Rating:  Summary: Its good, but not great Review: I read all the Shannara Series up until the scions of shannara, which I could not finish because it was the fourth Shannara that had the exact same plot. The elfstones is in my opinion the only Shannara book worth reading (Except the wishsong solely because of the addition of Garet Jax). The omshfords are called upon again to deal with something that only they can contest. Its basically a Tolkein Rehash.
Rating:  Summary: There is nothign new under the sun,... Review: I have seen a lot of comparisons to Tolkien, as if Tolkien was interested in competing with other writers in his genre. Tolkien wrote and created a world. Others have come along and attempted to elaborate on that and make it their own - that's this book in a nutshell. If you enjoy Tolkien you may like this, but I think it's like a photocopy of a photocopy or a photocopy - kind of looks like the original, but blurred enough to be something else -- the original being the clearest. Brooks is a mediocre writer at best (as was shown in the writing for the Star Wars books). Come up with a new idea!
Rating:  Summary: Brooks Best By far Review: Elfstones is Brooks best work.I won't go into what happens or who's in the story, others have already do that. What I will say is that Brooks has woven a true masterpiece full of surprises, excitement, danger, and magic. Others have compared his books to Tolkien, but I think that as of this novel he completely goes beyond JRR. There are few novels of any kind that I have read as often as this book. I read it at least once a year, and have been since it was first published. His other novel Wishsong is not half as good by far, but then this is a truly great novel. Read This Book!
Rating:  Summary: Yawn Review: Terry Brooks is an above average writer when it comes to technical standards, but every one of his books is just boring. It's pretty surprising to me, I've never seen this before. I keep thinking I should be enjoying these books yet I'm not. They're putting me to sleep.
Rating:  Summary: I would have finished this in a day if I had the time . Review: This book got so suspensful at some points that I had to get up and pace.Here is the plot :The Ellcrys tree is dying ,loosening the spell that bars the Demons from entering the world again ,therefore almost immediatlely allowing Demons to return .The only way that the Ellcrys may be saved is if her seed is brought to the magical Bloodfire .The only one that may do this is the Elf -maiden Amberle,but Amberle is almost helpless .She needs protection ,so Allanon the Druid chooses Wil Ohmsford to protect her .All he has to protect her are the magical Elfstones .
Rating:  Summary: Great! Review: I thought that this book was great! I bought it at a used book sale, just because it was a fantasy. I wasn't sure if I would really like it, though. I mean the whole cover and stuff isn't the best artwork in the world, infact,the picture of will resembles a Ken Doll made in the 70's. Surprisingly enough, I actually loved the book, though. The beginning was kind of a slow starter, but I soon got into it. The character's were very well planned out as well as the whole plot.The end really did surprise me, and I even ended up crying. I thought the book was some of Terry's best work, and I really reccomend it to anyone who likes the works of J.R.R. Tolkien.
Rating:  Summary: the best Review: This book is by far terry's best. The character development is just as good as tolkien if not better, and the battle in the end is the best out of them all(all shannara). Yes, the ending was great to.
Rating:  Summary: Great original story, Great Characters! Review: I read THE SWORD OF SHANNARA(SOS) in 1984...once I finished SOS I promptly bought THE ELFSTONES OF SHANNARA(EOS) and what a great read this book is. The only real character carried over from SOS is Alanon. Eventine and Flick have cameos of a sort but are not main charaters in this story. Instead we have a great lead character in Wil Ohmsford. He unlike virtually every other Ohmsford in the various Shannara stories has a carrer. He is a self made man who has worked hard to get where he is in life. He is young adult, not a teen as most other Ohmsfords when they are wisked away on a journey. I think many readers can identify with Wil as he is a young person just starting out in life with all the uncertainities that come with that age. Next we have a great supporting cast. Ander, Amberle, Allanon and Eretria are all given good character development. The Rovers were also fun to read about. Obviously the Rovers are the Brooks equivelent of Gypsies and I found their lifestlye and practices to be a nice additon to the story. Oddly, when compared to his other Shannara writings, Brooks seems to have been able to describe a love story that really works. Unlike the relationship between Menion & Shirl that was under deveoped in SOS, the relationship between Brin and Rone in THE WISHSONG OF SHANNARA(WOS) that was over developed or the relationship between Bek and Little Red in THE VOYAGE OF THE JERELE SHANNARA trilogy that was somehow never really explained but more graphic than any of the other relationships mentioned the relationship between Amberele & Wil is a treat to watch unfold. Eretria adds to the story by making the love story a love triangle so that the reader is never quite sure how it will end. I thought the demons made for great villans. Unlike the Skull Bearers in SOS and the Mord Wraiths in WOS which had no individual personality the demons in EOS had individual personalities and that made them a lot more interesting to read about. I have read this book many times. I agree with the other reviewers that it is an original story. When I first read the book I began to suspect the fate of Amberle but even so the ending was so saddening that it may well bring tears to the eyes of the reader. During subsequent readings I think it was pretty clear early on where this books ending was headed. However, I think that depends on what type of reader you are. Are you the type that reads and tries to anticipate what will happen or do you allow yourself to be swept along with the story not giving a lot of thought to what will happen. I am second type. There is actually a slight pick me to the sad ending on the final two pages of the book that may uplift the readers disposition. Lastly, this is a great blend of fantasy, action and romance. While Brooks other works are for the most part good this is his best work!
