Rating:  Summary: Great book Review: I've read the Giver and Gathering Blue. As some of you may know I wrote a review on The Giver. Gathering Blue is about a girl named Kira. Kira has no more family after her mother dies so she has to live at a place called the Edifice. In order to live at the Edifice she has to gather different colors to weave. She doesn't know how to get the color dyes so she goes in search of the old dyer Annabella. She learns of all the colors except for blue! If she does'n fin any blue fast, she won't be able to finish the robe!!!! Read this book to find out more. ( I hope I didn't spoil anything to you readers)('_') (>_<)do'h
Rating:  Summary: The Gathering Review: Gathering blue is a very touching book. Kira's mom died leave herself in a world who people hate her because of her twisted leg. Kira have a talent to thread just about anything. So the Conselors saved her from dieing. But when she finally know who killed her father.........her father return with blue, told her the story of his life, Kira wanted to do something, but she wanted to stay and change the world. I think this is a very good book.
Rating:  Summary: True Blue Review: Kira's mother is dead in the beginning of the book. From that point on, Kira, who used to be shielded by her mother, is now left alone, deserted. In the futuristic colony of yesterday, we learn that someone can be simply ranked by their name. Even though the village itself is in barberous and unadvanced settings, it seems to take place in the future. In Kira's world, everything is set around the solemn annual ceremony. After Singer wears at the ceremony. She and Thomas, the boy who carves the singers's staff, learn who they really are, and what's really happening..........................The truth is not what is seems.
Rating:  Summary: I liked it... Review: Lois Lowry has created another book, though not as good as the Giver. Kira is abandoned when her mothers sudden death occurs. Unwanted by anyone - not even her mother's brother - she is faced with the Council Edifice, to decide her fate. Whether she will remain in the village, or whether she will be fed to the beasts. They keep her, for her amazing talent in thread. She far surpassed her mother in the art, letting her hands lead her where they wanted. She is given the tedious task of fixing the Singers Robe for the annual gathering of the town. -Now, I loved the Giver - I read it when I was in the 2nd grade. But Gathering Blue lacked something. Possibly... an ending? I loved it until the last chapter. You find out -seriously- important things, and then it ends. 1. Whether in fact, her mother had been murdered, and not "sick". 2. Whether not just her, but the other children's parents were also murdered. 3. Why the Singer was kept in an entirely different part of the Council building; though not why he was chained up. This book left a lot of loose ends. I definately reccomend it, if you want to think up your own ending to the book. Also, if you hated the Giver, odds are you'll hate this too. And if you loved/liked the Giver, you'll more than likely feel the same towards Gathering Blue.
Rating:  Summary: A Masterpiece Review: Lois Lowry has once again created a hauntingly real book. "Gathering Blue" is the story of Kira, a crippled girl in a future society that is primitive, cruel, and disdainful of the weak. When Kira's mother dies, she is left to fend for herself, alone in a community of hostile people who wouldn't miss her if she died. Yet Kira survives when the Council of Elders (who control the village) spares her because of her remarkable weaving talent...and Kira has no idea how her life is about to change. I love many things about this book. First, I'm amazed at how "personal" this piece of futuristic fiction is. Lois Lowry has created a deeply moving character startlingly similar to us...so different from the "otherwordly" creatures of most futuristic and science fiction novels. The portrayal of Kira's talent was perfect, and I could feel her connection to the cloth and the power of creativity flowing through her, and this book's subtle message that "forced" talent loses some of its creativity and joy was very powerful. Last, but certainly not least, the mystery and sunspense in this book was wonderful. I was constantly wondering about Kira's unanswered questions and wanted to discover the sinister mystery surrounding the village and Kira's father's untimely death. There really is something for everyone in this masterpiece of a book.
Rating:  Summary: A wonderfully cryptic book Review: The story is that of the life of Kira, a young orphan with a bent leg living in a future society that has no tolerance for faults. With no one to protect her, Kira should rightfully be sent to her death in the field. She is surprised to find, however, that she is chosen by the Council of Guardians for a special task. With a warm bed, food, and an interesting job, her troubles appear to be over until she discovers things that concern her, her father's death, and her very destiny. This is a cryptic book that is good for ages 10+.
