Rating:  Summary: flowers for algernon Review: In this exciting book there is a man named Charlie and he is mentaly chalenged. He is about 32 years old and he works at a bakery shop (he is the janitor). Charlie lives his life just normal until one day his teacher tells him that he can have surgery to make him smart and he did not reject. So Charlie was the first human to have this brain surgery and it went succesful at the beginning of the book. Charlie works hard to get smart, and with Algernon he becomese succesful. After this he runs away with Algernon and does not go to the lab to get tests. He starts looseing his inteligence and does not come back untill it is to late and he became mentaly chalenged agin.
Rating:  Summary: FLowers for Algernon Review: Flowers for Algernon is a deeply touching novel. The story centers around its main character, Charlie Gordon. In the beginning of the book Charlie is selected as the human experiment that will undergo an operation to increase his intelligence. After much testing, the operation is completed. This determined and courageous hero will go through struggles in the areas of love, education, and self-understanding. You will feel what Charlie feels as he goes from challenged to intelligent, but don't get to comfortable. This story has an unexpected ending that will leave you wishing better for the characters. I highly recommend this novel to anyone fascinated with the human condition.
Rating:  Summary: Great, original idea written well Review: Flowers for Algernon is an extremely good book. It is about Charlie who is a mentally-handicapped man that is chosen to go through an experimental surgery to make him smart. After this, the book goes throughout his entire experience. It goes through physical, emotional, and, most of all, mental changes. This book shows that things that seem to be too good to be true usually are. There are so many different emotions put into this book that it allows this book to be extremely meaningful. Some parts of the book make you cry and other make you laugh. Others make you mad at all the mean and rude people all over the world. Daniel Keyes writes this book in the form of progress reports that Charlie writes throughout his experience. This helps to tell the story and to get the reader in the mind of Charlie. The grammar that Keyes uses is also effective. The book starts out with Charlie spelling things wrong and making grammar mistakes. After the surgery his grammar and word usage gets better, the smarter he gets. Everything in this book is there for a reason and is written very well. I recommend this book to anyone that can find the time to get into it. That is not hard either.
Rating:  Summary: A wonderfully touching and interesting book. Review: This is one of my favorite books! When reading Flowers for Algernon I connected with the main character Charlie alot. I felt like I was right there with him experiencing everything that was happening to him. As he changed so dramatically throughout the book I was both happy and sad for him. Most people I know think it sounds like one of those "chick" books but when I tell them more about it they change their mind. Its not just about love and sadness, etc. The experiment in the book and all the effects that go with it keep you glued to the story. I recommend this book to everyone!
Rating:  Summary: YOUR EYES WILL BE GLUED TO THE PAGE . . . AND LOVE IT. Review: I had heard many great things about this book so I decided to hunt it down and read it. I started reading this book the day I got it and once I started I was hooked. The pages fly by so fast! One second it seemed that I was on page 37 and the next thing I know I'm on page 172. There's only a hundred pages or so left, may as well finish it. So what was it that made this book so addicting? The story is simple enough: A retarded boy named Charlie Gordon wants to learn to "reed" and "rite". But no matter how hard he studies, he doesn't seem to get anywhere, but the scientists are surprised at Charlie's eagerness to learn. There is a mouse named Algernon and the scientists have done something to the mouse to make him smarter, to solve complicated mazes. Algernon gets smarter . . . alot smarter. Now, what if the same thing could be done for Charlie? This is only the beginning. There are many many flashback scenes in this book that reveal Charlie's past. Some of the dialogue (especially when Rose and Matt are fighting) is superb because it sounds so natural. I've read some 75,000 pages worth of books and the character development in this book is among the very best I've ever seen. I could say more, but let the story speak for itself. Very very rarely do I read a book in one sitting--this is one of those books.
Rating:  Summary: a pretty good book Review: This book is about a person that is mentaly slow man who is always getting made fun of at his work but he doese'nt relize that thy are making fun of him. So his teacher valinters him for the test and in the testing he as to race a mouse through a maze. This book relates to my life be cause sometimes I wish I was smarter. I look foward to surgery to make you smarter or nano technolgy pills tat could make you do somethig better.
Rating:  Summary: It was Alright Review: This book was alright. It wasnt the best. It is about a guy who is mentally challenged and get pick to try an experament to make him smarter(well and opperation). He had to take all these tests and mazes before they could do it to see if he was good enought to use. He was. After he got the opperation he thought it wasnt going to work because he thought he wasnt getting smarter. He really was getting smarter everyday. After he got the opperation he started doing more mazes and tests to see how it works. He kept getting smarter and smarter and remembering a lot of things. He could never remember anything. He remembered how they treated him in school and how the people at work treated him because he understands what they mean by all the things they said about him or to him. He never understood all them things before.
Rating:  Summary: Flowers For Algernon Review: To me flowers for algernon was a very inspiring book. It showed the courage that Charlie Gordon had. It showed how mean people could be to people. Charlie didnt care what people said about him he just held his head up high and went on his way. I feel very bad for Charlie that he had no idea his friends were making fun of them but once he found that he was smart he found that out. If I found out my friend were not my real friends Id be devasted. I feel bad for Charlie to loose his best friend Algernon That was his best friend. I feel bad and sorry for Charlie for all he went through. This book taught me alot because it taught me to treat people with more respect. just because someone is different doesnt mean that they could be treated badly.
Rating:  Summary: A great but unfair novel Review: This is a very moving novel, but I found it rather unfair. People often ask why God lets bad things happen to good people. I wonder why novelists do the same thing. After one gut-wrenching scene after another (Charlie visits his father, then his mother, Charlie re-lives many painful experiences from his past, et al), I thought that he had earned a happy ending. Unfortunately, instead of anything positive, the author gives us the bleakest conclusion imagineable. I mean, I felt for Charlie so much, it killed me to read that ending. Still, it's a great piece of writing, and totally recommended.
Rating:  Summary: A modern American classic Review: Charlie Gordon is a retard, but an operation boosts his intelligence so that he becomes a genius. However, it becomes clear that the operation might start regressing and he may end up as retarded as when he started. The story is skilfully told in diary form, with the writing accurately reflecting the mental ability of Gordon. We watch through Gordon's eyes his mental ascent to unassailable heights; fumbling with his emotional development as it lags behind his intellect; coming to terms with his past....and brooding upon his eventual future. Although the story is sad on so many levels, the book is never depressing and always compelling. This is because Keyes is a writer of skill and subtlety, and deserves to be known to a wider audience than his narrow science fiction base. A minor 20th Century classic.