Rating:  Summary: Terry Brooks' TRUE Masterpiece Review: When all is said and done, Terry Brooks will go down in history as one of THE most influential Fantasy authors of ALL time...and whether you like him or not, you simply cannot sell millions of books because you write poorly. When I first saw 'Elfstones' I was casually walking past the Walden's Bookstore in Clackamas, Oregon in 1982 and it took me entirely by surprise. I was totally NOT expecting a sequel at all to the fun and exciting 'Sword'. I immediately picked up a copy and went to pay for it without realizing I simply had NO money in my wallet. Poor me. It took 3 agonizing days before I rounded up what it took to purchase 'Elfstones' and I went directly home to devour it as quickly as I could. To this day, I still believe this to be the BEST of all the Shannara books, and Terry Brooks best work to date. 'Wishsong' comes VERY close, but not quite. Wil Ohmsford, son of Shea receives an unsettling visit from the enigmatic Allanon in Shady Vale and his Uncle Flick becomes seriously worried. Still unable to fathom the unbelievable quest Allanon had Shea & he embark upon years before, Flick desperately attempts to convince Wil NOT to follow Allanon's council to help the Four Lands conquer the impending Demon invasion. Fortunate for the story's sake, Wil heads out towards Arborlon to assist in whatever capacity he is able, in helping to restore the ancient Ellcry's which was forged untold centuries before from the magic of the Elves to ward away the demons behind a magical wall called the Forbidding. Poor Wil has NO clue as to what he will encounter or the price he will have to pay in order to fulfill his charge from Allanon. He is teamed with one of The Chosen (Amberle) to take a seed from the Ellcrys to the Bloodfire and along the way fight off some pretty nasty Demons who have managed to get through the Forbidding which is failing daily. To help him in this incredible journey are the Elfstones originally given to his Father, Shea when he went on his quest for the Sword of Shannara. Even though he has NO idea exactly HOW to use the Elfstones, he bravely strives to do the right thing, again and again, putting his life in peril along the entire journey. The relationship with Amberle is handled quite well, and you can feel for the dangers that beset them all along their path. Meanwhile Allanon, who plays a much more prominent role in this book than in any other, leads the Elves farther West to do battle with the Demons as they slowly at first, and then ultimately pour out of the failing Forbidding into the world with horrific consequences. Their goal? To utterly decimate ALL living beings, whether they be Elves, Humans, Trolls or Dwarves. They are led by the Dagda Mor, an evil demon with amazing power, and the battles between himself and Allanon are nothing short of spectacular. 'The Elfstones of Shannara' is everything a true Fantasy novel should be: exciting, magical, frightening, swift-moving and utterly original. Terry Brooks opens up his incredible imagination with 'Elfstones' and briefly, while you plow through its pages, you will be captured into easily one of the best Fantasy novels written in the 20th century, and one of the best I have ever read. Not just good, but GREAT reading and HIGHLY recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Well written Fantasy thriller Review: Wow! This book somehow bests the Sword of Shannara! A few factors make this book better. This book has a more original plot, more female characters which adds some flavour to the novel, a unique look at the westland, and much more. The Ellcrys is dying, and the Forbidding that holds the Demons --an ancient evil trapped for thousands of years-- will soon collapse, and the anniahlation of the Elves and all other races of the Four Lands is near. Amberle Elessedil, granddaughter to the Elven King, Eventine, along with Wil Ohmsford, a young man who is training to be a Healer, and at the start guided by the mysterious sorcerer (Druid) Allanon, who stays behind to protect the Elves, begin a quest to take the seed of the Ellcrys to the Bloodfire where it can grow and allow a rebirth, and reinforce the Forbidding again. But some Demons have broken through, including the seemingly invincible Reaper who kills out of intinct, and will stop them at all costs... This book is a delving into the caverns of the human soul; about sacrifice for your people and how hatred can drive something so it is so much more dangerous...The Elfstones of Shannara is a rollercoaster ride of emotions -- happy to sad, captivating, touching, amusing, thoughful, remorseful, thrilling -- and the morals go far beyond the story. If you want a book to read, get this, it is shorter than the Sword (564 to 730 pgs) and believe me, this is darker, more thrilling, and goes a lot deeper than any Brooks book except for Running With The Demon! A must read!