Rating: Summary: Telep should write more of these... Review: Anybody else realise that Telep should just write MORE WC novels? I mean, anyone that can make the Kevin Droney movie script *readable* deserves some kinda reward...The book is fun to read, interesting and full of something the movie lacked: Character. Some come on Telep, a few more novels after Pilgrim Truth ok?
Rating: Summary: An excellant new view Review: As said before, I think it's an excellant new view into the world of Wing Commander, with the all the plot twists and action you expect from Wing Commander Canon, but don't always get. Comparatively better than the 'Game' line of books, it is a very vibrant beginning for the 'Movie' line. And while it's not perfect, I think the restrictions must have come from the script. The atmosphere, mood and tension is there before your eyes, making this a book you will definatly enjoy.
Rating: Summary: YOUR'RE THE MAN ! Review: Author Peter Telep took a good movie into a GREAT BOOK.
Rating: Summary: Excellent novel. Review: Compared with the movie, the novel features a richer plot, including some scenes which were removed from the movie to 'avoid confusion in the audience'. Telep does an excellent job of telling the tale.See Locke's WC Movie vs Novel Comparison at: http://members.xoom.com/alfong/wcmovnov.txt
Rating: Summary: Excellent Fast Paced Review: I believe Telep has the potential for a good series. I know I expect to see a continuation of his Wing Commander due largely to the style, left it off very well. I would like to be notified by Amazon as his future issues are published. Wayne
Rating: Summary: Peter Telep Drives Review: I have never read or known anything about the Wing Commander universe until I saw the movie which left me eagerly awaiting to learn more. After reading thso novel, I felt full again. Now to preamble this review, it is generally that the novel of the movie far exceeds it and it is true once again of the work of Peter Telep. I can understand that any fanatic finds fault with incoming authors so it's best that I am bringing a completely new point of view coming here, leaving alone Chris Robert's movie script and concentrating on the storytelling of the author. Peter Telep's, work, I find to be inspired and driving as he easily dramatizes war with the decrepit and dark events cascading onto people--along with ship hull plating. He meticulously constructs his characters with each their own sorrow past, reflections of wars long ago, and then drives in the conscious rendering of how each person copes with his or her situation in the present. Each finds their own avenue of choice. Although the book remains albeit of dynamic story telling, (seeing the enemy Kilrathi's point of view is quite refreshing and all the time gives you a bigger broad of what it was like for them) Telep continuously paints out the emotions and actions on a level most efficient with war. Feeling that both sides of the battle, Confederation and Kilrathi, both suffer the same kind of agony, pain, and vengeance, Telep drives in the heart of his version of Wing Commander. Aside from the characters, the plot moves undulating with brilliant battles and scenes alive, although the landscape of space was not as unique or detailed as some Sci-Fi authors. Telep can find interesting ways of rewording the destruction of Dralthi fighters or Rapiers so that the story doesn't feel repetitive. He highly details the fighters yaws and pitches fully to the pilot's reactions, a technique of accuracy with enhances his story as if you were there with Blair in his Rapier or Gerald on the bridge in dead still and quiet. The book is a vibrant tableau of war hell. The ending is honorable as it pulls you in to really want to experience the next chapters. After, I myself, 'enduring' the extent of the hate of Pilgrams and this total unanswered void of Confederation and Pilgrim chaos, I find myself eagerly awaiting Telep's next novel and seeing what Pilgram Stars will lay ahead.
Rating: Summary: AN AWSOME BOOK! SOMEWON IN THE UNITED STATES! Review: It's really cool. but I won't tell you anyting ,you'll have to read it
Rating: Summary: A GREAT WORK OF FICTION Review: Mr. Telep's book is an exciting literary addition to the "Wing Commander" saga. His superb description and explaination, helps us to understand the "WING COMMANDER" universe. A must read for any fan of science fiction.
Rating: Summary: A different (and welcome) take on the WC universe Review: Nice to see a new take on Wing Commander. Much more true to the games, with a few interesting twists not used in the game series. I don't like the changes in the ship design, though I suspect the movie forced that upon the author rather than the other way around. VERY nice to see Blair as a multi-faceted character. Overall, definitely worth the time and money
Rating: Summary: See the movie, it was great, them read the book!! Review: Peter Telep has done what other writers cannot do, and who often make fun of. he has made a movie tie-in book just as good as the movie-or jsut a little better. if i see his name on a movie novelization I pick it up no questions asked because I KNOW it will be good. Very few writers can contiue a world already created by someone else and make it just as good. So anyone who liked the movie should read the book. Also cheak out the Space Above and Beyond books. Peter you have done wonders as always.