Rating:  Summary: Gathering Blue Review: Gathering Blue, written by Lois Lowry was an alright book. It took place in Kira's controlling community. Gathering Blue was about a girl named Kira,who was borned handicapped and who's mother passed away from a disease. She doesn't know what to do, because nobody can take care of her. Kira's father lives in a free community where everybody helps each other out and there aren't any dictators. She ends up choosing to stay in her controlling community and go to the Council of Guardians and finds out that they already have a plan for her. Their plan is for her to become a seamstress for the singer's robe. Her talent of sewing saved her life.
Rating:  Summary: *Gathering Blue* Review: Gathering Blue is about a newly orphaned girl who is disabled and a misfit to the society. She is unable to make use of her distorted leg, and is forced to leave her residence by a neighboring villager. In the midst of the climax, Kira is faced against the Council of Guardians, where they decide if she will be sent to "The Field," where beasts will kill her. Or they can make a decision for her life to be spared. They decide to give her a break, and she is taken to live in the Grand Council Edifice as am embroiderer. There she can repair a symbolic robe that gets worn at the annual Ruin Song Gathering, where the village past is shared. Thomas, a Carver, and Jo, the next Singer also resides in the Grand Council Edifice. Like Kira they are artists who have lost their families. The three get ordered around and cannot express a lot of their own creativity. With the help of their friend matt, their courage amplifies, and they plan to create a new future, that isn't dictated by the Council of Guardians. Gathering Blue was a remarkable book. Kira's artistic ambitions may inspire many. This book was easy to get into, and grabbed my attention. I thought the characters were intriguing, and entertaining to read about. I also love the aspect of their names complementing their ages. Generally, it was a good book, but I really want to know what else happens. I give this book 4 out of 5 stars, and I highly recommend it to others. It reveals interesting aspects of a future world, and makes you think a lot about the world.
Rating:  Summary: Gathering Blue Review: The story begins with an orphan girl, Kira. Her father died on a hunt, and her mother of sickness. When a tyke (child) becomes an orphan, the normally will give you away to a family that's doesn't have any tykes. This doesn't happen to her. She is different, she has a twisted leg. She is taken to the "big guys", and they tell her that since she has a gift, that is she can do amazing things with string, she can stay in this building. She has chores to do that involve her using her gifts. Throughout the time she lives in this building she acquires friends, Jo and Tomas. She also has a friend from before she moves here whose name in Matt, he is a younger tyke who loves adventures. While living in this place she begins to realize that she is being used for her gifts. At the end of the book Matt goes on a long journey and finds plants that make blue dye, and he also finds her dad. The truth was that he was attacked by the person Kira trusts most, and now he is blind. He asks her to come with him to a place where there are much better people and surrounding, but she cant because she doesn't want to leave Jo and Tomas. The setting of this book was in a futuristic village were there was much fighting and arguing. The main characters were Kira, Tomas, Jo, and Matt. The theme is that you really cant trust everyone, and everything is not what is seems. This book is written in 1st person, and the tone is serious and kind of fun. The only thing I would change about this book is the ending, I would make Kira go with her dad back to "nice" place, and have her take Tomas, Jo, and matt with her. There they could live a fun and peaceful life. Other than that I enjoyed the book greatly. It kept my attention because something new and exciting was always just around the corner.
Rating:  Summary: Gathering Blue Review: "Gathering Blue" by Lois Lowry is written in the third person and is an easily understood book. I enjoyed the overall storyline and it was an attention-grabber. The book began with a young girl named Kira recovering from her mother's death. She, a gifted weaver but now an orphan, is in fear of being casted out of the village. This is because she is of no use to the town due to a deformed leg. She is brought to court and pleads her case to the Council of Guardians. With the knowledge of her artistic ability, they arrange plans for her to be a caretaker of the Singer's Robe. This is a ceremonial garment worn at the annual Ruin Song Gathering by the singer, who depicts the history of the world. She moves to the Council Edifice, one of the few places to survive the Ruin. Kira and other artists who share the stone residence are of great importance. Without giving away the ending, Kira eventually finds the courage to follow her art wherever it may lead. On the whole, I was very fond of this book and would recommend it to all. The only tricky part to me was the ending. It was a little confusing but it made me think harder. All in all I recommend it to everyone. Although I haven't read "The Giver," which is also by Lowry, I took pleasure in reading the book. An interesting and very entertaining book, I am delighted to have read "Gathering Blue."
Rating:  Summary: Gathering Blue...Seeing the blessings you have Review: Gathering blue was an upsetting/Strong/Touching Story. It was about a girl named Kira that was an orphan since she was little. Kira is mentally slow and she is living in a world that rejects the weak. No one decides to help Kira except for a little boy. later on in the book, Kira is summoned to judgement by the council of Guardians and prepairs to fight for her life. What suprises Kira is that the Council Has a plan for her. Kira is blessed with a "magical talent" that keeps her alive. All throughout the book, Kira is up against new responsibilities and a set of mysteries deep within the only world she has ever known. During her quest for the truth, Kira discovers things that will change her life and world forever.
