Rating:  Summary: Do aliens exist in a gigantic underater spaceship? Review: Do you want to get in someone's head? Then get a doctor's degree! Sphere is a truly astonishing book, due to its extraordinary plot of a discovered ship that is beyond human creation. Norman Johnson expiriences things beyond the most advanced human mind could ever ponder like a glowing giant squid, shrimp with no guts, and a giant, floating ball that will give things beyond belief!! (Please read this book.) :)
Rating:  Summary: Science Fiction Like No Other Review: Sphere by Michael Crighton Sphere is a science fiction book and once you start reading it you can't put it down. Come get it, before it comes to get you. Sphere is a book with no limits, you never know what is coming up next! This book puts you in a line of suspence like no other book has before. Michael Crighton takes you to the bottom of the ocean and cuts the cable to life support! This book makes you feel like you are in the water along with the crew! If you are ready for the suspence of a life time, read this book!
Rating:  Summary: No movie could do this book justice! Review: This was the second Crichton book I've ever read. I shouldn't even say read, I should say experienced. What an unbelievable action book! I cannot praise this book highly enough. The only complaint that I have against this book is that I ruined my Monday, as I stayed up late on Sunday to finish it. What starts off as an underwater search turns into a harrowing tale of mystery, then action, then suspense, and then psychology. Without giving much away, the story revolves around a team researching a strange artifact, and things start going wrong. But why are things going wrong? Who's responsible? What's the motivation? Throughout the book, as the action unfolds, the mysteries and the actions get weirder and more intriguing. It's a true page-turner. In fact, it's so good, I refuse to see the movie. No director on Earth could present this book on film as well as it presents itself on paper. Another adaptation of this book, no matter how good, would only damper my experience. It's so good, I became an instant Crichton fan, and bought as many books of his as I could. I highly recommend this book.
Rating:  Summary: Better than a 5 Review: This is my favorite Crichton book of them all. I just love this book and the efforts he put into it. Besides a wonderful storyline, the character development and the imagery were excellent. This book is a must read short and simple. Again, by no means does the movie give this book justice. I found myself never wanting to put this book down, and wished it could have gone on for 1000 pages. Enjoyable for both Crichton fans and those new to his work.
Rating:  Summary: The least of his books. Review: Crichton has always frustraded me, writing 4/5 of a brilliant book, and then ending them with some miraculous event that makes the problem take care of itself. This book has the same problem as all of his other ones having the most unsatisfactory ending to a book that I can remember. What made me dislike this book is that it fails at what really makes his other novels work. Crichton's novels captivate the reader with easily understandable explainations and extrapalations of new high technology. While there are the usuall neat gadgets that he describes, this time he just didn't pick out anything that was really facinating. This novel is an attempts to be a Stephen King type action thriller, but comes up badly lacking when compared to better work of that genre. Stories such as these, are all about the characters and what they find out about themselves. All of the characters in this novel are so one-dimisional that the book becomes a second rate slasher book. THe only real use for this book is as a useless time killer.
Rating:  Summary: Who said Fantasy can't be engrossing? Review: One only has to read through the the sheer amount of time and effort that went into this book to realsie that Crichton has created a novel that really leaves the reader desperately grasping for a definitive answer to the end of the book. Because, you see, the whole purpose of this novel is to question. Ask oneself what are our TRUE fears? By the conclusion of this epic adventure I do not think that even Crichton knows the answer. And why should he? He is only really setting the agenda for deep and intense discussion. The way in which the book is formated, you gain a feeling of order and stability. I mean look at it, nicely ordered sections, roughly around the same size. But, within this regimented set-up, there lies the probing uncertainty of the human mind. Like most of his novels, technological detail is reasonably paramount. And this indeed aids the reader to have a greater understanding of exactly what they are attempting to contemplate. But, Michael Crichton leaves what are his usual surroundings and explores an area that can never quite be defined. As already mentioned, he delves into psychology, which subsequently engulfs all the characters and drags the reader helplessly along with it. This novel shows that Crichton is an extremely versatile writer. Not merely sticking to what he does best (mainly adventures) but showing that he can cover a large spectrum of issues that all of us can relate to in one way or the other.Fantastic read! Buy it, read it, and then re-read it!
Rating:  Summary: Sphere Review: This Book is the coolest. It was the most exciting book i have ever read.
Rating:  Summary: Best Book I Ever Read!!! Review: As my fav author Michael Crichton never ceases to amaze me. When I read the book for the first of three times (so-far) I loved it. The first thing I said was it'd make a great movie (which it would have if they followed the book). I'm sure who ever reads this book will not be dissapointed.
Rating:  Summary: Another Crichton; worth your time. Review: Once again the Admirable Crichton produces a scientific thriller (not that that is all he can write ~ see "The Great Train Robbery" for something completely different). Likable characters, put into a stressful situation not of their own causing, let's see what happens. This time the cause is a vehicle, later shown to be carrying a sphere of alien manufacture from the other side of a black hole. The sphere has some interesting effects, including, apparently, an alien entity waiting to be released. Oh, and all this is at the bottom of the ocean ~ a thousand feet down in the Pacific, to be exact ~ not the ideal location for a stressful situation to deteriorate. As just about always with Crichton, he has produced a highly readable, well plotted novel. The characters are distinct enough that we can tell them apart, and they are not so sympathetic that we mourn as they die. There are, as usual, a few questionable moments, both in the plotting ~ are we seriously to believe that our fiftythree year old protagonist can make his way, without a suit, out of one hatch, around the living environment, back in through another, on one breath of air, in the dark and cold (a thousand feet under, don't forget) ~ and in the science ~ how is the huge vehicle (a half mile long) expected to have travelled through a black hole without tidal forces tearing it apart? For that matter, how can the scientists be certain of the ship's origin? Without trying to give too much away, the only source of that information is a two digit figure which is automatically extrapolated into a precise year. Foolishness ~ hasn't Crichton noticed that "43" could mean "1243", "1943", "2043", or "3043"? But let me not be argumentative (there are a few other points i could raise); the book is strong, readable, complete ~ for what it is. Just don't rely on Crichton for a scientific education.
Rating:  Summary: fun Review: Sphere is a really cool book. I am a big fan of Chrichton, I love how he weaves fiction and non-fiction together in his books (he knows a lot about science if his books are any indication). If you saw and hated the movie (as I did), you should still pick up the book because it is far better. The book is very suspensful (if a bit predictable, but if the writing is good then its easy to overlook that). I loved the ending, its different and intriguing, it shows that the real enemy wasn't any of them, but rather the power the sphere had to offer. Highly recommended.