Rating:  Summary: Fantastic! Review: Best book in the WORLD - at least magical book anyways. good luck with all the names!
Rating:  Summary: Ok, so it doesn't deserve a 1. Review: Everyone knows at least some of the plot, so I won't go into that. I found Fellowship of the Ring to be rather dull, except for a few scenes. I found Two Towers to be little better, and by the beginning of the Return of the King I was sick of the whole thing. The biggest problem had to be their change of speech.Did anyone else notice that in the beginning they talked just about the same as one might hear walking down the street, and that by the end of The Return of the King the characters sounded like they were quoting Shakespeare? Also, some times Tolkien had his characters say very strange things, for example: Sam says "Ninnyhammer! Noodles! My beautiful rope!" something like that, but.. honestly, NINNYHAMMER?? And then, before that, when discussing the elven rope, Sam also says "the rope is as soft as milk" or the like. Anyways, overall, a great book, Tolkien really started off the entire Fantasy genre, but just because he was the first, doesn't mean he's the best. I prefer Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time series, but then again, several of Jordan's stuff came from The Lord of the Rings, so.. I just don't know.. By the way, I liked the movie better, which almost NEVER happens.
Rating:  Summary: The best book ever! Review: I started reading the book when the movie came out because I refuse to see a movie based on a book without reading the book first. (And because one of my friends was pestering me to!) It is absolutely amazing! It has just the right ammount of suspense, adventure, romance, comedy, fantasy and magic (Yes, there is a difference between fantasy and magic in my opinion.)a book needs! In a way, he also assigns each character to a certain task instead of bouncing the personalities around, from the ring-bearer Frodo who proves that even the smallest people can change the world to the mischevious lad Pippin who shows that nobody's perfect. As I said before, yes, there are love stories, but even for me, someone who wants to skip all the romance in stories, this book makes it clear why these people are in love and that they're are not in it to play "The Dating Game:" The couples love each other in way that warms your soul with the story of Rosie and Samwise. The stories of suspence and adventure are countless, and don't always happen on the battlefield. Example: My favorite scene (In the book) is "The Prancing Pony," an event taken place at a simple little pub in a hobbit town called Bree. I'd recommend this book to anyone: Even if you hate fantasy!
Rating:  Summary: Simply the finest work of fiction in the English language Review: That says it all - and I'm not excluding Shakespeare! Tolkien creates and sustains a credible alternate reality with exquisite detail - even including maps and complete languages for multiple races. Written as an exercise in creating a modern-day fairy tale, it easily transcends the genre into a truly stunning epic. LOTR and "The Silmarillion" comprise a unique convergence of scholarship and insight into the nature of good, evil, and heroism, all told in a totally engrossing tale. I first read it in 1968, sitting in a motel room, suffering from the flu at a job site far from home. I became so engrossed, I read all three volumes at one sitting, sending me back home in urgent need of medical care. I've since read it four more times and, having recently seen the movie, will soon read it again. When "The Silmarillion" was published, I also read it cover-to-cover in one sitting, but fortunately I wasn't sick then. Unfortunately, I read "The Hobbit" after LOTR, which was a mistake. Since "The Hobbit" is a children's fantasy story, it's a real letdown if you've already delved in to the rich detail of LOTR. The only caveat is that this is not an easy read. It's easy to get lost in all the detail, but the effort pays huge dividends. One of my grandduaghters read it at age 11 and shares my opinion of it (she hasn't yet made it though "The Silmarillion" though, which is an even harder read). On the other hand, a grandson tried to read it at age 15 and gave up on it.
Rating:  Summary: Lord of the Kids Review: The Lord of the Rings are good books I myself liked the Hobbit very much when I was a child. Lots of people think Lord of the Rings are the greatest books in the world and that most start reading these first. I personly think The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings are children books I mean come on with the simple plot and there isn't a great deal of action in it. There's no sex or cussing to rate it a adult book not like I'm saying that akes a good book but if you ask me these books are for children.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Book Ever Review: Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is the greatest book I ever read. It takes Frodo and his furry-footed hobbit friends on a great adventure. They meet mighty heroes such as Gandalf, the powerful wizard, and Aragorn, the mysterious ranger. But, they also meet horrible orcs, and fearsome monsters. Frodo has to destroy the one ring before Sauron the Dark Lord gets it. J.R.R Tolkien's message is even the smallest person can make a difference. Take away one character, the good side looses. It's a great action packed mysterious book. I loved never knowing what would happen. I highly recommend Lord of the Rings.
