Rating:  Summary: A cornerstone of modern Science Fiction Review: I had read a great deal of Arthur C. Clarke, Peter F. Hamilton and H.G. Wells before finally coming upon Issac Asimov.I really hadn't heard of him until a friend of mine recommended him to me. I was looking for a new author to read after coming off 4,000+ pages of Peter F. Hamilton, and decided to try something different. In the beginning, I was a little worried that since the books were written in the early 50s that they would be technologically dated and not have the technological appeal that newer scifi books had. I was TOTALLY wrong. The concepts that Asimov illustrates in his writting are still used today, and were probably their original origin. Asimov's writing style does take a little getting used to, however, but in the end, I appreicated it more than hated it. It's so different that it seems to give the characters an entirely different feel. With long, descriptive, deep dialoge and a very schemish design, you don't really fully understand the ENTIRE story until the end, when it finally clicks in one of the character's heads what is really going on, after meeting the supposed opponent and hearing his side of things. I think, in the end, the best part is how you can really see the evolution of the Foundation right before your eyes, and see how things happen and how some little thing that happened a hundred years ago set off some other thing that was HUGE in the present in the story. If you do not read Asimov's Foundation series, you cannot call yourself a scifi buff, remember that, always. Now GO and read!
Rating:  Summary: A must read for any sci-fi fan! Review: This book is unbalievable. Not even getting into the excellent character development, the lack of knowledge of what is going to happen next, and the amazing writing, the thing I like the most about this book is the originality. I am very well read, and there is no book that even marginaly compares with it. There is absolutely no way of telling what is going to happen next and there are tons of creative suprises!
Rating:  Summary: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.....Is it over yet? Review: Count me with the minority who found this book unreadable. It was incredibly dated with imagery very thin and sparse. I got lost in the pointless dialog and was unable to finish.
Rating:  Summary: An excellent, very complex book Review: This story is a very detailed, accurate and plausible one, with enough depth and complexity to remain entertaining even after many re-readings.
Rating:  Summary: The beginning of an epic Review: The Galactic Empire is crumbling, and only one man can save the universe from chaos. That man is mathematician and historian Hari Seldon. To minimize the effects of the fall of the Empire, he sets up the Foundation, a group of people following his carefully laid plan to preserve the achievements of humanity. So begins the reader's journey through hundreds of years of history and turmoil, watching as Asimov paints his picture of the tiny Foundation and its struggle to keep Seldon's plan alive. Asimov's characters are first-rate, grabbing the reader's interest with their intelligence and charisma. The plot is solid and fascinating to watch as it unfolds, taking twists and turns, every one guaranteed to surprise. Originally published as four short stories, Foundation is the beginning of the classic science fiction epic, and is not to be missed by any sci-fi fan.
Rating:  Summary: Good Book Review: I enjoyed the Foundation. The book is divided into 5 parts. The most interesting of the 5 is the 3rd one. The end is not what i expected. The 5 parts overall are not particularly conected in my opinion. But the book was good.
Rating:  Summary: Just Great! Review: This is just about the best SF series ever, and this book is the best in the series. If you want to get into Asimov's universe this is the place to start. Just as good are his Robot series. Every one of Asimov's characters are expertly defined and easyly remembered. One of the best reads I ever had. Excellent (that's why I won't spoil the plot).
Rating:  Summary: A novel that spawned a new era in SF Review: This novel, the first in a (50's) series of three, has not dated one bit since its first appearance. Like The Lord of the Rings, it should really be read in combination with its sequels, but the book contains its own strong moments, especially the first section on Trantor. I was amazed and moved by the cleverness of Asimov's plots, something he is of course well-known for. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: If you by one book this month make it this! Review: Foundation is a must buy, by writing this Asimov opened a gateway for other science fiction writers, none, in my opinion who have been able to better him yet. Issic Asimov doesn't just give you one set time period but 5, jumping 50 years or so into the future, each one with rebelious and revolutionary characters, adding colour and flavour to a already brilliant plot. If this wasn't enough, and the books well worth reading for just for that you are introduced to a new kind of warfare- giving the enermy something that they want and become dependent on, then when they become too mencing.... well you can read it for yourself. Foundation is pure genious, you MUST read this book
Rating:  Summary: The Foundation Series - the future ? Review: The story is one of the most detailed, most thought-out stories ever. Covering more than 10.000 pages, this is the most involving story you will ever read ! Make sure to read ALL books !