Rating:  Summary: The best book yet Review: The Hobbit is an intriguing tale of a far away land. The book is about a hobbit named Bilbo's adventures through Middle Earth. Bilbo runs in to all kind of troubles and in the end has to battle many foes. I think this book is the most exciting book I have ever read. There were no parts I did not like, but I can tell you my favorite part. I guess I would say my favorite part of this book is when Bilbo is in the forest trying to get help from the elves. I think everyone should read this book!
Rating:  Summary: A Great Read!!!!! Review: Don't get me wrong, Lord of the Rings is a great book, but the Hobbit is better in some ways. The book has a humor and a charm that LOTR seems to lack. The way it is written seems to be smoother than LOTR. This book is a classic and I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: The unoverlookable prequel to The Lord of the Rings. Review: This is the story of Bilbo Baggins, a well-off, quiet little halfling (a Hobbit) who'd never wanted any adventures in his life, and of how he became the reluctant participant in a perilous treasure hunt.It all began one afternoon, when Gandalf the wizard came knocking at the round door of his cosy Hobbit Hole. The next morning, thirteen dwarves were crowding his living-room and enrolling him to steal the gold guarded under the lonely Mountain by Smaug, the last of the great dragons. So off he went, through forests old and mountains cold, deceiving trolls, solving riddles in the dark, escaping from goblins and elves, and most of the time rescuing the dwarves from the many perils he himself inadvertenly put them in, thanks to a magical ring he found in Gollum's cave, a ring that has to power to render him invisible. This was the second time I read The Hobbit, and looking at it now with the critical eye of the (amateur) reviewer, I'm afraid to admit I was somewhat annoyed at the beginning by Tolkien's paternalistic tone, by how he sometimes addresses the reader and makes references to the real world, or hints at what's coming up later in the story. This makes the book seem clearly targeted to a young audience, and indeed, The Hobbit would be perfect for reading aloud to a child. However, this tone changes in the course of the story, and especially during the final Battle of the Five Armies, where it reaches a more epic scope, more suitable for young adults. Mark you, I'm not saying I didn't like it, but was just slightliy disappointed not to enjoy it as much as I thought I would. Oh, the heresy!
Rating:  Summary: Definitely worth reading... Review: The Hobbit is one of those novels that I'd put off reading for a long time. I often had difficulty getting past the first few pages. This isn't my sort of read, for I've never been into this sort of fantasy-and-magic-realism-for-children genre. But then I couldn't put it down the second I decided to give it a whirl. The Hobbit is a well written, engaging, and oftentimes humorous work of fantasy. It is aimed at a youthful audience and I think it would be a marvelous next step for Harry Potter fanatics. That is if said fanatics hadn't read this classic gem beforehand. In any event, this novel is far better written than the aforementioned popular series. This book is a wonderful revelation and I recommend it. You won't be able to put it down once you get into it.
Rating:  Summary: The Extremely Necessary Intro to the Lord of the Rings Review: This is the book that changed my mind about books. In high school we had to choose a book to report on, and a friend said The Hobbit was kind of interesting, so that's the one I chose. To say I was happy with my choice would be a gross understatement. From the first page my imagination seemed to mesh perfectly with Tolkien's world, and without the "speed of absorption" imposed by a movie, I was wonderfully soaking up all the detail that Tolkien includes in all his works. I was there. I could go on and on, but this is fantasy at its best. And, I feel, that reading it better readies you for the presently popular Lord of the Rings -- it makes the movies all the more clearer, richer, deeper. An excellent fantasy classic.
Rating:  Summary: What an Adventure! Review: Wow! While I was reading this book I continually asked myself "why didn't I read this book any soon?". It's great. I'm not a big fan of the fantasy genre, but loving the Lord of the Rings movies, I wanted to read the books and began with this one. The story is jammed pack with action and really heroic moments. My favorite thing, however, is the writing. Tolkien just has a great way of writing and telling the story, and that is what really drew me into the book. I would highly recommend this book to anybody! especially those who are a fan of the movies and have not read the books!!
