Rating:  Summary: This book is cool.... Review: Starship Troopers is my favorite book. I read it in mysophmore year of high school, on the recommendation of a friend. Iloved the gritty attitudes of the soldiers, as well as their pride, honor, and reality. I was bored at first with the philosophy, but once it I realized it made the story, I kept right on reading. I think the people who don't like the book missed the bottom line of all the philosophy: Only the people who really care about their country are allowed to run it. Those who care more about humanity's welfare then their own. Imagine my disappointment when I was rejected from the Marine Corps, after how much I liked this book! I think that this book ought to be an option for teachers to use in school, possibly in counterpoint to All Quiet On The Western Front.
Rating:  Summary: Not a child beater. Review: When I first read this book a decade ago while still ateenager, all I saw was the military action and adventure. I haveread it many times since then, and there are many political and social aspects that I did not see at fifteeen. One thing that stands out in my mind is the subplot about the requirments for citizenship in a society. In American society we earn full citizenship at eighteen. The right to vote, the full protection of our inalienable rights, even our parents no longer have a legal say in our lives. For good or bad, for the benefit of society or its harm, we have our say. Price to us nothing, it is ours by virtue of birth. (Please, no one argue class or race, that is for another book review.) In Heinlein's future citzenship must be earned through self sacrifice made on behalf of the group. You earn the right to vote. Civil liberties are not denied to others, just the vote. This is not such a strange idea. Through out much of the history of democracy the vote has been limited to those who were thought to be able to place the concerns of society ahead of their own self interest. (Alright the powerful gave themselves the right to vote, but he who is powerful gets to be benevolent.) I would argue that limited voting rights did not make a beter society. That does not mean that Heinlein's ideas are not important for us to think about. Our Democracy puts the common good in the hands of the individual. If the individual has no love for the group how long can our group survive? Where is the line between self interest and group intrest? How do you develop group intrest in those who will replace you? Heinlein's ability to raise these questions is why he will be remembered as one of the great writers of the Mid-twentith century.
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding socio-politico-military sci-fi novel. Review: Outstanding book! The book is a multi-level effort that has two, separate storylines in it. The most obvious on is the story of John Rico, and his transformation from a typical young man of his century to a battle-hardened warrior. The second, underlying story, focuses on the need of every man and woman in a free society to giveback something to the society. In the case of Mr. Rico's world, the citizens of Earth cannot vote, and therefore become full members of society, unless they have served in the military. This story, which was very appropriate for its time (the 1950s) is especially important today
Rating:  Summary: Another book (series) reminiscent of ST Review: I read ST when my Dad was stationed in Germany in the Mid-80's,at a time when we were regularly having anti-nuclear and pro-peacedemonstrations in our front yards. ST inspired a life-long love of Sci-Fi, particlularly of the military/ political/cultural analysis sort. I would also recommend, to those who are interested, David Gerrold's _War against the Chtorr_ series. The outlook is in some ways quite different than Heinleins, but those who enjoy the admittedly didactic classroom scenes, and the above mentioned analysis that Heinlein incorporates, should definitely check this series out. In addition, I liked Gerrold's work because it incorporates more fully the surprising, funny, and tragic elements of any real future of society. Also, action fans should find more than enough to satisfy. The basic plot of the series is a reversal of an old cliche of science fiction - where a planet has an ecosystem which is several dozen million years behind that of Earth's... just scatter a few seeds and earth's ecology takes over the planet - thus terraforming the planet cheaply for future colonists. The heroes and heroines of Gerrold's book find that they are in a war against an alien ecosystem which has mysteriously appeared and is begining to "chtorraform" the earth. I found the book to be highly, almost frightenligly intelligent, and somehow is able to be simultaneously very rich in detail but remain a very good read. (This from a master of the short attention span) The first book is entitled "A Matter For Men".
Rating:  Summary: It Kicks Ass Review: I think this book has it all(and all the elments from greatsci-fi operas) Parts from star wars, the bible(and I ain't lyin') ,the alien trilogy, revenge , war, polotics, techno noble, and more. I'm 13,and did a book report , after it ALL of my classmates where quiet with awe(and amazement over the vastness of the plot), this book is amazing, and it is all in 272 pages!Can't wait till the movie!
Rating:  Summary: One of RAH best. Review: I wasnt planning on writing a reveiw, even though this is oneof my favorite books, but seeing what some people thoght of it I wasforced to. Apparantly some feel that this is a facist book. Not true. The veiws represented, where only people who have served military time are citizens and allowed to vote, isnt facist, but just a system that works. In the book it explains how this came about after the decline of our government (how great is it, really) and the rouge years where noone trusted anyone else. It merley presents deep philosophical and moral ideas wrapped around one of the best stories I have ever read.
Rating:  Summary: Another wondrous one for Heinlein! Review: I have read at least half of Heinlein's 78 novels (ok, ok, sothey're hard to get at my library) and Starship Troopers, one of thefirst ten I read, remains one of the top three. In fact, I used it and two other Heinlein novels as a basis for my literature thesis paper. The action is meaningless without the philosophy behind it. If Heinlein had written this as a shoot-em-up, he would have left out the political, social, and economic theories. Heinlein has always been one to express his ideas about society in his books, sometimes against the wishes of his publishers. I can only say that I hope the director of the upcoming movie did not leave out the background ideas in favor of more fight scenes.
Rating:  Summary: Science Fiction at it's very best! Review: Robert A. Heinlein is one of the best sci-fi writers I haveever known of. His views, as well as his marveling ideas have thrilledme since "Red Planet" the cartoon, on channel 11 came on. When I first saw the cartoon, I rushed to the nearest book, reserved it ( because they didn't have it on the shelves.) and enjoyed every last word of it. I was hooked,on his books, ever since. Starship Troopers is, basically, a sci-fi fan's dream, come true. Not only do you get intense action, with neat-o technology, in the advanced style of Jules Verne, and H.G. Wells, but you also get to think, with all the politics, and military training detail involved. Robert A. Heinlein gave his readers a chance to think, about how war brings the animal out in everyone.
Rating:  Summary: Nothing to get excited about Review: This is definitely not Heinlein's best work(I reserve that spot for "The Moon is a HarshMistress", but neither does it suck. Take it for what it is - another of Heinlein's political explorations. Responsibility is a hot topic in our society right now, which may explain the renewed interest in this book, and I believe ST is a useful study. If you agree with him, try to think of the complexities behind his simplifications, and if you think he's a fascist try to understand the appeal of the basic ideas he supports. You should try to learn something from this book, 'cos lord knows the action is so pathetic you won't have anything to distract you from the politics.
Rating:  Summary: A Staggering Impact Review: This book made a staggering impact on me, and I believe it isdefinitely one of the best works of fiction I have ever read. RAH hasingeniously woven together a moral and philisophical tale with a superb adventure story, much in the vein of "Atlas Shrugged", another favorite. This work is an absolute must read in the genre or for anyone looking to understand how a master articulates his vision in the guise of a fictional work.