Rating:  Summary: Dragonsong was a pretty good book Review: Reading is how I put my thoughts in a new place. Stories make me feel I am the character and everything is happening to me. They give me a whole new life to live. Dragonsong, by Anne McCaffrey, is an imaginative and adventurous book. The Dragonsong is an extremely imaginative story. When the Thread fall comes the dragons are able to kill it, but if the thread make it to land they can eat anything. Also when Menolly finds the fire lizards they can read her thoughts and they follower her everywhere after that moment. The idea of going "between" is very different and would be created only by imagination. During the Hatching the people impressed dragons by feeding them and talking to them. Then the dragon is with that person for life, unlike any animals on earth. This whole story only becomes real when you use your imagination. Dragonsong is very adventurous. The main character, Menolly, is a strong and brave girl and she goes on many adventures. Like when she left the hold right before thread fall, that was a tense part in the story. Then she started to live alone and had to provide everything for herself. It was frightening when Menolly was caught in thread fall with her feet torn up. Another adventurous part was going "between" on the dragon. That would have been a very exciting but terrifying experience. This story has many adventurous parts. I enjoyed parts of the book, but I really wished Menolly had fallen in love. I was hoping for some romance during the story. I would recommend people to read this, but only if they are older and enjoy fiction. Not everyone would enjoy the whole book, but I hope people can find some good part.
Rating:  Summary: I think Dragonsong was confusing but exciting. Review: It was exciting sometimes With the dragonriders Plus the dragon eggs hatching And the finding of the dragon eggs It was also confusing It started out in the middle of the story Also Had to many names Plus it didn't explan enough in the begging And terms it didn't explain I didn't really like it because it was to confusing but made up some of it by the exciting parts. Recomendation I don't think you should read it because it was to confusing
Rating:  Summary: Dragonsong was an interesting book. Review: I usually don't enjoy doing homework at all. When we were assigned to read this book, I thought the book Dragonsong by Anne McCaffrey was exciting, but unresolved. The book Dragonsong was very exciting. Especially when Menolly was outside of the hold during thread and she had to find protection. Also, when Elgion and Menolly were rescued and were in the same place but didn't realize it, that was exciting because you didn't know if they would figure it out. In another instance, Menolly cut her hand, and it was kind of intense until you find out that she won't lose her hand and she would be ok. Another example would be at the end of the book when Menolly got to play with the Harper, which she had wanted to do since the beginning. I felt that Dragonsong was unresolved also. The story was interesting, but it didn't seem finished at the end. I thought that Menolly was going to go back to the hold, and her family. It didn't sem like she had resolved things with her family which left me hanging. Also, it said something about Harper Elgion finally realizing who Menolly was, but he didn't do anything about ti. Another example about the dragon lizards, it didn't say what happened to them so it left me wondering. Also, Menolly cut her hand, then she said that it was ok, but I didn't know if there were any more side effects or problems concerning that. The whole story seemed like it needed another chapter to finsish the story line. I found that Dragonsong was a good book if you like mythical or imaginary stories. I enjoyed reading the book, but found it sort of confusing. I wouldn't say this is one of the best books I've read , but I think if a teenager enjoys fantasy books, they would enjoy Dragonsong.
Rating:  Summary: Dragonsong was a confusing, yet unique story. Review: Sometimes reading bores me. It really depends on the story and if I feel like reading or not. To tell you the truth, I wasn't looking forward to reading Dragonsong by Anne McCaffery. By the end of the book I found it a confusing, yet unique story. I thought that Dragonsong was a confusing story. It was confusing because of the setting and the vocabulary. For example, when I first started to read the book, I didn't know if the setting was supposed to be sonme time in the past or future. But, I concluded that it was supposed to be in the past. Another example of how the story confused me was the vocabulary. The author gave the characters some strange new words. I had to read a few sentences over two or three times before I got the gist of the meaing of the words. Although it did confuse me, by the end of the book, I thought it was a unique story. The book, Dragonsong, was unique. this story was unique because it had a setting, plot, and overall suspense t it that no other story has. The imagination the author put into this stoy makes it unique. For example, the characters and where and how they live. They jlive in holds with their family and other families. The children don't call their parents "mom" and "dad" but by their first names. The feelings and actions of the main character, Menolly also make the book unique. This story shows that the author has a Unique imagination. I found that reading Dragonsong was not as fulfilling as I like my books to be. The book didn't get me interested and it bored me. So I don't recommend this book to those people that are hard to entertained. However I do recommend this book to people that enjoy a book with a lot of imagination and fiction.