Rating:  Summary: A Great classic by J.R.R Tolkein Review: This book is about a hobbit (a race that are short and are generally very merry and have happy lives). Now this Hobbit's name was Bilbo and he had the average live of a hobbit (routine, organized, planning ahead, being very lazy, and eating half the time). He got a surprise knock on his door one day from his wizard friend Gandalf accompanied by thirteen dwarves. Bilbo and them eventually set out to the other side of Middle-Earth (Tolkein's world) towards the Lonely Mountains where the evil dragon Smaug lived and stole the dwarves mountain earlier. From there, Bilbo has become less lazy and brave and discovered many traits he never knew he had. This book is a prelude of the better Lord of the Ring trilogy. This is a must read for all who wants to read something new. Overall this book has an exciting storyline (kind of funny at some points) and the author has a unique writing style. It has excellent development of the main character that turns from a lazy bum to a brave soul who has wormed out of more than one tough situation
Rating:  Summary: Audio Book: Rob Inglis is Fantastic Review: The audio book unabridged version by Rob Inglis is fantastic. I was not surprised, because I had listed to his unabridged version of Lord of the Rings before this. My expectations were high and I was not let down. The various voices are very well done and consistent. The voices of the animals (dragon, thrush, raven) are especially well done. The enunciation is very clear and the noise level is very low (i.e., a high quality recording). Having short (e.g., three-minute) tracks is really helpful. The packaging is very good. All around a very professional package.
Rating:  Summary: Force of Hobbit Review: This book tells of the hobbit Bilbo Baggins and of his companions, a group of thirteen dwarves (Tolkien's preferred spelling) and the wizard Gandalf, as they set out to rescue a hoard of stolen gold from a fierce dragon. (A hobbit, for those not familiar with Tolkien's world, is a small, hairy-footed person who lives in a hole in the ground). Along the way, they have various adventures at the hands of the other inhabitants of Tolkien's imagined realm of Middle Earth- trolls, goblins, elves, animals and even humans. If the above brief synopsis makes the book seem like a twee Enid Blyton tale for infants, all I can say is that it is not. Unlike the more adult The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit probably was written primarily with children in mind, but it is the sort of children's book that can easily be enjoyed by adults. Indeed, it can in many ways be read as an introduction to The Lord of the Rings, because it introduces characters such as Gollum and Gandalf, who will play an important role in the later work, and because it tells of the earlier history of the Ring, which it will later fall to Bilbo's nephew Frodo to destroy. The Hobbit can be divided into two parts, corresponding to the time before and the time after the finding of the gold. The earlier part is lighter in tone. Although Bilbo and the dwarves face dangers in the course of their journey, they are able, by courage, ingenuity and luck, to overcome them; they are always the heroes, and the reader's sympathy is with them as they battle with the malevolent trolls, goblins and wolves they meet along their way. Bilbo is a particularly well-drawn character. He starts out as hesitant and nervous about the enterprise (hobbits tend to be conservative and unadventurous), but as it progresses finds within himself reserves of courage and resourcefulness, which enable him to rescue his companions from danger. (The dwarves, on the other hand, do not really come across as sharply-defined individuals, apart from their determined, headstrong leader Thorin Oakenshield and the fat, lazy Bombur). After the gold is found, the tone of the book becomes darker. The dwarves become less heroic and more morally ambivalent as disputes over the true ownership of the recovered treasure threaten to lead to war. The issue is not finally resolved until a bloody and destructive battle has taken place. What started as a light-hearted children's adventure story becomes a parable about the corrupting nature of greed and the destructive power of violence. The links between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings are thematic as well as narrative
Rating:  Summary: A Great Piece of Literature Review: The Hobbit is possibly one of the best books ever written it is a great prequel to an even greater trilogy. The book is centered around a creature called a hobbit named Bilbo Baggins and he goes on a quest to help dwarves get there gold back from the dragon named Smog. Of course this is not an easy quest he must leave his quiet town of Hobbiton and travel through Middle Earth and slay the dragon. He is used to hot meals and resting but not walking for entire days being chased by goblins and only getting one meal a day if they are lucky. The Hobbit keeps you turning the pages and you cannot put it down not matter how hard you try and once it is finished you end up going to the store to buy the sequels and once they are finished you leave once again to buy the Similarion. It is all good I reccomend this book to people who are in fourth grade or higher if you are younger than that then you may have trouble understanding the story. But one word of advice make a copy of the maps so that you can refer to them later it will definatley help! Hope you enjoy it.