Rating:  Summary: Dragonsong was a very interesting and exciting book. Review: I enjoyed the book Dragonsong by Anne McCaffry. It was a very interesting story. I would definitely recommend this book to kids in high school. They would probably enjoy it. Dragonsong is very exciting. It has many different events that catch the reader's attention. It has a lot of action. For instance, when Menolly runs from Thread. Another example is when the fire lizards finally get tame, and Menolly is able to hold them. It is cool when the fire lizards think that the people are hurting Menolly, and they try protect her from them. Another example that I thought was pretty cool was when the Dragonrider picked Menolly up and saved her from Thread. Another thing that I enjoyed about Dragonsong is that it was extremely detailed. I especially like the part where the book tells you about the new born fire lizards. It describes how the lizards neatly pecked the spiderclaws behind the eyes, killing them instantly. Dragonsong was very good at detail. It halps describe all of the scenes. I like how it describes Thread as kind of silvery and shiny, and how it kind of resembles spider web floating in the air, eating up anything in its path. Another incident that I liked and thought was detailed was when the fire lizards fought Thread. There were flashes of fire in the air, singeing Thread as it flew across the sky. I believe that the homework that was given on the book Dragonsong was fairly decent and easy, because all that we did was read. Although sometimes it was boring, it sped back up before you could put the book away. Even though homework can be boring at times, it gives you a great advantage in the long run. It also exercises your brain, to help you remember your school work. I believe that homework is very time consuming, but it is extremely mandatory. Dragonsong, written by Anne McCafferey was both interesting and very exciting.
Rating:  Summary: This book is really good. Review: Homework can be hard and tiresome, but I was surprised when we were assigned a book as good as Dragon Song. Normally were given long boring books that you fall asleep on the first chapter. I was expecting this book to be boring also, despite the fact that it had things like dragons in it. I was happy to read a book as good as Dragon Song by Anne McCaffrey. Dragon Song was very enjoyable and was easy to relate to in some way. It was inspirational to see a person so looked down on able to get what she wanted just by sticking to what she loved. It had problems that were very close to real life it just depends on how you look at it. The way things are resolved in the book give the impression that everyone can do what they love no matter who they are. It gives a sense of victory when Menolly gets to go to Harper Hall and that's what makes it really enjoyable. Dragon Song was very exciting and kept you hanging on every word. Putting the book down is hard because the whole time you're wondering what's going to happen to Menolly. When reading the book theirs a feeling of excitement about how she deals with the Thread Storms and her Fire Lizards. It makes the reader want to go on and on until finishing the book. The book really excites you in all the events that happen. Dragon Song is good for everyone to read. It relates to a lot of problems faced in life and helps you feel a little more relieved that someone else has those problems even if they are fictional. I really liked this book because it was different and it entertained me unlike many other books I've read.
Rating:  Summary: One of my first Pern novels, but not my last! Review: I have read most of the series,as you will find if you read other Pern reviews, and was no less amazed by McCaffrey's skill in this book! READ IT OR BEAT IT!! ITS WORTH IT, TRUST ME!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: DragonSong is written by Anne McCaffrey its a good book Review: Dragonsong is written by Anne McCaffrey its a good book Dragonsong is a book that captivates the interest of all who read it. It opens up a world of imagination that will thrill and entertain you. Dragonsong is written by Anne McCaffrey, were she combines adventure and suspense into one terrific book that is great to read. Suspense is often seen in the book. Menolly was one day out away from her cave in the cliff side, when Thread started falling down. Ashe sees the silver rain of Thread, she desperately tries to outrun it to her cave. Trough the boulders of the rocky beaches and the grasses of the plains she desperately needs to get to the safty of the cave. While she runs trough the N'rat plain she stays close to the water in case the Thread did start to fall down on her she could dive in. While she is running a dragonier spots her and picks her up in his beautiful bronze dragon. This book is full of such stories of suspense and adventure. It is the book that anyone will want to read. It is a book that will take your breath away and it will be so exciting that you will not be able to let it go out of your hands.
Rating:  Summary: The book Dragonsong is a confusing story. Review: Dragonsong is a confusing story telling of many people. It was confusing when Menolly named all her fire lizards, because trying to remember which one was which was hard. Also the book was confusing when they told the story of Brekke and what happened to her. Another example was trying to understand how important impressing a fire lizard was for Brekke. It was confusing at first but then it became a little more clear near the end.I think the book Dragonsong teaches about life. How unfair it can be, yet how enjoyable it can be. I think I look at life a little different now since reading the book. But I would only recommend it if you have lots of patience to try and understand it. Also if you really enjoy fiction.
