Rating:  Summary: This novel is two books, only Half is the real A. C. Clarke Review: What a major dissappointment ! The first half of the book is true A. C. Clarke in excellent form, atmospheric, gripping & with the imagination firing like the master he is. And then what happens? We get a an honest to goodness, old fashioned soap! I could live with a cliffhanger ending if I cared what happens next.
Rating:  Summary: An amazing book in an amazing series Review: One of the best known series in all of science fiction, the Rama story is a truly captivating tale that keeps you glued to the pages. Though slow at times, this is a story that no sci-fi fan should miss. It is a story that examines so many aspects of humanity: love, the bonds within family, greed, jealousy, tyranny, determination, moral dilemmas, the environmental and social problems that currently plague our planet, and the hopes and dreams of the future of mankind and how we might react in the face of the unknown wonders that await us as we venture from our cradle here on Earth and into the vastness of space. It is a story that will make you think about your own life and ponder the path that you have chosen over the years. It will make you think both while you are reading and for a long time after you finish.If you're interested in other thoughts about Rama as a whole, see the beginning of my "Rama II" review. ***** "The Garden of Rama" Part II of the grand Raman adventure picks up where the cliffhanger at the end of Part I left off. This book is much more accessible from the beginning than "Rama II", but those who did not like the first book will probably like the beginning of this one even less. It is written in four sections, however, and don't be put off if you find the first one too slow or emotional. The story really picks up a lot starting in the second section. Personally, I thought that the format of telling the story through Nicole's journal in section one was very effective. What the family goes through in New York is incredible and anyone who has ever shared a deep love with a partner or spouse, or has been through trying times in a family cannot help but be moved by some of the things that take place. This book made me think about many aspects of my life and especially about the importance of the bond I share with my wife. Apart from the emotional and moral explorations, there are plenty of mysteries tossed out there for the reader to ponder, especially where the Octospiders are concerned. The events at the Node were intriguing and sometimes mysterious, and the factory where Rama is reconfigured reminded me of the factory on Magrathea where the Earth was constructed in Douglas Adams's "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". The middle section's character development reminded me a lot of the beginning of "Rama II" and the slowness of it drags the book down a bit. This part is so purely Lee that it is as if he slipped out of the Rama concept for a moment and ran off in some entirely different direction. Actually, this part is very important for the story, but that doesn't make it more interesting at the time. What takes place once everyone is aboard is a truly sad, yet very accurate commentary on the human species. It is unfortunate that humans cannot get along with others of their own kind, are so overrun with greed and hate, and frolic through life with such disregard for other beings. I believe that the majority of people are good at heart, but there is always the minority that wages war, commits atrocities supposedly justified by skin color or ethnic background, or submits entire populations to virtual imprisonment merely to satisfy their megalomaniacal thirst for power. This is to say nothing of the shortsighted environmental crimes against the Earth or the extermination of other species that we are committing on a daily basis. So what we have onboard Rama is a microcosm of human society encompassing all the best and all the worst that our world has to offer. This is not a story that sweeps reality under the rug and paints a rosy picture of mankind's future in space where virtually all problems have been solved. This is a story that exposes the hard facts and explores real social problems. There is even a parallel for AIDS in the RV-41 virus. And as you might expect the humans destroy their own habitat and then begin to destroy the habitats of those around them as well. Sometimes it seems that mankind's never-ending search for new frontiers is really a never-ending search for new environments to destroy. It's too bad that in reality there isn't anyone that can come in, call timeout, and put everyone to sleep. The humans in Rama thought that the Avians and the Octospiders were their enemies, but the true enemy comes from within. It is sad but true. Like "Rama II", this book is not to be taken alone. It is simply the middle section of a much larger story and you must read all three parts to really appreciate what Clarke and Lee have done. The ending will drive you straight into "Rama Revealed"; I closed "Garden" and immediately opened "Revealed". The Rama story gets better and better as you go along. Again, I highly recommend reading the "Rama II" / "Garden of Rama" / "Rama Revealed" series. It will really get you thinking both while you're reading and for a long time after you finish. A truly amazing tale.
Rating:  Summary: It's been a long journey! Review: Almost 20 years and 1,000 pages ago we were introduced to the fascinating Nicole des Jardin. The final scene of this book will we leave the reader in awe, just because we know Nicole so well. The book is very harsh in the last 30 pages, reading about the downfall of New Eden. It makes the reader salivate for a sequel. This book was absolutely incredible, except for the first 50 pages (Nicole's Journal). The style that the authors gave Nicole was painful to read, but things improved. Any fan of the Rama 2 will definetely want to check this one out!!!
