Rating:  Summary: The Hobbit Review: The Hobbit This novel, The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien is about a hobbit named Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo has never been or had an adventure, until he gets a visit from some dwarves and a wizard named Gandalf. They convince him to come help them win their gold and treasure back from the dragon Smaug. On the way they meet goblins, trolls, wargs, giants, giant spiders, and of course Smaug the dragon. Bilbo shows the dwarves his worth and they grow to respect him. Bilbo Baggins is friendly and likeable, but also scared and confused. Most of the dwarves are strict and ready for anything, but some, like Bilbo, seem scared. The book starts off slow telling about hobbits, but after the first chapter it becomes a little interesting. The ending was very good, since the author goes on a little to tell what happened to Bilbo when he got back home. In the beginning the author gives too many details on hobbits. Some of the vocabulary is old fashioned. In some points of the book, like in between the adventures, the story gets a little slow and boring, but during the adventures it is very interesting. I think the book would be more liked by children ages 10-15. Overall the book is good. I give the book 4 stars.
Rating:  Summary: I wish I had the chance to read this earlier! Review: Unfortunately I never this book as a kid, or in school; but in a way I am glad that I didn't. I think that I can appreciate it more now that I am older. I'm 26 and this is the first time I've read this wonderful novel. I did get to see 'Lord of the Rings' before reading it, but it only helped to enhance my imagination and awe of the world that Tolkien has created. It's too bad that they didn't make this one into a full motion film; I would love to have seen the "Battle of Five Armies" on the big screen. I've also purchased the collectors edition of 'Lord of the Rings' and I plan to read that next!!
Rating:  Summary: An amazing novel Review: I am sure there are many reviews for this book already, but I will heap more praise upon Tolkien's genius. The Hobbit relates the reader to the character. The story is also adventurous and exciting. I remember the first time I read the book in fifth grade, it thrilled me then, as it thrills me now when reading for the third time. A land of hobbits, dwarves, dragons, and wizards. The adventure is suspenseful and well worth the time. After reading the rest of Tolkien's books, I appreciate the Hobbit even more. It is a small part of his work, but the detail he uses to weave a creative plot is astounding.
Rating:  Summary: The Hobbit Review: The story " The Hobbit" is written by John R. R. Tolkien. It is about a small hobbit who lives in a small hole. Oneday Gandalf, a magician, and 12 gnomes leave Hobbingen, the village where they live, to have a big adventure. You get information about orks and big spiders which are in a forest and fight against Bilbo and his friends. But Bilbo ownes a special ring. If he puts the ring on his finger, he becomes ... I don't want to say to much about this fantastic book. Read it yourrself !! You feel, as if you would live in another world which is full of magic and action.
Rating:  Summary: take me there and back again, baby Review: I was homeless in Tokyo, with little to entertain me other than a copy of Tolkien's THE HOBBIT and Aldo Alvarez's INTERESTING MONSTERS. I was sitting on a bench, lying low, trying to lose the ski-mask-wearing gangsters, when I first cracked open THE HOBBIT. I had picked it up at a Books, Etc. at London Heathrow back in May, and hesitated to read it until I was left for dead by a powerful Japanese corporation. And you people think I'm making this up. Needless to say, a 'children's story' about taking a long journey, facing innumerable perils, and winning lots of money and respect becomes a lot more poignant after you get fired on Christmas and cry into your Kentucky Fried Chicken French fries before wheeling your suitcase up to the top floor of the department store to watch Tom Cruise in VANILLA SKY, with Japanese subtitles. I think I have come to understand Bilbo Baggins FAR better than I would have if I had actually done my homework when we 'read' this book in seventh grade. How I got an A+ on that test, I don't know. Why it was in the TREASURE ISLAND unit, well, I don't know that either. The kids in my seventh grade class made paper mache dragons, and painted them red and gold. My project included something on Elven runes. Not bad for a kid who didn't read the book. I'm sure that the kids who made dragons out of glue and newspaper 'got' something out of THE HOBBIT. I'm sure they got a rollicking sense of adventure, maybe some laughs (if an English gentleman's sense of humor appeals to the average 13-year-old circa 1991), and lots of incentive to read THE LORD OF THE RINGS or any other fantasy novel they might come across. They 'got' their firm stance that 'Smaug is the COOLEST dragon in ANY book EVER.' I, however, in waiting until the latter half of my 22nd year to read THE HOBBIT, have gained something else. An understanding. I have come to understand Bilbo Baggins, and his yearning for home. Unfortunately, I didn't come out of my 'There and back again' with any prize grander than my life, and security, and a nice warm futon on which I can feel the silky click of my laptop keys without fear of ninjas ... or health insurance fraud. It's no Arkenstone, I know. Still, it feels, well, good. My only problem with the book is, really, what's up with the commas? They're randomer than my emails, lately.
