Rating:  Summary: Incredible book! Review: This book grabbed me emotionally, spiritually and mentally and didn't let go until the last page. I was devastated to have to say goodbye to these characters. First book that I wept at the end, not because it was a tragedy but because I felt so involved and now it was over. Very impressed with Niffenegger's first book. Let's hope there is more to come.
Rating:  Summary: didn't do it for me Review: Let me bigin this review by saying that I only managed to read the first 80 pages in. I lost interest long before there, but I pressed on. If a writer can't captivate my interest in the 1st 80 pgs, then it's not really worth exploring further. Overall, I liked the idea of having the book be told by the two characters. However, I felt that the constant jumping around so quickly in the beginning only left me wondering who these people really were. I only caught glimpses of them- they were 2 dimensional and not real. I think that she should have let the readers get used to the characters- tell a backbone story in the present before jumping around. Then we would have something to work with, and I think would then rid a lot of what has been said reagarding all the "confusing" jumping around. Personally, I was lost- first I was getting to know Henry at 35, then 24, then 15- ditto for Clare. How are we supposed to know who these people really are when we're not really dealing with only 2 characters? we're dealing with many versions of these characters all at once and what are we left with but a bunch of jumbled facts? Also, I thought the intro Walcott poem was pretentious, as was the Rilke poems. She could have just used a quote or just had the characters mention it. It is very pretentious for novelists to use a poem in their book, esp from a great poet like Rilke, that really isn't needed at all because a quote or reference or 2 would have done the trick. Overall, this is a mediocre and banal novel but I give it 2 stars for its attempt to be different. I think it failed, but at least it tried. So many of the novels don't even try, so that grants it at least one more star. Even though I only made it to pg 80, this is not a book that will stay with you- nothing in those 80 pgs really fascinated my attention, the way Falukner or Fitzgerald do. We're dealing with a whole lesser form of art when we're talking about this book.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT Read! Review: I loved this book, I couldnt put it down! It is a great mix of fantasy and romance, but it is very realistic, and "could be true." I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Rating:  Summary: Could not put this book down! Bad Bad language though. Review: First, I have 4 kids... reading time does not come too frequently, but this one was different. I took it everywhere I went and read it in less than 3 weeks! This was a record breaker for me!I really enjoyed the book. It was not mushy or overly sentimental, but at the same time, a great story of love, commitment and how love that is real, travels even accross time, never ceasing, never dying. My only complaint was the over use of bad language. The author uses the "c" four letter word several times through out the book and I found this particularly offensive. There was much more explicit sex detail than ever needed.. it made Clare and Henry's love making "dirty" and not loving. This disturbed me. The story was fantastic, but because of the bad language, I am afraid I can not recommend reading this book (...)( I hope this writer will write again soon - clearly she has a wonderful talent.
Rating:  Summary: I LOVED IT! Review: I absolutely LOVED this book. This is my first time traveler book and I cannot praise it enough. It may be confusing at first, trying to keep track of the changes in time, but as you continue to read the book, it will make more sense and become easier to follow.
Rating:  Summary: A Trip in Time Review: Sometimes I pick up a book and get right into it. Other times it takes me a couple of pages (30 or so) and then I dive right in. This book was the later, but once I started to get into it, I could not put it down. The beginning was slightly confusing for me, which is what I attribute to taking me longer to get caught up in the book. But once you get past that, and start to understand the story Niffenegger is telling, you uncover a love story unlike any other I have read. A love story that spans over 80 years. I would have loved to learn more about life after Henry, but maybe that could be a sequel!
Rating:  Summary: Divine Romp Review: In terms of divine romps in fiction, THE TIME TRAVELER'S WIFE ranks among the best. There is a quaintness that sooths the soul in the same nature as SECRET LIFE OF BEES. At the same time there is an urgency that excites and keeps you wrapped up as if the fiction world were true in the same nature as MY FRACTURED LIFE. The address of relationship shares precision with THE WEDDING and a dedication for love of the same nature as COLD MOUNTAIN. I am delighted with this book and recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Great Story - Beware Language Review: What an intriguing concept and how delightfully told. I have to agree with much of what other reviewers have said. I finished the book in record time. Do pay attention to the chapter headings, or you risk getting lost. Since I agree with so many of the positive reviews, I won't repeat them, but I will caution you against the language. It can be offensive, and truthfully, I just don't get why such foul words are even there, and often so frequently. That language adds absolutely nothing to the story, and omitting it would take away absolutely nothing from the character development. I found Henry's and Clare's love so beautiful but then to have them referring to the act of making love so coarsely leaves me wondering, "Well, do you see this act as anything expressing your love? If so, why use such filthy language to refer to it?" Too bad one can't buy a censored version of the novel! So be wary of the language, but I will say again I found the story inventive, the concept clever, and the telling engrossing.
Rating:  Summary: Could Not Put This One Down Review: I freely admit it, I was very sceptical about this one--a fairly long book about some time travelling guy and his non-time travelling wife. How is this one going to work? Well, let me tell you it works and it works really well. I literally could not put this one down. How could I have forgotten the fact that I love time travel fiction (Time and Again, Replay), and who doesn't enjoy a really well-done romance (I'm thinking along the lines of Possession). Anyway, the story of Henry and Clare is an addictive, compelling read, a beautiful, intriguing and different love story. Enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Quantum Leap Review: This is an excellent book. At first, the story reminded me a bit of the tv series Quantum Leap, except Henry is not out to solve problems/mysteries...he is just trying to survive. The love story is great and real. Henry and Claire are disappointed in each other sometimes, as all married people are, but still, and always, they love each other.