Rating:  Summary: Little People Can Do BIG Things Review: Little Bilbo Baggins seemed at first like an innocent person, completely absorbed in his own little world, but as you read, you will find that no one escapes the wrath of Bilbo! This story is about a hobbit and a group of dwarves who set out to retrieve more plunder than is imaginable from the great dragon Smaug. Humor is very visible in this book, so if you like humor, and if you like fantasy, read The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien.
Rating:  Summary: Mystical creatures rule again Review: The Hobbit was a great book. If you love to read about creatures such as elves, hobbits, dwarves, and trolls along with magic, this is the book for you. When Biblo Baggins meets Grandalf, he mever expects to go on the adventure of a lifetime. Want to know more? Read The Hobbit!
Rating:  Summary: PASSAGE TO A NEW WORLD Review: I guess I'm writing this review about 35 years late. I first read "The Hobbit" while in high school. I didn't know what I was checking out of the New York Public Library as I was strictly a Sci-Fi reader. Since then, I've re-read it four times. I have bought copies for each of my three children. They all enjoyed it, but only one,the daughter, has accompanied me on this trek through Middle Earth. This mastery of fantasy has brought me and mine, hours of literary pleasure. No other author of fantasy has been able to touch JRR Tolkien, in respect to depth and intricacies of storyline. Bilbo Baggins will always be my favorite character because of the way JRR Tolkien presented him to us. If you haven't read it, do so, and if you have, give it as a gift to someone you feel is a kindred spirit and you 'll enjoy with them a new realm. JRR, you will always be the creator of Fantasy to me.
Rating:  Summary: The standard for Fantasy fiction Review: I first read the Hobbit as a young child (but having a 12th + reading level in 4th grade made that an easy feat)and was immediatley drawn into Middle Eatrh. JRR Tolkien created an entire world, several languages and most importantly a story that will stand the test of time. Especially with the Lord of the Rings triology that followed Tolkien made Fantasy books what they are: an anology of our own history, both good and bad. The marshalling of the good powers against Mordor was nothing but WWII written in a fantasy style; superbley done. Most fantasy novels today are old reruns of Tolkiens work; I read some and give the books away; I still have The Hobbit, The Triology and The Simmerelian. The only modern fantasy novels that can compare (though the author is dragging things on a bit) is Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series. Look out for the first Lord of the Rings feature movie due sometime at the end of 2001.
Rating:  Summary: A Big Tale about a Small Guy Review: Bilbo Baggins was an ordianary hobbit, living in his ordianary home, doing his everday oridanary things. Until one day a brigade of dwarves and a magical wizard came barging into his ordianary life. Bilbo,then was forced to go on this insane quest across what seems to be an entire country, just to find some gold. This gold originally belonged to the dwarves until taken away by the terrible dragon, Smaug. Bilbo and the dwarves are now off on an adventure. A very dangerous adventure to be more precise. They start off by encountering trolls, who want to eat them for dinner. Wolves, elves, giant spiders, a terrible war and many other problems arouse for Bilbo and the Dwarves to weasal their way out of. An excellent read for the fantast lover!!!
Rating:  Summary: Although Extremely Good, Still not the Best Review: I've always loved fantasy novels, and my friends have always told me that The Hobbit was a "most read", ok after several tries now I've read it and, don't get me wrong it's really good, but I don't think it's worth five of four stars. The descriptions of both settings and characters are very good, the story is extremely imaginative, but I think it's a very "light" adventures story because of all the perils Mr. Baggins (the Hobbit) and his dwarves companions encounter, there's not one in which you can really get concerned of what the outcome will be. I enjoyed it and never will regret reading it, but also think there are better fantasy novels, like the ones of Margaret Weiss and Tracy Hickman.
Rating:  Summary: A classic Review: The prelude to the lord of the rings triology. A masterpiece of English language. By the creater of fantasy. By Tolkien.This is why you must buy this book and read it. Tolkiens creative use of the world of middle earth is amzing, it paints a picture in you head and he make it seem like a word is worth a thousand pictures. A true classic for anyone, from a kid to an aging grandparent, this book will freeze time while you dive into the book.
Rating:  Summary: Truelly a wonderful start. Review: "I saw one of my students had not finished the back of his paper that was due. So I picked it up and scribble 'In a hole there lived a Hobbit.' That is a quote of J.R.R. Tolkien. That is how he began into the adventure of this lovely book. How amazingly awesome this is written. Tolkien has a wonderful way of story telling and bringing adventures to life. (as he diminstrates with this book) Biblo Baggins will be remembered ages from now as the main character in the greatset prelude to the greatest trilogy. The story starts off with Bilbo living hapily in his hobbit hole not bothering anyone. When the wizard Gandalf. (which is my favorite character. If you read LOTRs you will find to love him even more) He tells Bilbo that he has been chosen to come with a band of dwarfes to help get their riches back. Bilbo is reluctant but goes anyways. I would love to write a long review telling all that happens, but that would give away this wonderful book. And the best part about it is the first time you read it, it's amazing. Just know that there is battles with orcs, other hobbits. Great meetings with elves. (Elrond) Battle scenes involving a great archerer. Please take my advice and read this book. It is the book that has changed all fantasy writings and has changed most writting styles. Please read this book.
Rating:  Summary: A fantasy world of excitement Review: This book is mostly based on a fantasy world with fantasy people. For anyone that enjoys to reading those types of books I would recommend. I enjoyed the thirteen dwarves and how they identified their own personalities. My most favorite person would have to have been Gandalf,the wizard. He was the one who had been experienced on the journeys and felt settled when they were faced with another conflict or situation. And without him this journey would have never begun in the first place. In chapter four for example there was an incident
Rating:  Summary: Hobbit Thoughts (B.B.) Review: While reading the book, I found myself glued to it. It's a really great tale with lots of adventure and twists and turns. I never knew what was going to happen next like when Gandalf leaves the group or when Bard kills the dragon instead of the dwarves. Tolkien uses great imagery that just painted pictures in my head. He describes all of the scenery and characters in such a depth that they seem to come to life. Altough, I am not much of a big reader I think I would read this book again at a later date.