Rating:  Summary: interesting, a bit boring Review: First of all I have to say, that I don't exactly know, what to think about this book. On one side I liked it; it was nice to read because the author wrote in an interesting way. There were lots of stories about many characters, which mixed after a while and joined into one big story. I also liked, how P.Dick describes, how humans are discriminating androids, critizising the human race and showing, how different classes treat, (and think about) each other. On the other side I didn't like it; often I was confused, and didn't exactly know about what he was talking. Maybe it just happened to me, due to my lack of English knowledge... What I also didn't like is, that I couldn't identify with any character and that I couldn't get involved with the story.But read it yourself... Matthias Fielsch
Rating:  Summary: A book to recomment Review: "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" Is that kind of book every reader is looking for. The author knew exactly what and how to write, to make this book interesting, exciting and that way keep the attention of the reader. As I started to read the book, I was not sure if I was going to understand it, because the language was not easy to understand. But after I had read a few chapters, this did not matter; I was fascinated by the story and did not longer pay attention on words I didn`t understand. I could not drop the book, I wanted to know what was going to happen next. I think that Philip K. Dick is brilliant since he created a science fiction story like this. try to imagine the World destroyed by mankind, almost no animal`s left and so advanced technology, that machines are trying to take control over human life. P. K. Dick makes you live in his world with his rules, not every writer is able to do this. But there are some things I didn`t understand, small details which weren`t made clear, for example who "the killers" were. Besides of that it is a wonderful book.
Rating:  Summary: our earth in the twenty -first century Review: The story told by Dick could be our world in the twenty-first century ? Maybe we will not be able to stop a world war and the consequences would be eloquently fatal for the human race, no matter if it happens to be what Dick says or if something else happens. Well there are also people who think that human race has to be extinct to save the creation of God ,we are destroying every day more. There are also many interesting ideas to think about: What makes humans to create a species like themself? I think that the human is playing with the power of creation who in the beginnig was only given to God.And this has consecuences we apreciate in the book. Also the mod organ is somethink i found interesting , because the people who lives in that World doesnt seem to have the capacity we got nowadays. Being happy becasue you are connected to a machine ? Is that the happines most people searches for in our days. I dont think so. What about you think about it!
Rating:  Summary: an interesting view of our future Review: It's an excellent and weird book of science-fiction, which shows us the strange but imaginable, certainly possible and not to far away tomorrow of our world and us. It's a mixture between a fantasy-world and cruel reality, with psychological and philosofical backrounds and a thoughtful development. What I liked most is how the author analizes religion and the need of humans to believe in something, eventhough it('s or) could be a fake, like Mercerism. I also liked how he ridiculizes "World War III" by saying that afterwards no one knew who started or ended it and why they did it, and by letting us know that things, that are trivial and useless to us now, could be very important and even esencial to us in this strange future.
Rating:  Summary: AN INTERESTING VISION OF OUR FUTURE Review: Having read the book "Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep?" as an obligation at school, turns out to be a real pitty. I would have enjoyed reading it much more, if it would have been just for fun. Without any doubt, this is an excellent science-fiction story and an interesting vision of our future.Personally , I think the ending of the story is too poor, compared with the exciting introduction and the whole development of the novel. The author should have discribed with more detail the extinction of Rick's last three Androids, as they have of such importance and so difficult for him. Eventhough, I am sure that after having read the book almost everybody will ask himself, if it is going to be like this in the future. This is also, because the author shows a completely different philosophy and religion, specially reflected through the revelation of Mercerism.
Rating:  Summary: YOU DON'T LIKE SCIENCE FICTION ? READ IT ANYWAY ! Review: Even though I don`t like science fiction at all, I liked this book very much. Philipp K. Dick has written it so interesting and suspense-packed, that " Do Androids...? " is a book for EVERYONE. It is philosophical and it made me think about how far humans could go. At the beginning of the book every scene was very well described and I had a really good MOVIE in my head. But at the end, the author didn`t go so much in details any more and this made it difficult to understand some parts that had to do with Mercerism. This is the only thing, which I didn`t like on the book. Anyway, this difficulty has its advantage: everyone can make his own opinion about what Mercerism is. Isis Simpson
Rating:  Summary: This story is an exelent work of Dick Review: Dick has done it! With this vook he really beat any other book I'v ever read. He puts you in a world, not as we know it today, but in a world full of paranoic rebel androids, fighting for their existence in a society which has no room for a human-like machine. Dick keeps you page by page with your adrenaline high, impossible to get bored EVER. You could also say that this book isn't just a simple story, I would also say that it is also a warning about what could come...
Rating:  Summary: My vision of "Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep?" Review: While I was reading this book , I asked myself a lot of times, what if this is really the future that expect us? At the beginning I was a little astonished about the authors view about the future. I couldn't imagined a lot of things like the mood -organ, or a dying earth where life is rare and electric imitations so comun. I thought how terrible it would be, if animals get extinct and if people feel so lonely and depressed, that they conect to a machine, risking their lifes to get contact to others. Then I realized that we are not that far from this reality, because the danger of a third world war is still there. We also have been killing animals for years, putting them into danger of extinction. Depressions because of loneliness are comun in our world too and we also have a lot of doubts about God ,like the people in the book about Mercer have. I think it's a deep book about our societies most important problems and questions like what is religion and morality for us, or some fears like loneliness and destruction and also about humans qualities like the capacity to feel love and compasion for others. This book really made me think about some real important things, beside the author made my imagination fly leaving a lot of questions with not answer. Diane Saavedra
Rating:  Summary: Questions to think about Review: In my opinion "Do androids dream of electric sheep" is not only a very interesting, well written and deep story but also a different vision of future and humanity. At the beginning of the book I had a lot of problems to countinue reading due to many questions I had about the story. We, for example, will never know who Mercer or the killers were, if the androids seriously couldn`t feel empathy or who gave Isidore the spider... I think the idea Dick had was to give us no answer to these questions, so that every reader has to build up a personal theory about what he wants to tell us. He shows us the importance of religion for people to continue hoping for a new life, eventhough there is nothing left to believe in. He shows us how thin the line between humans and androids could be (if they would exist), how fragile life is and other things. At the beginning of the story androids seem to the reader like mere machines, but as the story develops replicants appear more and more human. I personally couldn't say if they feel empathy or not, but I think that there has to be something like that in them. Otherwise they wouldn`t struggle so hard for their own freedom and they wouldn`t suffer like they did seeing their friends being killed. Why did humans build androids so similar to themselves they could nearly feel like "real" peolpe, if they didn't give them freedom? Wouldn`t it be the same as if a mother would exploit her own child? This was the question Dick let come up with "Do androids..." which worried me most. The only thing I didn't like of the book was the way the author finished the story. It seemed to me like if Dick was bored writing and wanted to finish as fast as possible...
Rating:  Summary: Comparing Do androids dream with Blade Runner Review: If you happened to see the movie "Blade Runner" and now want to read the book, you may be in for a big surprise. First of all Blade Runner is not the cinema version of the book, it was just inspired by it. There are many differences between the book and the movie. For example there are two main caracters in the book, and there are many other elements in the book (i.e. religious things) that are left out in the movie . But on the other hand there are many things in the movie that you won't find in the book. I personally liked the whole audio-visual elements in the movie (the dark, dirty and dangerous atmosphere of an L.A. in the 20th century) and missed that in the book. I would really like to see Do androids dream as a movie with all the elements and characters of the book. If someone could combine this with the look and feel of the movie, and of course with Harrison Ford as Rick Deckard once again, i think it could be a great movie. My tip to everybody who saw the movie is: Get the book and compare for yourself. It's really worth it.