Rating:  Summary: This book is very good Review: this is the first book out of three, and the 351 pages fly by. it is in a different and interesting world. Lyra is the main character and is definetely some one you can admire and relate to. I just finished and can't wait to read the next one.READ IT :)
Rating:  Summary: BEST BOOK IN THE WORLD!!!!! Review: I have always liked books where the author creates a whole new world within the words and phrases. This is exactly what "The Golden Compass" is capable of. It does take a couple of chapters to "get" into the book, but once "in", it is merely impossible to get out. I am no bookworm and I cannot write fancy blurbs for books, but I know one thing: I loved this book. And, I can guarantee you'll love it too.
Rating:  Summary: read these books if you read anything at all Review: These books are the best fantasy/science fiction books I have ever read. The plot is really well thought out and very origional. There had better be more books in this series. The Subtle Knife had too many loose ends to finish the series, so I'm still hopeful.
Rating:  Summary: A great story and incredible characters Review: What is Dust and what does it do? A question with an answer that some people would kill for in Lyra's world. Lyra lives in a world like ours but different in ways unimaginable to us. In this world people are always accompanied by their daemon or souls which take the forms of animals, warrior bears live on the ice in the north and witchs fly through the artic air.Twelve-year-old Lyra is an orphan but her uncle is the famous explorer Lord Asriel so she lives in well known collage in Oxford. Her uncle pops in from time to time and on one of these occasions she overhears a conversation about dust and its connection with the Northen Lights. This conversation rejuvenates her dreams of exploring the North with her uncle but she soon has other things on her mind. The gobblers are in town and childern are already disappering. When her friend Roger the kitchen boy disappers she is desperate to find him and soon finds herself heading north with the gyptians and her trusty alethometer in search of Roger and the other missing childern. Her search leads her through the North and beyond but also to great pain and heartache as she plays her part in something much bigger than her understanding. Northern Lights is an good old fashion adventure story with some science fiction woven into it and a twelve-year-old female main character and hero. It also puts some intresting ideas across. I think the main idea would be a question of how far scientests will go in search of answers even though the human cost would be terrible. How far will their curiosity take them and would their conscience stop them. I think Philip Pullman writes to entertain but to also get you thinking a bit. There are a lot of characters in this book but the main include: Lyra and her daemon Pantalaimon, Mrs Coulter who is the chairperson of the general obligation board, Iorek Byrnison who is an outlawed warrior bear and Lord Arisel who athough doesn't appear much himself is very influencial and the main reason for the adventure. The characters are all different with Lyra the adventurous young hero and her companion Pantalaimon who although very brave doesn't really have the adventue spirit in him, the evil cold minded Mrs Coulter and the wild yet cilvilisd Iorek Byrnison. Northen Lights is a book that should be read for many reasons. It is hard to stop reading, flows well and falls into place as you read. The characters are all so different with some that make your skin crawl, others are tough and good hearted that you really want to get to know them and some so mysterious that you don't know if they are good ar bad. Read this book even if it is only for the characters or the whole story.
Rating:  Summary: best book ever Review: This is one of my favorite books. I have several- The Golden Compass, Galax-Arena, The Giver, & the Tamora Pierce series (The Immortals, Song of the Lioness, etc). If you haven't read them, you need to. Anyway. I love the Golden Compass! I haven't read it for a few years (really, it wasn't my copy that I read) but it's still one of my favorites. There's all sorts of good stuff I like about it, can't mention them all. The book is just... awesome, to put it shortly. If you haven't read it, you really need to!
Rating:  Summary: The best book in the world!! Review: *****I give it 10 stars!I read this book once then fell in love with it!I am eagerly awaiting the 3rd book The Amber Spyglass.
Rating:  Summary: who said? Review: Who said that Philip Pullmans book trilogy the first two bools are not the best?No one! I loved the first two books the fact is I devoured them and i am now anxiously awaiting a new fantastic fantasy thriller.
Rating:  Summary: The most wonderful book I've read for a long time Review: This book can safely be called a masterpiece with plenty of praise left over. The complex plot and turns and twists kept me guessing the whole time, and I was just swept along with the ride. Who is this tremendous organization posting reviews and telling everyone to join and put down this amazing piece of work? Whoever they are, I can understand that people have a right to opinion, but I read almost all the reviews and found that many more people gave it five stars than anything else.
Rating:  Summary: I think this is a very dazzling great novel. Review: This book is definetly my favorite of all time.Everyone should read it.And they have a sequel and I just read it so get it fast!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Philip Pullman is the best! Review: After reading this book four times, I have to say that I think it's better than the famous "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." It's definitely harder to read, and it requires a certain amount of maturity, but Philip Pullman's imagination is one of the biggest I've ever seen. The plot is especially spectacular, and the way he writes it is even better. Some people think the beginning of the book (after the first two chapters) is boring, but I love it. There is a real sense of adventure in the part about Lyra's hometown. I also think that "The Subtle Knife," which is the sequel, is great. It reveals much more about Dust. If you haven't read this book already, you should buy it or take it out of the library. It will change your world.