Rating:  Summary: A novel to enjoy, page by page Review: When I bought this novel and knew I had to read old English, I was somehow dissapointed. However, this was absolutely not a problem to finish the book faster than I supposed at the beginning, because you can follow the story while learning "you says" and such expressions on-the-fly.The story is very interesting, the characters are well defined and you do feel their emotions in the exciting parts of the saga. After reading TLR, I went to The Hobbit, looking for more, but The Hobbit is not as good as TLR. I'll try The Silmarillion later.
Rating:  Summary: muy bien Review: The Lord of the Rings are the best books I have read. If you read The Hobbit first you will be more familiar with the triliogy. Tolkien wonderfully describes the land and characters that you grow to love as the plot proceedes. Though the whole trilogy (including The Hobbit) makes a very long story (although I've read longer) It was hard to put down after I started. It takes some effort though saying the names of characters and places mentally to get their pronunciation correct (some names are-faramir, smeagol, eowyn, eomer, etc.)
Rating:  Summary: With no equal Review: There is no literary equal to Tolkien's masterwork. This is perhaps the most original and deeply conceived story every told.
Rating:  Summary: Best of the best Review: Everything I could say has been written many many times before me. A classic beyond compare.
Rating:  Summary: Wordy... Review: I just thought that this trilogy overly comsumed by words. it was a novel that could have been about three-hundred pages shorter in mimd. I finished the book, out of determation and interest in it, but found that At times I didn't think I'd ever get through it... the movies were the thing that made me most interested in finally reading it, outside of four years of three of my best friends Raving almost daily for their love of this book. I guess that fanasy isn't my thing, although I do get into it, I just like more the ainti- hero Novels more. All in all, it was a good book, wordy yes, but I can't take anything away from it's statius as a classic.
Rating:  Summary: Wordy... Review: I just thought that this trilogy overly comsumed by words. it was a novel that could have been about three-hundred pages shorter in retrospect. I finished the book, out of determation and interest in it, but found that At times I didn't think I'd ever get through it... the movies were the big thing that made interested me enough to finally reading it. Outside of four years of three of my best friends Raving almost daily, over their love of this book. Although I do get into Fanasy, I just like more the ainti-hero Novels more. All in all, it was a good book, wordy yes, but I can't take anything away from it's statius as a classic.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book Review: I think this book is great. Tolkien really makes you see what you're reading in the mind's eye! I think this is an awesome book.
Rating:  Summary: Tolkien Hit It Right On the Money With This One Review: Lord of the Rings is an awesome book. Read it this past Christmas and took it just about wherever I went. It is the story of a hobbit or halfling (Which is a being that is about half the size of a man) named Frodo. Frodo's Uncle Bilbo found a ring on one of his adventures and passed the ring down to Frodo. Then Frodo is visited by one of his close friends, Gandalf, the wizard, who warns him of the danger he is in and the evil beings that are pursuing the ring. So Gandalf sends Frodo to the magnificent city of Rivendell, which is where the council will decide who will destroy the ring, but on his way to Rivendell he is attacked by the nine dark riders, ancient men corrupted by evel. Suddenly Legolas the elf appears out of the woods atop his spectacular, white horse, one of the fastest horses in the land. He then jumps upon Legolas's horse and together they outrun the black riders and head toward Rivendell. When they get to Rivendell they feast and and then they attend the council meeting of the four races of good: Dwarves, elves, hobbits, and men. The council decides to send nine riders of good to travel to Mount Doom to destroy the ring. The party of nine, also called the fellowship of the ring consist of: Frodo and his three hobbit friends, Sam, Pippin And Merry, Legolas the elf, Gimli the dwarf, Gandalf the wizard, a man named Boromir, Prince of the watchtower, and a man named Aragorn son of Arathorn heir to the throne of Gondor. The party travels across living forests, treacherous mountains, dead marshes, barren wastelands, and even haunted mountain passes. If you are looking for an adventure, then this book is the one you want. I could not put it down for three weeks. Some parts will make you laugh and other parts will make you sad. Some parts will make you feel good or proud because the good guys start to win, and then make you mad because the evil comes back again. This is definitely an extraoridinary boook with a powerful ending. It is a book for all ages.
Rating:  Summary: One Ring to Rule Them All... Review: This book, although sometimes dull and full of details, is a chilling tale and worth reading. If you read this book, you will surely want to read the other two in the trilogy, so make time to. I would compare the genius of the novel to that of the Harry Potter series or The Chronicles of Narnia.
Rating:  Summary: The Box Set Review: Rather than reviewing Lord of the Rings, which has been done many times by many people with a finer grasp of describing the wonder of the best book of the twentieth century than I, I shall remain content to say that this boxed set is neatly presented with Alan Lee's fine artwork on the outside. Many readers will find copies of Tolkien get rapidly dog-eared from frequent use so to have a box set that can be kept in a prominent place on the shelf is nice. It is also well-priced for its new design.