Rating:  Summary: A classic of science fiction, with good reason Review: I picked up this book having read previously only one other Orson Scott Card novel, Enchantment. Needless to say I didn't know what to expect. Ender's Game is a classic, recommended or at least faintly praised by most science fiction fans that I know. I can easily see why. The concept is good food for thought: what if children were trained to fight our wars for us? Card explores this idea skill to a large extent, though perhaps not completely. Ender is a convincing character, and I do plan on following his adventures in Speaker. I have heard that Ender's Game was originally a novella. I can see very easily how it would have been a more effective book if shortened-- by the time the climax comes, it's just not as exciting as the events leading up to it would warrant.
Rating:  Summary: Wow, very good Review: I picked up Ender's Game because of the awards, but never expected it to deserve them so completely. This is a highly philosophical book with a lot to say about war, children, and genius. Card has thoughtfully chosen the perfect setting to properly display his ideas. He has also made interesting characters out of the Wiggin children, leaving a lot to think about. This is heavy stuff, though, not easy reading. Very thought provoking. My only problems were in the characterization of Ender and Valentine espcecially. With Ender, there is very little room for faults. He is portrayed as a kind hearted genius who is only ruined by the hand of adults. Valentine isn't developed enough to be seen as much more than the sweetest thing that ever walked the planet with a nearly perfect brain in her beautiful little head. They became slightly sickening over time. But even with these things, Card has developed great contrasts and similarities that could only be injected with the perfectly set up circumstances. All in all, any faults this book has is worth the thoughts Card has to give.
Rating:  Summary: Wow Review: I have read a great number of the reviews, though certainly not all of them, since there are over 1,000 as of this time. I loved the book, truly and simply. This is my first Card novel, though not the last, certainly. I am looking forward to seeing how things pan out from here in the sequels. There are two things I can quibble about. One is that I guessed one of the plot twists, and was somewhat surprised that Ender did not do so himself (I am trying to be circumspect for those who hate spoilers). I have one other quibble that is more of a spoiler and I can't think how to put it discretely so skip the next paragraph if you want to miss it. Even so I will try to talk around it, at the risk of losing clarity. It struck me as odd that the adults seemed to control the strategic aspects of the situation, and left Ender, genius that he was, to deal with problems at a more tactical level. I would have thought that our hero would have made more of a difference being the overriding brain behind the entire effort (coach and general manager so to speak) rather than being just a battle leader (quarterback). Of course, changing this would have radically changed the book, and would have destroyed much of the plot, so I understand why it was done that way. I certainly have no quibble with the physics, first I am not qualified to do so, and second, I am sure that inventions we have not dreamed of will continue to appear that contradict to a large degree our "certainties." If you doubt this, please read "A Brief History of Time," by Hawkings. We know a lot, but not that much, about how things really work. One of the great things about this book was the number of times one could think, "If this had worked out just a little different, think how the course of history would have changed." I refer to the book's history, of course. Those thoughts drew me into a lot of thinking about the story, even as I was racing to the conclusion to find out what happened next. Highly recommended to both adults and to kids over about the age of eleven.
Rating:  Summary: Great action from start to finish Review: I really enjoyed this book. This is the first Orson Scott Card book I have read. He does a good job of explaining Ender's (the main character) feeling and wishes. Card also did a good job explaining the battle games! I recommend this book to all SciFi readers. GREAT!
Rating:  Summary: Card's Masterpiece Review: I first read Ender's Game when I was in Elementary school. I have read it many times since, the most recent being this Spring (2000). This book is a timeless classic and surprisingly appeals to a great range of ages. Any gifted youngster can instantly bond and identify with Ender Wiggin, a lowly 'third', upon whom the fate of the human race may just depend. The story is inventive and charming. The internal dialogue for Ender, and the characterization of the supporting cast is impressive. Card manages to paint a captivating landscape of people and environs, while still moving along the plot at an impressive tack. The final 'twist' that puts this book over the top does not necessarily ruin its enjoyment (otherwise I would never have read it more than once), so if someone's spoiled that for you, please don't let it stop you from reading this book, you'll be glad it didn't. Personally, I think Card should have stopped with this book, as the remainder of the series is not as "meaty". I just couldn't get into them like I did E-Game. I hope the plans to turn this book into a movie come to fruition, as I would be first in line!
Rating:  Summary: Simply Brilliant Review: This book is easily 5 Stars. I read it in one sitting. The strength of Ender's Game is not in its Science but in its Fiction. Ender and the other children's characterization is dead on. I had no problem with Ender thinking the thoughts he did, or acting in the manner he did. His genius, his isolation, his pain all played well in this story. The entire idea of the games and the society of the battle room was very well done. I realize that this book is out-of-print, but I would make it a priority to secure a copy by whatever means possible. You will not be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: The best! Review: It's simple the best book of all time.
Rating:  Summary: Great sci-fi, great literature, philosophically meaty Review: Ender's Game is a brilliant piece that works like great literature - for people who don't want to intellectualize, it's an exciting gripping rip-roaring easy-to-follow adventure story of a precocious child going to war in space. For the people who like to intellectualize and think about what they read, it is filled with much meat over which to wax philosophic, in regards to the ethics and morality of total warfare, what it means to defeat an opponent, what is sacrifice-able in terms of preserving a society (such as childhood innocence), what are the real ethical boundaries of preparing and training for war, etc. Like Shakespeare, the book is genius because anyone can enjoy it no matter how "deep" they wish to dig into it, or if they desire to dig into it at all. Card's prosody is also that rare kind that truly keeps one turning pages, riveted to the magnificent story.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful...... Review: Ender, six year old super genious. For the last couple of years the goverment has been testing him and others like him to save earth from ther buggers. the biuggres are another species from other planets which have tried to invade earth twice alreaady once they were defeated and once they were victorious. At the next invasion earth will to win or else they will loose forever. So earth trains there geniouses to be super soldiers in space combat. With or without gravity, if they out number there enemy great, if they don't it's too bad. When he starts Ender is six years old, but he will grow up fast. This is an awesome book and a must read for everyone.
Rating:  Summary: An exciting novel that examines what "humanity" really means Review: This is a scifi novel that crosses the borders of the genre - I'm so pleased that it is about to be released in the movie version, which means more readers will discover this terrific book. Ender is a character that readers will cheer for with all their heart and soul. I believe that this book has two endings. The first is a heartstopping, action-filled surprise. But the second, and final, ending is a message that asks the reader to rethink what is the importance of being a member of the human race. In recent years, this novel has been included in the reading curriculum of high schools. I applaud those teachers who are exposing their students to this novel that poses such important questions and ideas. I also believe that it is a must-read for any student who has been tagged as gifted. On another level, this is darned exciting reading!