Rating:  Summary: not my type of book Review: Personally, I don't really like futuristic novels about stuff that have a small chance of ever happening. I like books about stuff that could actually happen. About one chapter in to the book I knew that I wasn't going to like it all that much. Kira and the talk about her mother's "spirit" lingering for three days didn't really intrigue me in to reading much more. But since this was assigned for an English project I had to. I also did reader the companion to this "the Giver" and although I didn't like the style of that book either, I do like Lowry's style of writing and her way that she creates this new world that you get sucked into and end up reading chapters at a time. The struggle of Kira throughout the book trying to fit in with her leg and just the general problems that she faces. And the ways that she gets through them with the people that she meets along the way is a great story in its self. In conclusion, I do think that this is a great book of readers with an active imagination. But just don't let my review turn you a way for this book. Though all the talk of the Council of Edifice and futuristic talk like that turned me away for loving this book doesn't mean that you wont have an appreciation for it.
Rating:  Summary: Gathering Blue Review: Lois Lowry's novel "The Giver" was about the technologically advanced society set in the not to distant future. This book, "Gathering Blue" has been described as a sequel to "The Giver" but even though they are very similar, it doesn't seem like a sequel kind of. Lowry has created the two societies as pretty much the opposite of each other. "The Giver" is very technologically advanced, while "Gathering Blue" takes place in a very primitive world with only the most basic technology. Even though the settings are different, the problems in the society, and tough decisions are practically the same. And both the stories focuses around young people who carries great power and responsibility. "Gathering Blue" is about a 12-year-old girl named Kira who was born with a twisted leg and considered useless. Although the rules of her village would have put her to death, her mother saves her. Unfortunately, in the beginning of the novel, her mother dies from a sickness and her father is said to be dead. Now her amazing skill at embroidery, and her new friends will help her during her struggles and adventures. In my opinion, "Gathering Blue" was not one of my favorite books, but I also didn't like "The Giver" either. The beginning was dull but it did get better throughout, and the ending was disappointing. I didn't understand why she wouldn't go back with her father, even though she knew what would happen to her eventually if she stayed! Plus, the man that was taking care of her the whole time is the one who blinded her father! I kind of do understand that she wanted to be with her friends and not ditch them.
Rating:  Summary: Gathering blue Review: Hi, I am a 9th grade student who read this book for class. Overall this was not a hard book to read and it was also very interesting, so if you are also a student and have to read this book, don't be too upset. I have also read the companion book to this, "The Giver." In my mind throughout the story i was compairing the two. I saw many things on how these books contrast. In "The Giver" there is a male protagonist, in "Gathering Blue," a female. Also, in "The Giver" the world is full of technology and is very advanced, in "Gathering blue," there is very little technology and is not how the world is today. In the story the main Kira's(the main charactor) mother dies. In their village her mother had been a seamstress and had started to teach her daughter her skill before she dies. Some women in the village want to send Kira out because they feel that she is useless because she has a bad leg. The situation is presented to the council of guardians. The guardians decide to give her the job of fixing the singer's robe. It is a good book, I do recommend this book if you are looking for something to read over the summer. It is something that you can read fast and easily and have a good time reading it. If you have read "The giver" or even if you haven't you will enjoy this book.
Rating:  Summary: Gathering Blue Review: Kira is a young girl about twelve or thirteen who has just lost her mother to illness and many years ago lost her father to a hunting accident where he was taken by beast. This now orphan is faced with the difficult challange as where to live because one of the women that live near her Verona tries to take her cott to make a fenced in area for her tykes and chickens. This matter is take in front of the Council of Guardians. The Council decides to give her cott to Verona and keep Kira because of her wonderful skill in threading to restore the robe worn by singer who sings the most important song that tells of the events of the history of the people. Along the way she realizes that there are secrets that the world around her is hidding and she trys to look for them. She gets help along the way from her friends Thomas the Carver, Matt, and Branch. Lois Lowry is a master at creating new worlds in which the characters live in. This world in which Kira lives in is very different than the world we live in today, it mostly resembles older times where people do not yet know about showers and hunting is one of there main sources of food. This book as a whole was excellent, but the end of the book was not very good. It left the reader with many questions in which were not answered at the end.
Rating:  Summary: Gathering Blue Review: "Gathering Blue" written in 3rd person by Lois Lowry is the companion to "The Giver." Gathering Blue takes place in a futuristic village with little technology. The people's lives revolve around working and keeping their social status. The main character, Kira, was born with a twisted leg, a cripple. With her father taken by the beasts before she was born and her mother taken by a quick illness, she becomes an orphan. With no one left to take care of this girl, Kira must quickly become independent. Having not been able to work as others do in the village she is taken on trial for her worth since normally the weak aren't spared. By the end of the trial the Council of Guardians, the most important government heads, find her skills in sewing and she herself becomes an important figure in the village's government. She now gets to sew the robe for the "Ruin Song." The robe represents the villages past with its burnings and rebuildings. Now Kira gets to sew the future. Her comrades, Matt (one of the lower working class children) and Thomas (an important government carver) help her through tough times in her life and even help her find the mystical color of blue. Lowry depicts Kira as a strong and unique girl, she is my favorite character. Her life alone keeps the readers interested in her fate throughout the book. I found myself eager to read on just to see what happens next. Kira, however, makes me think of how lucky we are and how many other problems we could have. Kira becomes someone to look up to and admire. I really think no that "pain makes her stronger."