Rating:  Summary: Dragonsong was very interesting. Review: Dragonsong was very interesting. Dragonsong was interesting when it said that only one mane could be a Harper in each city. It was also interesting when Menolly saved the eggs. Another instance was when the fire lizards eggs were hatching. And last was when Menolly was taking care of the lizards. Dragonsong was very detailed. Dragonsong was detailed when it described how badly Menoll's hand was cut. Then it was detailed when it described how she disinfected it. It was also detailed when it described how Menolly was taking care of the lizards. And finally was when it described the fire lizards eggs hatching. I liked Dragonsong. I like reading it because it had a good story. I also liked reading it because it was about lizards. Thesis: The story Dragonsong by Anne McCaffrey was both interesting and detailed. Reaction: My reaction to Dragonsong was that it is a good book. Though it was a little confusing, it was both entertaining and unique. Recommendation: I recommend that all high school students should read it.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting and Invigorating Story Review: Dragonsong by Anne McCaffrey was an interesting and unresolved book. I feel this book was interesting because I have never read a book with this type of plot. Another thing that helped with the plot is its setting, which I have also never read about. The idea of dragons and Threadfall really compels the reader to keep reading further. A very strong area of the book was that support from the characters helped a lot to set the tone, atmosphere and life in the book In addition, the notion of Impressing a dragon really grabs your attention and imagination. The world that is set before us is very detailed, which helps give it a more realistic feel. Another issue that grabbed my attention was that everybody in Dragonsong all knew their place in society and what was expected of them. This has to be the most interesting book that I have read in a long time; I enjoyed the book tremendously. For example, there was no real closure to the story, which was its weakest area. And to make it worse, you started out with not enough background to the story. In the story itself, we never learn if the main character, Menoily, ever becomes a Master Harper And we also don't learn of Yanus's reaction to Menolly playing at the end of the story. Another important issue in another area is that we never learn what happens to the fire-Lizards after the story. And another example would be is we aren't told how the Sea-Hold will react to the existence of fire-Lizards. These are the main reasons that make me believe that this is an unresolved book. I feel this book was a excellent book. Even though it was confusing at times, in the end it was quite clear. I'd really recommend this book to everybody, most people if feel will enjoy this book. It is well worth your time, energy and money.
Rating:  Summary: Dragonsong was a imaginative book. Review: I personally don't like reading, so when we were assigned Dragonsong I was sad. But I came to find Dragonsong, by Anne McCaffrey, was both unique and imaginative. Dragonsong is a very unique story. The reason why it was so unique was because not too many books have had this kind of imagination before. Also because of all of the things that happened to Mennoly that made her seem real. Anne McCaffrey captured the realness of all the characters and even the dragons. I like the fire lizards because how the book described them as they flew, and how they kept Mennoly warm when they were sleeping. It's real because how the guys won't let Mennoly be a Harper just because she's a girl and how we still sometimes act like that. Dragonsong was also a very imaginative book. It's imaginative because of the dragons and how they fly around. Also because how they came up with the idea of Thread and how the dragons must eat most of the Thread before it hits the ground. Another reason would be how the characters would all fight with one another about being a Harper. And another thing is how the fire lizards would fly through the sky. It took good imagination to see the dragons in the book, but the authors' details made it easier to see them. I liked Dragonsong and thought it was interesting. The first beginning was hard to understand, but it gets easier to understand later on. I would recommend this book for High School students because I think they will all like it once they get into it.