Rating:  Summary: Fantasy Extreme Review: J.R.R. Tolkiens "The Lord of the Rings" is perhand the best fiction written to date. What started out as a small hobby to practise his skills in ancient languages, became the fantasies of millions of people who read it. The books describe the adventures of the hobbits, Bilbo and Frodo, who among themsevles manage to save the world from the evil cluthces of Sauron. They receive help from Gandalg, Aragorn (Strider), Legolas, Gimili and various other creatures, small and big. This is a story of fantasy and at the same time extolls the virtues of friendship (between Sam and Frodo), bravery (almost everyone) and love. It depicts the victory of good over evil, which is what the whole world would like to see now. Middle earth is nothing but a magical projection of the our own world. This is must read for every fiction fan because fantasies dont get bigger than this...
Rating:  Summary: Great book... regular edition Review: First, this comment is about the edition not "the book" which I am a fateful fan. The edition as a cover and as a set is ok but When you open the books you see that paper isn't quite white and the letter are not very clear. I am not saying that the edition is bad, not at all, It's just not good enough for a book you pretend to have in your personal library for many year. I hope this warning can help you.
Rating:  Summary: The Greatest Story Ever Told Review: It's been about 3 or 4 months since i finished reading The Lord Of The Rings and to be perfectly honest i am dying to begin reading it again. As a person who has not read a large amount of books i thought that perhaps a book of this size and complexity would not hold my interest but how wrong could i have been. Tolkien creates a world of pure fantasy, but at the same time there is a reality about Middle Earth because of the increadible attention to detail, everything and everyone has a history and a purpose. The story of ultimate good against ultimate evil is a tale that grabs the imaginaton but when it is interwoven with a beautifully diverse world then you have a book that you cannot put down. If you are a lover of books and have not read this book then you are missing out but if you do read this book it will make every book after sparse and dull in comparison.
Rating:  Summary: A review of the "film art" cover boxed set Review: I can't say anything about Tolkien's masterful fantasy classic that hasn't already been said better, so this review only speaks to the product, not the content. If you're looking to buy a new edition of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, this "film art" hardcover boxed set is absolutely wonderful. Most importantly, the text is identical to the standard Houghton Mifflin hardcover edition published in 1988. Many people aren't aware that numerous cheap reprints have been made over the years, often riddled with misspellings and text errors. This set was obviously composed by people who knew and loved Tolkien's texts and took care to render them correctly. The books themselves are also a joy to hold and read; the paper is a thick, lovely, high quality bond, printed in an elegant, easily readable font. Each front cover features a different scene from the movies (and books, obviously): Fellowship of the Ring shows a wonderful view of Hobbiton, The Two Towers has a conversation between Gandalf and Saruman in Orthanc before things got ugly, and Return of the King features the Rohirrim galloping off to war. The box cover has another striking picture of the Rohan army, holding aloft a forest of green banners with the white horse of Éorl. There are no photographs inside the books themselves. The back cover also has four small insets with pictures of the characters, starting in order from volume one: Boromir, Galadriel, Gandalf, Frodo; volume two: Gimli, Sam, Saruman, Aragorn; and volume three: Legolas, Théoden, Éomer, and Éowyn. In addition, each book has Tolkien's original map of Middle Earth as a huge fold-out piece in the back (including the zoomed-in version with a more detailed view of Gondor and environs in Return of the King), printed in red and black. The boxed set is a tasteful and elegant tie-in between the books and the films. Unlike those cheesy light-up Burger King goblets (and don't get me started on the battery operated One Ring® or orc-head beer mugs), I'm actually proud to display these in my home. If you want a handsome collectible edition of Lord of the Rings, this version is an excellent choice.