Rating:  Summary: If H.G. Wells wrote Harlequin Romances. Review: My wife liked this book; I liked it somewhat less. I suspect the ratings would break down largely along male/female lines. I liked the premise: A man periodically, and uncontrollably, travels through time and space to places and events in his past and future -- frequently meeting the woman/girl who is/will be his wife. Unfortunately, the premise is better than the execution. Until I was halfway through the book, I almost quit several times -- finally becoming hooked enough to ensure I would finish it. In long stretches of the story, not much happens. The characters are problematic as well. I imagine that Henry is the author's dream man: slim, strong, sexy, a little wild. Likewise, Clare seems to be the author's idealized image of herself (read the description of Clare, then take a look at the author's hair in the dust cover photo). Other characters added little to the story; Gomez, for example, was probably just another of the author's sex fantasies put to paper. Overall, the book was worth reading -- but by a narrow margin. Note: another time travel story that is not science fiction, having some romance and some good historical information, is "Time and Again" by Jack Finney.
Rating:  Summary: The Time Traveler's Wife Review: I found this book to be quite enjoyable. Both the plot and characters were intriguing. I'm looking forward to reading future books by Audrey Niffenegger.
Rating:  Summary: If you've ever wondered "what if," this book is for you Review: I devoured The Time Traveler's Wife in one day-- I couldn't put it down. Critics have knocked the characterization in this novel, and I agree that characterization is Audrey Niffenegger's weakest point. Henry, the protagonist, is sufficiently complex, but virtually everyone else (including his wife, Clare) is one-dimensional.Normally that would cause me to stop reading. However, I found the ideas and the plot in this book to be so compelling that I literally could not put it down. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to travel back 20 years and talk to a younger version of yourself? Or perhaps, to talk to someone you love who has died? Or to know your spouse as a child? The Time Traveler's Wife gives you a sense of what that might be like-- and it is compelling reading, even if you are not a science fiction fan. Henry's trips into the past and future are sometimes humorous, sometimes heartwrenching, but always thought-provoking. I found this novel to be reminiscent of Possession by A.S. Byatt-- and in fact, the author uses a quote from Possession at the beginning of one chapter. Both novels explore the idea of lovers whose time together is made more precious because of circumstances they cannot control. Henry and Clare move through their life with deliberation and wonder, in a way that most of us could only hope to do. Instead of taking each other for granted and getting bogged down in their daily routine, they remain passionately in the moment-- whenever that moment might be-- always respectful of the fact that they are at the mercy of time. Ultimately, this is a love story and a great exploration of some thought-provoking questions. I recommend it very highly!
Rating:  Summary: Overrated Review: I am somewhat confused by all the glowing reviews about this novel. It's really not such a wonderful love story. Many readers complain that the language used detracts from Clare and Henry's "pure" love, but after taking away all mention of them having sex, there's hardly any interaction shown between them - how romantic can that possibly be? I found myself explaining several things about this book to someone, and I was surprised to notice how interesting it sounded when I was explaining it. This book could have been so much more than it was. It has a thousand opportunities to go into depth into a thousand different ideas, but instead it skims over everything, never actually achieving any depth, romance or intellectually interesting concepts. I had the same problem with the book "The DaVinci Code," which has received similar praise from critics and the public; I was promised an intelligent story and received only a light, entertaining distraction. Why are these books so popular and their authors considered so brilliant when there is nothing in them that you will remember reading in another few months?
Rating:  Summary: One of the best books I have ever read! Review: This is one of my favorite books I have ever read. The story is complicated especially because time and dates jump around, but also it is told from both Henry's and Claire's perceptions. Both aspects of rapid change in dates and the two perceptions allow for immense character development. The complex plot makes the story more interesting and insightful because the reader meets Henry and Claire as a young children showing character development throughout their entire life. In just one chapter a piece from every stage of Henry and Claire's life can be intertwined together through Henry's trips, keeping the story from ever getting boring. Making the story more interesting is to be able to make connections between the many instances of foreshadowing; eagerly trying to only guess what is to come. Although this is Audrey Niffenegger first book it is written with exceptional exercise. The author's unbelievably creative imagination is openly shown throughout the entire book and can be seen just in the fist few pages. There is nothing I could ever say to criticize the writing of the book because it is written so creatively well. Audrey Niffenegger reaches out to all readers even if their not interested in science fiction or love stories because it is not solely focused on one genre, but many which come and go throughout the tale. The Time Traveler's Wife a book that I could not put down and recommend it for the creative and complicated plot, in depth character development, and the exhalant delivery of the story. I cannot wait until Audrey Niffenegger's next book, making this is a must read for everyone.
Rating:  Summary: A Moving Emotional Reading Review: 'The Time Traveler's Wife' reminded me of 'Somewhere in Time.' How can you not be moved by a love story that transcends time? I have not cried over the emotions of a book since reading 'My Fractured Life' and have not been so moved by a love story since 'The Princess Bride.'
Rating:  Summary: Time waits for no one - read this book now! Review: I read the last words and close the book on my lap. I look at the cover again and run my hand over it, touching the empty shoes, the thermos, the feet of the small girl. I am wishing I could travel back in time to start this book all over again, not knowing when I start it how much I'm going to love it. I am not a fan of books or stories involving time travel. It's okay, but it's not something I look for in a book. I like books about people, love, difficulties, marriage, children, lives. And I got all of that and more in Audrey Niffenegger's THE TIME TRAVELER'S WIFE. What a wonderful book, what a glorious story. I want all my friends and sisters to read this book because it will enrich their lives, even for a little while. The author has given us something in this book that will not fade away quickly.
Rating:  Summary: Not my kind of time travel story Review: This book had some good elements, and I really like books about time travel (ala Jack Finney), but I found the bouncing back and forth every chapter was very challenging to the reader. Clare and Henry were different ages at different times, and it didn't seem at all plausible for either of them to connect in a contemporary way. Many of the plot elements seemed pretty contrived also. The story meandered slowly from Henry's wayward life to Clare's strange family, through miscarriages and infidelity to the most unbelievable of all, which I won't reveal here. I finished this 500 plus page book, but it left me unsatisfied. I like my time travel tales to be more whimsical and thought provoking. Chrono impaired? Plunk me down naked in 1963 and one sighting of my hubby would not a future marriage make (judging from his photos back then). And I have no interest in paper making, and my eyes scanned over and glazed over at such an egotistical inclusion by the author of such a boring esoteric subject. Wait for the paperback if you must buy it.
Rating:  Summary: a new twist on romance. Review: I wont give away the plot but this was one of those books that had you up until the small hours to finish it. A new type of romance that is much better than aveage. The publisher new that this warrented a hard cover promotion and they were not wrong.
Rating:  Summary: Masterfully Done Review: I was very impressed with THE TIME TRAVELER'S WIFE. Sometimes a love story is hidden beneath another story and that is what drew me in right away. The interweaving of time and characters is an essence that attracts me as a reader, and was masterfully done.