Rating:  Summary: SOMETIMES CONFUSING BUT ALWAYS INTERESTING Review: The kind of read that takes time. It can be picked up and put down without losing the thread; however, switches between time periods and characters are abrupt. When your done; however, something has been accomplished and you realize that 900pp is an achievement (both for the author and the reader). Go for it!
Rating:  Summary: Inspirerende og udfordrende. Review: Danish: Der er masser af spænding, intellektuel udfordring og filosofisk perspektiv i denne mursten af en bog. Jeg er nu ca. en tredjedel igennem de over 900 sider, og har svært ved at lægge den fra mig, samtidig med at jeg hele tiden må kigge op fra siderne under læsningen, fordi handlingen sætter alle mulige tanker og idéer igang.English: There are lots of excitement, intellectual stimulans and philosophical perspective in this book. I am now one third through the 900+ pages and have difficulties putting the book aside, while at the same time I often have to look up from the pages, because the story provokes all kinds of questions, thought and ideas.
Rating:  Summary: a great read Review: A truly enjoyable read! I found the story compelling (though it may be a bit technical for some readers). Even the book's digressions were packed full of inspired ideas and arcane historic fact. Stephenson bungees between two major threads and countless minor ones, all the time maintaining an exciting pace and vivid characterizations. Neal is it! Ludlum et al couldn't carry Stephenson's mouse pad.
Rating:  Summary: Great...but flawed Review: Stephenson is, without a doubt, a fantastic writer. I've loved all his previous books and Cryptonomicon is as good or better in many ways. This is a writer with the ability to make the most esoteric fact interesting and who has a great grasp of the english language. However, it seems that he put much more effort and thought into the WWII story than into the 90's one. Some plot points for this time period are very weak, and the 90's characters are a little one-dimensional. My main criticism of the book is its ending, which is somehow unsatisfying. While i could say the same for The Diamond Age, his previous book, the ending of a 900 page book is more important than that of a 300 pager. Still, both of these criticisms fall under the heading of nitpicking: despite Cryptonomicon's flaws, it is still better than 95% of today's fiction.
Rating:  Summary: Mason&Dixon meets Red Storm Rising Review: The best book I have read in over a year, comparable to Pynchon's Mason and Dixon only with a much more interesting plot. I couldn't put it down, and when I was done, I did not feel like I had wasted the time spent reading it. Anyone with a brain will love this book!
Rating:  Summary: Merely the best book I have ever read Review: I have always like Neal Stephensons writing, its funny and insightful. Cryptonomicon is no exception. It is his best work so far. It reads like he has been writing it for years and wrote all those other books to make money to get by. One of the wonderful things about the book is that it reads like hard science fiction, yet the story is not (yet) really anything science fiction. It also takes a rare talent to write about complex mathematical concepts in such a brilliant and simple way. Stephenson is, in my humble opinion, one of the best writers of our day...and Cryptonomicon proves that beyond a doubt.
Rating:  Summary: Nice 900 page array Review: You know those books that are so good, you don't want them to end. Well, this is one of those, but it doesn't. The novel's template/structure is based on an array. But it's an array with a heavy loading of plot(s). I liked "Snow Crash." (his breakout book). But it had its gonzo/WWF excesses. This book is more reasonably excessive. (ex: The oxymoron as a point of praise) If you buy the book & don't like it, you've at least got a nice looking doorstop for the rest of your life.
Rating:  Summary: He ain't Bill Gibson. . . Review: thank God! This book is fantastic. The only thing I have to add, and it may be covered below in better detail, is the presence of an early look at Cryptonomicon. In an issue of Vanity Fair (I think) two or more years ago, there was an excerpt from what must either be a work still in progress or something Neil pitched. It was hard core cyberlabel and invloved hacking into sentient car alarms. I hope it'll show up eventually. This guy can write a KFC menu and I'd still read it. He defines the genre without definition.
Rating:  Summary: Neal Stephenson astounds again! Review: Not for the weak of mind, Cryptonomicon is an marvelous adventure into the historical world of WWII cryptography and modern day technology. While Stephenson's "The Diamond Age" remains a favorite of mine, Cryptonomicon captures the contemporary sense of humor displayed so well in Zodiac, An Eco Thriller. I highly recommend this book, which, as with all of Stephenson's books, is guaranteed to spur a great deal of historical interest.
Rating:  Summary: Stephenson gives the reader a great story . Review: Using alternate chapters to trace the families from World World II to present, the author provides an excellent read. While the reader becomes familiar with the characters,they also find themselves involved in several adventures ,in several locations, all leading to the final outcome. The author's wonderful sense of humor also brings real laughter from the everyday activites. Between the technology and the history, the reader will find this a hard book to put down. It also stimulates many ideas and thoughts to share. Highly recommended.