Rating:  Summary: The beginning of it all.. Review: "The Hobbit," the prequel to the legendary Lord of the Rings, is an excellent adventure story for readers of all ages. I particularly recommend it to younger readers, as it is not very hard to read and is easy to follow. It is a very wonderful gift to young "Harry Potter" fans, because it has the same wonder that captures the imagination. However, seasoned SF/fantasy readers (such as I) will probably see it as merely a stepping-stone for LoTR. While I enjoy this book very much, I feel it is not on the same level as the books that followed. Still, I recommend reading "The Hobbit" before you tackle "The Lord of The Rings" and "The Silmarillion."
Rating:  Summary: AWESOME!!!! Review: its true the book gets off to a slow start but it gets better and better I found myself reading it more and more as the story went on. while many of the reviews say bilbo did nothing important if it wern't for him all the dwarves would be dead and nobody would know of smaugs weak point. I loved how the troubles they ran into in the begining greatly affected the battle of the 5 armies. This book has given me great excitment for when the lord of the rings movies come I can't wait!
Rating:  Summary: A must own literary classic. A great intro to Review: Lord of the Rings. I remember reading this when I was a little boy. This book did wonders for my imagination. I read it a second time a few years later. Then, I read it again a few years later. I knew I would have to have this in hardcover because I would enjoy it forever. My family talked me into getting the illustrated version instead of the leather-bound "Collector's Edition" and I'm glad they did. The illustrations bring more joy to me while reading the book than a fancy binding ever could sitting there on the shelf. If I could only own one work of fiction, this would be it.
Rating:  Summary: gearing up for the lord of the rings.. Review: if you're thinking about diving straight into the lord of the rings trilogy, i'd suggest you take the time out to delve into the hobbit first. this prequel to LOTR is equally fascinating and beautfully creates Tolkien's magical world for you as a start, whetting an appetite for the hefty story that follows. that done, you're now prepared to tackle LOTR. enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: The Hobbit on tape Review: As far as books on tape go, this is one of the best I've come across. My parents bought it for me fifteen years ago, and I still pull out this 6 hour set or the twelve hour Lord of the Rings series when I'm driving cross-country. The Mind's Eye dramatizes JRR Tolkein's books with a full cast (there are a few people who voice multiple characters), and the voices from The Hobbit appear again in The Lord of the Rings. And because The Hobbit includes six hours of tape, it gets pretty much the whole story. This is well worth your money
Rating:  Summary: THRILLING ADVENTURE Review: The Hobbit is one of many J.R.R Tolkien's fabulous books but this one is about a man(Bilbo) that hates to be dirty but also dislikes going on adventures and trips. One day people was outside smoking his pipe and a wizard named Gandalf appeared and said "Are you Mr. Bilbo Baggins" ,why yes replied Bilbo, "Oh you are the choosen burglar."Then it started 12 dwarves showed up to his door step and all said "You are waisting valuable time Mr. Baggins." Then Bilbo Baggins adventure had begun. They traveled for 15 days untill they reached a cave and food had been in a hose guarded by elves. The 12 dwarves said "Mr. Baggins you are the burglar so, sneek in and grab it for us",but old Bilbo was scared and ran off and came across a ring that made a person who wore it invinsible. Later that night he wore it and got pass all the men and scared all 12 dwarves. Next day ran into the elvin kingdom and got in prisoned and they escaped through the water gate and their adventure continued.They finally reach their destination and killed the most powerful dragon and slayed him and all his treasure dispurst into the land. This book is an excellent adventure and thrilling excitement. I reccomend this book to anyone who likes long and exciting adventure books.
Rating:  Summary: Great for just about everyone Review: The Hobbit is a book that can be enjoyed by all, but is mainly appreciated by two very seperate audiences. As a fairy tale style story it can be read to young children and generally enjoyed, but the true depth of the story is mainly appreciated by those old enough to read between the lines and understand what an amazing and detailed world Tolkien has created and placed this story in. Unfortunetly, the "bed-time story" style of writing can put off some older and most young adult or teen readers who find the book too childish for their likings. To anyone who feels this way after reading through a few pages all I can say is this - allow yourself to get past the all of that. Pay attention to the great characters and excellent story. And then look deeper and appreciate the wonderful and deep world Tolkien has created. From Bilbo's Hobbit-hole to the Last Homely House to Smaug's Lair every location is detailed and rich with character. If you haven't read The Hobbit, go read it right now. If you've already read it, then I'm sure you can understand everything I'm saying. If you don't, then read it again. This is a book that, on the first read, is an incredibly entertaining, original, and creative story. And every subsequent read allows you to peel away more layers and see deeper into the world of Middle-earth. And once you begin to see just how incredible a place it is, you should go on and read The Lord of the Rings - a novel that allows you to delve even further into the mythology and provides yet another eminently enjoyable story that anyone can (and should) love.