Rating:  Summary: Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry Review: I had not heard of Lois Lowry until I had to read The Giver in my literature class. That book was excellent! Because of The Giver,I went on to read Lois Lowry's Gathering Blue. It, too, was a good book although I did not think it was as strong as The Giver. Like The Giver, Gathering Blue is set in a fantasy society. But this society does not have a futuristic feel to it as in The Giver. It has more of a distant-past feel to it; almost a Middle Ages-type setting. The main character is Kira. She is a young girl who has a deformed leg and walks with a limp. If it was not for her mother defending her, Kira would have been banished from the village because of her deformity. And now, she faces this very threat again because her mother recently passed away and is no longer around to protect Kira. Now an orphan, some hateful members of the village are looking to rid of Kira of their neighborhood and take over the small piece of land where her hut is built. Kira has a special talent; weaving. Because of this the authorities assign her the the job of weaving the special cloth that depicts her society's history. This special garment tells the story of man from the beginning of time. Being the "weaver" is a prestigious position with much responsiblity. With this assignment comes a new awareness of her world and its stark realities. She is no longer a protected little girl but one who must mature and make her place in the world. She now sees the world in a different light. Her new responsibilities and the challanges they bring result in the wisdom and growth of her character. She faces important decisions in which the consequences will be life-altering, not only to herself, but to her society as a whole. I liked this book because of its non-traditional setting. The situation in which the character is placed is a great exercise in imagination. Yet on a universal level, one can relate to the "coming of age" phases the main character must go through.
Rating:  Summary: Love this book Review: I loved The Giver.. But Gathering Blue is, in my opinion, better. It focuses less on societal implications and more on the heart and soul of a vulnerable and gifted girl. The reader really cares about Kira and what will happen to her in the savage world Lowry has created. I hear that an eventual third book will create a triology and link Jonas's world to Kira's. Can't wait!
Rating:  Summary: Another Winner from Lowry Review: Lois Lowry shocked parents a few years ago with her best-selling book "The Giver." Sadly, by the time "Gathering Blue" was released, most of her audience had moved on. Because it's written on a lower reading level than "The Giver," it was considered a fatal choice for a time. Then interest began to resurface. That's when I discovered this book. Gathering Blue is futuristic look at society, similar to The Giver. It follows the life of Kira, whose mother has just died at the beginning of the story. It obvious almost immediately that Kira is different, she is disabled. Since most disabled people are killed at birth in her soceity, life becomes an unbearable struggle after her mother's death. Her father, apparently killed during a hunt shortly after Kira's birth, has eluded her throughout her life and she often feels empowered by .... something to weave spectacular cloths. When she is threatened by some women of the village for her land, Kira feels as though her life is over, but a great amount of luck is in store for her, thanks to her remarkable sewing/weaving abilities. Kira soon discovers that the tenants of the building she is allowed to live in have similar stories to hers. She faces a very difficult decision at the end of the book: Be forced to live in a society where you might be able to change things, or simply go to a society where you will be accepted. There are a lot of deeper meanings in this book younger readers might not grasp. I think all young adults could enjoy this book.
Rating:  Summary: Another excellent book by Lois Lowry Review: I read The Giver about 3 years ago in one of my classes, at first, I wasn't interested (you know how it is, the books they make you read are almost always terrible). But as it went on, I really started to get into and enjoyed it. Soon after I realized she also wrote Number the Stars (another book I really enjoyed). So, when I was recommended Gathering Blue, it sounded excellent and I got it right away. When I received it in the mail, I sat down on the couch and started reading it right after I took it from the box. I finished it in two days. Although I would have finished it quicker, I do have classes to worry about. Lois Lowry brings you into another future world, and makes you think, "Could this really happen to us years and years from now?" Kira, a crippled girl becomes an orphan and may be sent to "The Field" where beasts will take her a kill her. The village already doesn't like her because she IS crippled, but her mother was always there to protect here. She is taken to the Counsel Of Guardians and finds a surprise that they already have plans for her, and are not going to send her to The Field. I could keep going on, but I don't want to spoil anything for you readers. But one thing is for sure, READ THIS BOOK!