Rating:  Summary: The Hobbit - A true classic Review: The Hobbit is a true classic. J. R. R Tolkien's unique blend of simplicity and detail is great. You don't get bored reading it. I recommend this book to just about anyone, especially people who like fantasy or science fiction. Also, if you've seen the new movie "Fellowship of the Rings" it's really interesting to read about what happened before that story. So buy it, or check it out at your local library, you won't be sorry.
Rating:  Summary: The Hobbit (a darn good book) Review: The main character is Bilbo Baggins, This creature is a Hobbit. They are furry footed beings with a non-adventuress personality. Bilbo was no exception, At first he didn't even think about adventures. By the end Bilbo seemed like it was his personal destiny to be in adventures. He is a very funny and intresting charater with many good qualities. I like this book, this is because it is in a whole different world where anytyhing could happen. It is a story with many high points, and suspension. Many parts where victory seems hopeless but they always get out. The only problem I have with the book is the nearly 120 pages it took to develop the story for some action.
Rating:  Summary: i was dissappointed...but you do not have to be Review: with all of the hype recently regarding the new trio of movies coming about, i figured i should like to see the first of the three. i do however, have an aversion to seeing a movie before reading the book it is taken from. thus, i decided to make my way through the trilogy in prose form first. prior to doing so, i thought it wise to read the book which acts as a prologue, the hobbit. i was quite dissappointed. for the following reason. everyone loves this book. anytime people hype something so much, you are bound to have high expectations. yes, there is a very good reason it is well loved. the book has many interesting charecters, and sets the scene for the lord of the rings trilogy. one big thing to keep in mind though, this was written as a childrens book, where as the trilogy is not. the book meanders on, in an odyssey like form, going from one adventure to the next. there is not a lot of charecter development, (again, think childrens book, and you will be fine with this when you read it) i do not mean to bash this book. the book does what it sets out to do, tell an entertaining story. it is however, oftentimes, quite predictable, and uses what seem like cliche charecters. keep in mind though, that these are the charecters, that the cliches were based on. tolkien's gandalf, was the first wizard, that looks like the the wizards we think of. (robes, large pointy hat, long white beard, magical staff) go into this book with an open mind, rand emember that is was not intended to be a great piece of literature, but rather a good story for younger readers, and you will love it. excellent book to read with your kids. or, if you want to remember what it was like to be one.
Rating:  Summary: The Littlest Heroes begin the Greatest of Adventures Review: When I was a kid, "Lord of the Rings" was a perceived boy book. Girls, instead, read "Little Women", "Betsy-Tacy", and "Anne of Green Gables". Ask a boy to read any of those series, and they'd gag. Those girl books, however, are still great contributions to the literary and imaginative worlds. *** So even though Tolkien hasn't reached me until now (and well past my childhood years), "The Hobbit" is a rewarding pleasure. It's the prequel to the Lord of the Rings trilogy ("The Fellowship of the Ring", "The Two Towers", and "The Return of the King") and considered gentler and more suitable for reading to young children than the subsequent installments. *** The Hobbitt is Bilbo Baggins who leaves his comfortable abode (his hobbitt hole) to go adventuring with the wizard Gandalf and a party of dwarves who have a penchant for breaking into boisterous singing during mealtimes. *** They're off in search of treasure with little more than an old map and a lot of gumption to guide them. Bravery emerges in a disarming way. Tolkien understands the homeliness of his hobbitt and the dwarves -- the sort of quality we, the readers, have as humans but spend a lot of time concealing as uncool. So when adventure prods the timid and the inexperienced into derring-do, we are swept along like participants ourselves. Tolkien shows that even the littlest, unlikely ones have a place with the heroes...
Rating:  Summary: The Hobbit, a gem Review: I have been told that i am sad for reading the Hobbit. That it is a childs book. My mum read it to me when i was young and i read it again when i was 13. Having just re read it at the age of 15 i would say read it. Do not shoot staright into the Lord Of The rings. Read this first. Become a child again. Tolkien writes this like a kids book. But i know many adults who love this book and have read it numerous times. Bilbo Baggins is just a normal Hobbit intill one day gandal and some mighty dwarves come along and they are take him onto a quest to kill a dragon. Sounds lame doesnt it? Well dont be stupid, read it with pleasure. Carry it around in the park. Read it before you go to bed. This is a very good read and i reccomend it to all fans of adventure and anybody who is interested in Tolkien. A nice, fluffy, light read