Rating:  Summary: The Hobbit Should Have Stayed Where He Belonged ; Alone Review: (...) The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien gets 2 stars. It has some parts that are exciting, but not many. It contains heroes, hardships and good vs. evil, which is were the 2 stars come from. I don't recommend it. While I was reading I had to make myself sit down and read. It wasn't enjoyable like reading should be. This fantasy story is about a hobbit named Bilbo Baggins who didn't like to be bothered. One day the wizard Gandalph and about 14 homeless dwarfs come visit him in his quiet little hobbit hole. They changed everything. He is soon pulled into their quest of fighting goblins, spiders, evil orcs, and wolves in hope of finding the treasure that the great dragon Smaug protects. Most of the book is dull and tiresome. In my opinion you could skip 5 pages every now and then and not miss a thing. For instance, Tolkien uses 24 pages to express what happened when the dwarfs first met Bilbo, when all that was needed was about 8. He wasted about 100 pages total in the book which has 304 pages. Although The Hobbit is a bit slow, it shows the never-ending battle between good and evil. Tolkien portrays this well. When Bilbo comes face to face with evil he uses poems and riddles, which are challenging to figure out. The Hobbit also has a worthy plot of heroes and hardships. This can relate to other books such as the Harry Potter series and Homer's Poem about Ulysses. Bilbo is said to be a hero many times when he is faced with a challenge. One of the dwarfs complain "I'm just going to lie here and sleep and dream of food, if I can not get it any other way..." They had many hardships such as food, shelter, and ways of transportation. All in all, i would not reccomend this book. Even though it has a few good qualities such as heroes, hardships, and the relationship between good and evil, it is still boring and dull. It only deserved 2 out of 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: The Hobbit, and the three part series. Review: I have read the Hobbit. It was an uplifting tale and I recommend this book for children, teenagers, and adults. It is a fun book to read and I also recomend that you continue reading it into the three part series. Lord of the Rings-The fellowship of the Ring(part one),The two towers(part two), and the Return of the King(part three). Each book is tied to one another in a continuous plot. These 3 books are page turners as well, filled with suspense and uncertainty. The charactrs are not your typical heroes also. One does not know what to expectfrom each, yet you undersand their own unique personalities. They are very human in nature, even the wise Gandalf. The three part series is more complex in plot also in comparison to the Hobbit.
Rating:  Summary: An Excellent Tale Review: There and back again, as the subtitle goes. A round trip in the book, yet a beginning to the Lord of the Rings trilogy. A round trip, yet an intro into Middle Earth. A spectacular story about a Hobbit, his journey, and a ring. As you can see, there have been over 900 reviews of this book. All told, this book has a 4.5 star rating. What can I say that will change your mind on this? What can I say that has not been said already? Most likely nothing. I can shed no new light on this piece of fiction. All I can do is chime in with an opinin that has already been stated but by using other words. This book is excellent. Well, so be it. The book is a great read. It's a great tale in a great locale. This book is certainly required reading for anyone who reads various genres. Be it normally fantasy, sci-fi, history, or satire, I'd be surprised if you picked up this book and did not at least like it. Is this a high level brain teaser? No. Is this going to change the world? No. Are your problems going to be solved after you read this book? I doubt it. This book is an escape, an escape into the world that JRR Tolkein pulled from his mind's eye and thrown down on paper. This is the intro to that world he saw. And what a great advaneture it is. I'm not into revealing polt when I write reviews. I think that's silly stuff and I don't want to be told what to expect when I read a review. However, you have to give hints. And the book here is all about an adventure. An adventure that goes over hills, under hills, and around them. An adventure that meets with various good and bad people/things. An adventure that sometimes goes well, and seomtimes not. An adventure that finds its way to the lair of a dragon and his hordes of gold. This adventure is the prequel to the Lord of the Rings trilogy, but only a small find by Bilbo along the way links the 2. That and the wizard Galdalf. In reading this for the first time in about 10 years, I found it just as interesting as the first time, if not a lot easier to blaze through the pages. The writing is fantasy. You could easily digest this whole book in a solid day if you wanted to. And it would be a crime to do so because then the adventure would be over barely after it began. The only point of my review is this. Read it. Even if you hate it (which you probably won't), this is something you should have read in your lifetime. If you are 10 or 100, it is a fun book to pick up. It appeals to all ages and is something that no home library should be without. I can say I've read American history, Tom Robbins, Kurt Vonnegut, Doglass Adams (and Coupland), Middle Eastern history, as well as other fantasy books and escapism novels from the likes of Clive Cussler. And this belongs on my book shelf just as much as any of those.