Rating:  Summary: i found it very exciting Review: Dragonsong was a very exciting book. This was because of all the different adventures that Menolly was placed into. A few Examplesare the following. When she was caught in the Thread. And she managed to cut her hand while gutting fish, while she was still in the Sea Hold. And the time when she first meet the dragons was a real cliff-hanger. When i first started reading this book I thought that it just wouldn't start but she put in a lot of exciting thing.
Rating:  Summary: Dragonsong can be a confusing book. Review: I enjoy reading good books, so when I read Anne McCaffrey's Dragonsong, I thought it was a confusing book, which brought new ideas to our mind. Dragonsong can be a confusing book. Things such as Thread falls can become confusing. Something never heard of before. Falling organisms that destroy everything that they come into contact with, except for bodies of water. Paying attention to all of the new names can become quite difficult also. These names such as Menolly, Mavi, and Yanis are all complictated. This happens with all of the new, fictional concepts that people have never thought about before. I think that this book was very magical. You are forced to use your imaginatio, picturing the dragons. I would recommend this book to to a person who enjoys reading fanticies. It is a well written book and interesting book.
Rating:  Summary: Dragonsong is a very surreal story, yet still interesting. Review: Dragonsong is a very creative story. An example of this is the Dragons,fire lizards, and Thread. In this story, the dragons are Impressed by people who become their riders and fight the deadly Thread that falls every so often from the sky above Pern. They spray fire at the Thread, charring it before it can come to the ground. Another imaginative part of the story is that the Dragons can suddenly disappear and go "between". In "between", there is complete darkness and bone-chilling coldness. The dragons can also read peoples minds and so can communicate with them quite easily. Their relatives, the fire lizards share many of their same traits but on a much more miniscule scale. The fire lizards can also be Impressed as their larger relatives and will follow and and be loyal to their "Impressor". The fire lizards take on a more pet bird or dog character. Like when they sit on their masters shoulders or nuzzle with them. With Thread always threatening to fall, the people of Pern live in protected communities called Holds. They have a Master Holder who acts as the authoritive figure in the Hold, as well as a Harper who specializes in music. He teaches the young ones all the traditional songs and ballads as well as providing entertainment for feasts or other major events. Overall, I felt that this was a very creative and imaginative story thathas a main character that goes through the same trials teenagers do today. So I think that even people that don't like fantasies or fiction stories could still relate to and enjoy the problems that they do too. But, I think that someone that doesn't like fantasy or fiction stories would probably not care to read Dragonsong, but it never hurts to give it a try!
Rating:  Summary: Dragonsong was an interesting book. Review: DragonSong was written by Anne McCaffrey. She made the story very interesting.This book is an imaginative book filled with fasntasy and is fun to read. Dragonsong was a very interesting story because of the dragons and firelizards. It was interesting because of the way the dragons and firelizards were able to go "between". The way the people of Pern used the dragons to kill the Thread was also interesting. Seeing how that was the fastest and best way to kill the Thread. The story in the book was unclear as to how the firelizards helped the people of Pern. Altogetherthis was an interesting story with intriguing characters. I enjoyed reading Dragonsong, because of how interesting it was. I think that it is a good book to read if your into fantasy,and mild si-fi,or if you like to read about dragons. This is a book for you. Dragonsong was very captivating towards the end of the story, and I encouage you to read this book.
Rating:  Summary: The book Dragon Song was a very complex book. Review: I often enjoy reading a good, non complicated book. That is probally why I didn't care much for the story of Dragonsong because it was a very complex book. The main reason why it was so complex and confusing was the fact that there were so many different characters, not only that but the author jumped around alot. One minute you would be in this great adventure and the next minute you're in a peaceful room without knowing what happened to end the adventure. For instance there was a part in the book where a harper was climbing to find someone, and the author just left it at that. She never really said what happened. It jumped from the cliff to a room full of people talking. How can you get involved in a story when they just leave you hanging, and never really answer your questions,personally I didn't care much for the book. To me it was confusing, and very unrealistic. As for recommending it, I don't think I would, unless you enjoy books full of fantasy, too many names, and unfinished business.