Rating:  Summary: The Froodiest Book Ever Published, On ANY Planet! Review: This is the ultimate book for any Hitchhiker-Fan! I could go on about how incredibly awesome (and downright hoopy) this book is, but all of the other "five-star" reviews have done that. Oh, and this review is 42 words long.
Rating:  Summary: An excellent, easy, and fun read. Review: In one word, Douglas Adams must be described as no less than a genius. Plotlines with in this compilation twist and turn to no abandon, over lapping and generally makign things very interesting. Just when you thought things may have just calmed down for good, Adams uncovers another forgotten aspect from a previous book, throwing the whole thing into a convulsory romp through space-time. My one and only complaint is the rather abrupt and down-letting ending, which forces me to wonder whether or not a new volume the this already well-established series is in the works. Well written and designed, this is an over-all perfect book for readers searching for satire, comedy, high-brow humor, and dry wit all wrapped-up in a science fiction setting.
Rating:  Summary: Buy It, by Zarquon Review: BUY IT! Two words which give you all the information you need. Don't hesitate, buy it now. Immediately. This wonderful series is an essential part of any book collection, and if you don't own it, you will be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams by purchasing this. I feel like I'm ranting now, and the amount of "No"s I get will probably reflect that, but those of you that buy this book will be grateful to me and the many others here and elsewhere who urge you to try it. My enthusiasm is probably fuelled by the fact that earlier today, I finished the series for the third time. I'm sure that many will think "Is that all?" and others, "He must be mad!" You are both correct. But don't let it dissuade you from buying this book. Now I'm going to lie down for a bit and recover. Treat yourself. Let Douglas Adams into your life. He'll only make it better.
Rating:  Summary: Best Series in the English Language! Review: A classmate introduced me to Douglas Adams , and ever since, I haven't been able to put a single one of his books down. (except Long, Dark Teatime of the Soul, but that's different) His command of the language reallly is almost unsurpassed by any author before him. The fourth book is somewhat of a letdown, but what can you do? It's his fourth book in the series, and how many ideas can you get about his type of subject? Sometimes the muddled fall, but they get right back up again, as his fifth book is one of his best. Young Zaphod, the short story included in this volume is eerily haunting, a must read for any Douglas Adams fan. Three cheers for Douglas Adams, the best writer Britain has ever seen!
Rating:  Summary: The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide Review: What can I say about this book that probably hasn't been said by other Hitchiker fans the world over. I absoultly loved these books, over and over again. Adoring every word of Adam's sardonic and witty humour. Truely one of the greatest books I've read. Though I am very envious of Adams' style and wish it was my own.
Rating:  Summary: Funny is an understatement Review: This book is still my all time favorite. I think I've got at least 20 friends hooked on it. It's absurd, it's funny, it's more than funny. Have you ever had that moment that you are just silently reading on the sofa, and the joke is that good, that you just can't stop laughing, even when there is no one around? Well, this book will!
Rating:  Summary: The definition of hilarious. Review: Without a doubt, the funniest book ever writen. The meaning of life is 42, a towel is the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have, and there is an award for the most gratuitous use of the word "Belgium" in a serious screenplay. If you think these are funny, then you should definitely read this book. If you liked this book, you may also want to read the "Dirk Gently" series, also by Adams. They are good too, but they don't quite measure up to this one. One of the best books I've ever read. Deserves at least 42 stars. I'd say 54.
Rating:  Summary: All the answers to Life, the Universe, and Everything Review: Douglas Adams' five-part trilogy (just that phrase says it all!) is one of the must reads of the 20th Century. I pick up this volume whenever I need a good laugh; as soon as Marvin the Paranoid Android gets rolling, or a Vogon starts reciting poetry, I'm belly laughing so hard I'm crying. If you've ever been suspicious that the world is not as it seems, this is the book to confirm all your suspicions and then blast them right out of the water. Don't let this collection wind up being an SEP (Someone Else's Problem), read it today!
Rating:  Summary: Where do I begin? Review: If you know the entire dialogue to "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" and have a propensity for science fiction, buy this book! An appreciation for british humor is a must. The science fiction is a bit less accurate than the "Red Dwarf" series, but still immensely humorous. If this interests you at all, spend the extra money and get all of the books in one! Once you read the first book in the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", you will want to read them all. And for the price, you cannot get a better deal than this book.
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding Sci-Fi Satire w/out equal Review: Few books have caused me to laugh out loud. Catch-22, Dostoevskys' notes from underground. This was the first. English humor, wit, and bizarreness at it's most dry, desiccated state. Adams grasp of physics is also to be commended, in that he understands quite enough to imagine impossibly improbable scenarios, propulsion systems, characters, and dilemas. The stories contained within are nothing short of utterly rediculous, ludicrously asinine, and outlandishly preposterous. With a cast of characters like the terribly arrogant two headed Zaphod Beblebrox, the dramatically inept Arthur Dent, and star wandering future hippie Ford Prefect, you will be left in stitches. This is the best version to buy too, as it has all of the volumes in the series in one conveniently located geometric space. Just remember that humans are only the 3rd most intelligent creatures on planet Earth, which is, after all, mostly harmless anyways... As I was recently told, it would be impossible to incompass, in one small review, the shere magnitude of this book. All I can say is that I haven't looked at humor, sci-fi, or satire the same since I picked it up some 6 years ago. I have read it twice now, and it has lost nothing in humor, cleverness, or strangeness. I highly, highly recommend it to anyone.