borrowing until recently. Having said that, I really DO like what is going on in the Pre-quel storylines.. mixing the books, comics and movies to tell a fuller story. I'll be sad when they kill Quinlan Vos, Windu and the others but we know it is their likely destiny. I always felt that killing ANAKIN was mean and insensitive to long time star wars followers like myself. So this is the bitter end of the bitter NJO. A sentient Planet? Lets see by a raise of hands, how many would have preferred Anakins help to that of a sentient planet? I know a lot of people thought it was cool to kill heroes like Chewy and Anakin Solo. The compassionate among you urged us to GET OVER IT!! The Editors asked us to trust them. Mostly that trust was misplaced, though they did deliver a 4 star and 5 star book at the end as numbers 18 and 19. Still, I would have loved to see Anakin charge in after Shimmra with his siblings, Leia, Han, Uncle Luke and Aunt Mara. That would have been the perfect end.
Rating:  Summary: Good, but better Review: I have been a long time fan of star wars, I was very excited when NJO came out and as i'm sure happened to all of you Vector Prime rocked me to my very core, The bubble was gone, hero's could in fact die. Every book i read after that i expected a hero to die. The unifying Force was a good book, not as good as Vector Prime or Star by Star, but good. I thought the ending was almost to abrupt, I don't know if there will be anymore Star Wars books but i found myself lacking at the end, the conclusion to the war was satisfying, but the after effects left me wondering...what next? The battles were fantastic, I loved the inclusion of a certain Bounty Hunter that definetly satisfied me. All in All it was a good book....but i gotta ask..Whats Next?
Rating:  Summary: A Great Ending to a Great Series Review: i think that there is more to a book that just laser series or battle scenes that just happen throughout the novel, i mean they do give the novel somewhat of a more interesting aspect, but after a while it just gets old. That was what i loved about this book. It combined an excellent story with a well developed plot to lead the reader to one of the best conclusions to a series that i have ever read. There was just the right amount of battling to be done and the sort of offside planning chapters that allow the reader to see what might happen in the future. I think that Luceno did an outstanding job in writing this book and i recommed it to any fans of the star wars series.
Rating:  Summary: somewhat confused Review: I enjoyed the book,for what it was,the ending to this NJO series.except I was still looking for the New Jedi Order,it left me thinking this was 'the han and lea show'.Han was more broken up about chewys death than his own son ?.The story seemed to center around them.Not the Jedi,the first 3 books of this series started off great.I couldnt wait for the next book.OH well.This book served it's purpose,I felt the ending was ok,I wished the author spent more time on the Jedi,especially Luke.I was riveted to the few chapters in which the jedi were involved.I did feel this story was well written,and I could visualize the places and the charecters well....
Rating:  Summary: The Best Star Wars book Ever Review: This was the best Star Wars book I have ever read. Its drama and plot twists spiral down to conclusions that you absolutely never would have thought possible at the begining of the series or even of the book itself! Little hints of foreshadowing revealed just enough details and answers to reach the end and finally find out the answer to all the riddles and questions. I have not just read a small amount of Star Wars books either. I have read virtually every Star Wars novel that is worthy of praise from Star Wars fans. I absolutely loved this book and hope you will too. - an avid Star Wars fan
Rating:  Summary: The best book ever Review: I am a diehard fan of starwars to make it frank. This is the 110 starwars book i have read. Having read all these books it felt like i had been taken through a journey. At the End of that journey there was one book to end all books. This definetly fit that description. In The Climacticate series of the NEW JEDI ORDER many lives friend and foe have been taken. After reading this series a realized something "oh dang another Hardcover book means that somebody good is going to die." I read the book and I give it 100 out of 5 stars. It is truly the best of the best when it comes to starwars books. I sat in school reading it whenever i could inbetween class and before and after school. Many Big Events happen in this book and it is definately worth the read. But i cant tell you anything you will just have to read STAR WARS THE NEW JEDI ORDER: THE UNIFYING FORCE to witness the great events of this book.
Rating:  Summary: I DEMAND Laser Battles Sequences in Books Like This Review: What a simply dreadful finale for this series. When one reads a Star Wars novel, one demands nothing but laser battle sequences. From Page One to Page Final. Lasers, lasers and more lasers. (It is for this reason alone George Lucas even has a career!) This novel was seriously lacking in laser battles. There were no laser wielding multi-limbed droids. No super-laser planetary size weapons capable of reducing a Class Five colony to space dust. And perhaps worst of all...no laser wielding buxom honey-pots with gravity defying cha-chas and closely cut purple spandex unitards. And where were all the imploding Wookies at, anyway? That's another thing this novel was short on. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wanted to see a squadron of wookies implode. Not explode. Implode. Maybe forced (hah! Forced, get it?) to implode by some new evil laser weapon devised by the fiendish Emperor. An Emperor who coincidentally had.... LASERS... that came out of his decrepit elderly fingernails. Hoo-hah! Now that there was a fierce laser battle sequence if ever there was one. Avoid this if possible. There are plenty of other laser filled books out there. This is not one of them. Note to George Lucas and other writers of Star Wars novels: More lasers. Less blah blah blah. Too much talking. Not enough lasers. Two stars though for the fantastic sequence on page 167 where there's a surprise cameo appearance by James T. Kirk and Mr. Spock, who kick the ever loving snot out of Han Solo. That was a laugh riot... even without the lasers. Vive la France!