Rating:  Summary: Dragonsong was a confusing book! Review: I think teachers should not give us homework. Homework is O.K. sometimes. When our teacher assigned us to read Dragonsong it was O.K. to me, but it led to my decision that: Dragonsong by Anne McCaffrey was curious and unexplained. Dragonsong was a curious story. The reason this story was curious was because Menolly herself was curious. Some incidents were she gets curious is when she gets tired of working and she wants to explore and see what else is around her. She takes a long walk and sees all the green plants and shrubs. Later on, she is curious enough to go further on and see some fire lizards. She gets curious with her music and starts making her own tunes against her fathers will. Dragonsong was a unexplained story. The reason it was unexplained was that the story just started in the middle. The introduction of the story talks about thread fall and it doesn't even explain what thread fall is. When it talks about animals and it says there names, it doesn't describe it or even say what they look like. How would you know what a harper is. It doesn't explain what it is. Later on in the story you will find out. My reaction to Dragonsong was not a surprising one. Personally I thought some of it was interesting but most of it confusing and boring. I don't really recommend this book to anyone unless you like detailed stories or confusion.
Rating:  Summary: Dragonsong was at times confusing, but always entertaining. Review: David I do not like homework. At home, I have better things to do, so I do all my homework in Study Hall or Algebra class first period. However, unlike usual homework assignments, I enjoyed the Dragonsong story, making the homework not as tedious a job as it normally would have been. I actually was persuaded to and did some of the work at home. However, Dragonsong by Anne McCaffrey was both entertaining and confusing. Dragonsong is a very confusing book with the use of a new, created language. The language is laced with English, making comprehension of the book difficult at times. Two examples of many are cities and towns, which are called Holds in the book. When beginning to read Dragonsong, this confuses the reader and makes it difficult to understand. However, once adjusted to the use of different words to represent common items and places, the story progresses at a rapid and more enjoyable pace. This enthralls the reader, making them crave for more of the enchanting story. Confusion overcome, the entertainment level created by reading Dragonsong surpasses the majority of the novel on the market today. With Dragonsong, the reader is able to imagine the occurrences in the book, rather than watch it on a television screen, as seen by someone else. The reader is able to create a vivid picture in their mind. Also, with the help of some pictures depicting the characters in the book, the reader's imagination can imagine their pictures more clearly. This ability to picture the story in the reader's head as it is expanded upon allows for the complete experience a novel should offer. Dragonsong was fun to read due to its attention to detail of the characters and their actions. Although quite confusing at times, the storyline and characters, whom the reader will undoubtedly grow fond of, makes up for this slight drawback. All aspects considered, Dragonsong by Anne McCaffrey is a captivating book I feel all adventurous people will enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Dragon is an imaginative adventure and unique story. Review: Dragonsong, by Anne McCaffrey is unique. The uniqueness of Dragonsong came from the fact that the events of Pern were fresh and imaginative. The book went aside from a normal fantasy novel and took a different turn. The dialouge and ideas were all very unique from the Threadfall, to the terms they used like 'turn' and 'hold.' The harper system was a new idea and how sacred the music was to the people. Dragonsong was not your run-on-the-mill sci-fi book, but turned aside and made definite gold in a unique sort of way. Dragonsong was also a very interesting story. It makes you want to keep reading and find out what happens to Menolly and the other characters. I never wanted to put the book down, and was actually disappointed when the lunch bell rang and I had to leave the book in my locker instead of finish it right there. Not many books contain the imaginative aspect of Dragonsong. I respect this book for that. Sometimes reading is very interesting, other times it is boring, but if you can find a good topic, chances are you'll enjoy reading a book. I had no idea what Dragonsong was, but figured I'd like it becuase I like big lizards. I was pleasantly suprised with Dragonsong as it captured my attention. To conclude, Dragonsong by Anne McCaffrey is unique and interesting. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys sci-fi adventure. Some people might find it boring, but I found it somewhat interesting. I hope more people can enjoy the works of Anne McCaffrey, as it pleased me.