Rating:  Summary: This is my favorite book ever. Review: You'll have to forgive me for my less than poetic review title, but there's only one way to say it -- for my money, this may be the best novel ever written.I discovered this book when I was in the sixth grade, and I have read it at least two or three times a year, ever since. I'm now 23, and the book has lost none of its power or magic in all of those readings. If anything, it's only gotten more powerful, as the subtleties of Aerin's story become more clear with time and experience. A richly written novel with excellently rendered characters, this book is perfect for a reader of any age or gender. But I would like to point out that it may be especially good for young women -- Aerin is no passive heroine, and although she struggles to understand her place as a woman and a daughter in her father's court, she does not "buckle" to the pressures of society. Instead, she becomes simply -herself-, and her people love and respect her all the more for her voice and accomplishments. That's a message that a lot of young women these days need to hear -- I know it's one that I needed, and this is one book that has helped me become who I am, without apologies.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Book I've Ever Read Review: This is easily the best book I've ever read.I went to the store looking for a good book and bought this one because it looked interesting.I didn't know I could read a 246 page book in a night and a day.The story is about a princess named Aerin who never quite fit in.I don't want to tell you much about it because it is sssoooo good.If you like adventure,a good story,and a little bit of romance,you'll like this book.I've bought 5 books of McKinleys already and loving them,I hope you will too.
Rating:  Summary: This is not so great story Review: This book is a routine fantasy story for me. Many avid readers of fantasy just loved and praised this book a lot but I don't think this book is worth for it. The people say this book has great descriptive expressions, but I think the author wrote too much useless information. This is one reason I didn't really like this book. The story is really normal and expectable. This book has about 360 pages, but in the first 100pages don't really have any interesting events at all. The out line of story is like this; there are Dragons, which harm people. One day, the king asked to his people to kill the dragons, but no one showed up. As you can expect, Aerin, the daughter of king, came forward to kill the dragons. As usual, she got help from a wizard, and killed the dragons one by one. I think this book don't really have a creative and unique story. This is another reason I didn't like this story. You might like this book, but I don't recommend you to read this book.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Ever Heroine Story!!!! Review: This book is like none other, I couldn't put it down! Aerin is the rightful heir to the thrown of Damar, her father is the king of Damar, Arlbeth, but Aerin is also the daughter of the "witchwoman" from the 'north'. The people of Damar don't trust her, and she is like no other girl, she likes to hunt dragons and ride horses! With the help of Luthe, her soon love, He teachers her what her mother was truely like, and gives her knowledge to face Agded, the evil wisard(I guess you could call him) . Aerin finds knew friends along the way and relizes she loves Tor, her best friend since childhood. This book is the BEST, I mean BEST Fantasy book there is out there. I STRONGLY recomend reading it, it's wonderful!
Rating:  Summary: A masterpiece Review: The Hero and the Crown is a gem between two covers. The story, that of a tough princess who does not fit the medieval bill of ladylike behavior (she enjoys hunting maruading dragons), may seem repetive to those who have read books such as Dealing with Dragons but DO NOT BE DECIVED!!! McKinley has created a masterpiece. What seems a minor subplot may prove vital to the book. You never know where the book will take you but you accept, knowing it will be intriguing.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Success for Any Girl Review: Robin McKinley gives us a brilliant heroine in the form of Aerin. She does it all, fights dragons, wins wars, and picks up a guy. She has amazing self dependence, and a thirst to prove herself, which gets her into some sticky situations. The plot was well weaved, as there were many things going on, and it seemed countless climaxes. Aerin doesn't just get one adventure, she has enough to keep the reader enthralled throughout the entire book. You won't regret reading this one.
Rating:  Summary: No word is suitable to describe this book! Review: This is the story of Aerin the daughter of the king and the witchwoman who was said to have enspelled the king to marry her to get a heir to rule damar and died of despair when she found she had borne a daughter instead of a son.Aerin had grown up knowing the story and had lived all her life with wispers of"witchwoman's daughter" following her everywhere.But Aerin was brave whether induring these whispers or Fighting dragons or dragging herself half dead to safety or recovering from a fever that would have killed one stronger than her or even fighting a force of evil that had an object that made it nearly invincible. an Imaginitive,well written,exiting novel that came along at just the right time.
Rating:  Summary: If You Haven't Read It Yet, Run Out and Get it! Review: This is really an excellent book. Although it may be confusing at times (McKinley makes up a lot of terms that fit her fantasy world, but are, unfortunately, not in the dictionary), it is well worth the confusion because everything sorts itself out in the end. The characters are heartfelt and tragic, and the themes play with ideas of honor, valor, and self-sacrifice. I don't even read science fiction! It is quite an accomplishment...This book is not only plot driven, but character-driven as well. You really become personally invested in them, especially the lead character Aerin. Run, don't stop, to get this!
Rating:  Summary: A Classic Review: I first read this book when I was 13 and have revisited it often over the past 18 years, most recently last week. It not only holds up; it's one of those wonderful books in which you find something NEW each time you reread it. It and its prequel, The Blue Sword, belong in every fantasy fan's collection. Special praise to McKinley for giving us such a great FEMALE main character. Aerin is a strong and thoughtful heroine.
Rating:  Summary: A must-read for any fantasy fan Review: This is, I believe, Robin McKinley's magnum opus. This book is often hard to locate, buried in the young adult section where it only half-belongs. Yes, this tale is about a teenage heroine, but the subject matter, her trials and emotions, are not limited to that audience. (Note to booksellers-By the way, most avid young adult sci-fi and fantasy fans have been reading from the adult section for years-you might do better to rethink the placement of these types of books.) Anyway, this novel tels the story of Aerin, arguably one of the most well-written and believable heroines out there. Her feelings of ineptitude and clumsiness are universal, yet her unknown powers don't develop miraculously, deus ex machina style, but are fought for and gained as a result of this fight. The narrative twists and turns in surprising ways, and the tale doesn't always turn out the way we originally think it will, and yet the turns never feel out of place. This is a novel from a whole other world, and yet it feels real. The characters are true-to-life and honestly drawn by this masterful author. This book would definitely draw someone into the fantasy genre.