Rating:  Summary: Good books, but not for those who want the same ol thing. Review: After reading the reviews on this book, I have to admit to being a little disappointed in the reviewers. Especially the reviewer from Mexico, whos gripes appear to be moralistic rather than based on the story at hand. Rendezvous with Rama was a great book, but it seems to me that everyone was expecting the following books to be exactly the same. I am glad to announce that the books are not like it. They are distinct and quite a pleasure to read once you stop expecting it to be just like the original.
Rating:  Summary: This is nothing but an annoying manual of how to have sex. Review: When I first read R with Rama I got shocked , a giagiantic space craft of those magnitudes is simply fantastic. With Rama II the mistery once started in the original novel kept going. Some puzzles were solved wile others kept in mistery. So I couldn't wait to read GR. When I started it it was a cool experience , very good sci-fi. But then started the soap opera scenes. What the hell is that of Nicole having sex with Michael when Richard was his husband? It doesn't matter how necesarily it was , it just isn't right !. Then the human familly arrives to the Node. What a fantastic description of an alien Space Station , but what an awfull mistery. Aliens doing pan-cakes to the humans when they order them? Give me a break!. Then we have The Eagle. At first it looks like an amazing creature , but then it turns to be a damn biot who knows the language of the human visitors. I think that the aliens that built that Eagle could have done a better work , creating a more impressiv! ! e creature or I don't know !. Then we have the description of the technical cares taking place on the new Raman vessel , they are really cool. And then we have the horrible moment of revelation: The new ship it's going to be an used to carry 2000 humans on it , and some presence it's going to be monitoring their activities wile the ship it's hedding to it's unknown destination. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ?!?!. With that single argument all the mistery from R with Rama and Rama II simply vanished in the air.Then we have a 15 years old girl who marries an old 76 years old man , they got themselves locked in one room and have sex (And I can imagine that it wasn't to esciting for the 15 years old) How can a girl that age do that with a man old enough to be her grand dad ?. Then we have another journey 'till they get up in an awfull new Rama with localities with names as stupid as "Lake Shakespare". We have an argument promoting masturbation and then we are introduced to a who! ! le new line of flat and lacking of grace characters. Also w! e have what seems to be a bunch of dirty-diapers still not growed up problem makers drugs and sexualy obsessed adolescents who not only are doing sex all the time but also doing sex with people of their same gender , there is a very clear dialoge that states that. O.K to much sex was acceptable but homosexuality in a science fiction novel (is this sci-fi?) it's enough. Then we have a troubled 2000 people society that kills all of the avians and Richard for trying to prevent a war. I got so bored that I didn't finish the damn book. UnfortunatelI I feel compromised to read the next book I just hope it's better that this space based soap opera. Only because I have read other of Clarke's works I know he isn't a bad writer because this book is nothing but a pure failure.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty OK. Review: I think that Gentry Lee has impeeded Clarke. I heard that he wrote most of the Rama books (Clarke made up the story line), which is why sometimes they're so boring and why there's less actual science fiction. There were of course some good parts in GOR, but when I read it the third time I didn't finish it. The problem with this is that GOR is quite necessary to completely understand Rama Revealed, the next book, which I have labelled as one of my two all-time favorites.
Rating:  Summary: This is bull! Review: It's not more Hard SF! It's only a big soap opera in space...I gave a 2 because I'm a Clarke fan and haven't got the nerves to give him a 1. I have lost them after the read.
Rating:  Summary: We have come to expect better from Clark. Review: If I want a season ending cliff hangger, I'll watch prime time soaps. This book starts in one direction(good)in a RAMA tradition. It then turns into a morality play unworthy of the author, and then stops, as if it were a weekly serial. I love a good series, but each book should stand on its' own. This one just wants you to buy the next installment.
Rating:  Summary: Suck-o-RAMA Review: Ok.... I admit that I have enjoyed reading the RAMA books, but not in the same way I enjoy reading other books written by Arthur C. Clarke, a man I consider to be one of the greatest writers ever. These books, except for the first one, are just action adventures/soap operas. There is nothing deep or anything that will make you think in these books. Reading this series is like watching Pro-Wrestling: you know it is ridiculous, but it keeps you entertained, so you keep watching/reading. For anyone who is not really into Sci-Fi, and is not looking for original ideas, but is looking for a bunch of pointless sex, this is a great book. I am really bothered that Clarke sunk to the level of writing a series with pathetic cliffhangers at the end to sucker a reader into buying another book in the series. He should leave that up to Diane Carey and Peter David who think that writing Star Trek novels is the same thing as writing Sci-Fi.
Rating:  Summary: The Garden of Rama was a darn good book, deserving of a 10! Review: I hate to say this, but a lot of you people have bad taste. I read this book last weekend and I must say that it was probably one of the better two in the series. I thought it was suspensful, provoking, and just a good book. I also think that drawing parelells to life today (the Aids like disease, the dictatorship, and the war) simply shows that human nature is about the same, time isn't neccesarilly going to improve it.