Rating:  Summary: Best book I have ever read! Review: This has to be the best book I have ever read, I just got done ordering the other 4 books in the set, becasue this is such a good book. A must read for anyone!
Rating:  Summary: Captured the mind of a child scientist Review: I read Ender's Game when I was about 12 years old and was ready to build a Battle School (the place where Ender learns strategy). I just re-read the book and I found lots of weaknesses that I didn't see as a child. In this book, and more so in the next, it is amazing how little technology advances in thousands of years. Card is focused on people interactions and skips predicting what the future will be like.Overall, a captivating story about a boy and human interaction with new life, not about a prediction of the future.
Rating:  Summary: Forget Sci-fi, this is a lesson in leadership Review: Good vs. Evil? Action and Plot? Aliens and Spaceships? Battlerooms and Politics? Yes, yes, yes and yes. But set aside the elements that make this book a fun piece of Sci-fi. The scenes that absolutely captivated me were the ones illustrating the many techniques Ender used to lead those around him. There were bullies, introverts, rejects, prodigies and even superiors (the adults) and Ender has to find a way to successfully lead them all. He chooses to physically punish some while treating others with kindness and understanding. He is a master teacher and born leader. Which is why he is the chosen to save the human race. While I enjoyed the action and the plot, it is the lesson in leadership that makes Ender one of my all-time favorite characters. Card has created a wonderful vehicle to carry a very worthwhile message - a message CEOs, managers and even the average Joe would do well to heed. If you one day hope to call yourself a leader, in any capacity, read this book. Forget that it is sci-fi and appreciate it for what it says about social interaction and the enormous amount of wisdom and strength required to become a truly great leader.
Rating:  Summary: Remember watching Star Wars as a kid? Review: Ender's Game will give you the same transported feeling of wonder. Orson Scott Card is remarkable. He has a smooth writing style and carves his characters with meaningful situations. Plan on reading Ender's Game in a single sitting. It's in my top five list. Oh!...and it might be a good idea to have Speaker For The Dead available when you turn the last page on Ender's Game. At this point I've read all the Ender books and I anxiously await the new one scheduled for release in Jan 2001 (tick tick tick tick).
Rating:  Summary: In my top 10 favorite sci-fi books of all time Review: "Ender's Game" is a brilliant book. I had heard a lot about it from friends and just finally got around to reading it. I'm really glad that I did. In fact, I wish that I read it much earlier in my life. I don't want to give the plot away and summarize the book. I didn't know anything coming into it, and I think that increased my enjoyment of the book. I will say this, though: Card covers some big issues, and he really validates the wisdom and potential of children. Some have complained that the children don't talk or act like children. I think that these people haven't given children the benefit of the doubt. They are much smarter than most people give them credit for. So, I found the characters to be quite believable -- particularly when you consider that virtually every child you come in contact with in the story is a genius! Card's writing style is straight-forward and snappy. Most every detail moves the plot forward in some way. The chapters are paced well, and the ending... well, it's nothing short of perfect. In his introduction (one of the better ones I have ever read) Card says that (and I am paraphrasing here...) "If you enjoy this novel, think of it not as something I have created, but something we have created together." What a fabulous thing to say! It's something I think most people take for granted -- that a great deal of a story is what the reader brings to it (which is why movies are always disappointing to everyone). So, in that sense, I think that many people can create their own fantastic versions of "Ender's Game" in their heads. The scholar, the military person, the pacifist, the athlete -- there really is something that everyone can identify with. This book is for everyone. It is a must-read. Very highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Ender's Game Review: This book made the quality of my schoolwork go down because I was so busy thinking about what would happen next. We were reading it for school and I ended up reading it 5 times total! I got a good grade on my test, as you could imagine^_^. I HIGHLY reccomend this book and author to anyone who has the freetime to read it. It is a bit sad and devaststing, but I have read A LOT of books and this one is probably in my top five(and that's saying something since I read about 90 pages a day in any given book). This book about smart kids innocently being manipulated is a must to any bibilophile.
Rating:  Summary: A Book To Be Enjoyed By All Review: While Ender's Game is set in a futuristic world, I honestly feel that the essence of the book lies not in science fiction. The story works because of its focus on the characters. Whether you care for science fiction or not, you will care for (or, in some cases, despise) every character in the book. For younger readers, they may feel as if they 'are' Ender. The novel has incredible power when read from that perspective. Yet this is not a novel just for the young. For others, this can offer a window into a gifted child's life. You will be able to see the joys, and personal hells that gifted children experience. In short, this novel is for almost anyone. Whether a sci-fi fan or not, and whether you are young or old; this novel can be enjoyed by all.
Rating:  Summary: Ender's Game Review: Ender's Game is a great book. I really enjoy reading it. I don't like to read science fiction book but this was not all that bad as I thought it would be. It began with a boy name Ender whose real name is Andrew. He is a third in family meaning he is a third child and it was against the law to have third child. A family could only have two children but Ender was special case. Ender had great mind. He was very clever boy. The military needed that. They needed Ender to fight war again buggers (buggers are alien like creatures). Ender was six years old when the military took him to outer space. Their idea was to train Ender and make him eligible to be a commander. The people in military put too much pressure on Ender. When Ender became commander of an army in battle school, he was forced to battle everyday. He was given untrained army but still he won all the games. He had the mind and intelligent to out smart this enemy and because of that he fought a war at age of 11. The little boy had courage and intelligent to do anything. The book gives so much details. It concentrates on what's most important. Ender was smart kid but he wouldn't be able to go without love. He had a sister name Valentine. She was older than him and loved him very much. Valentine's love kept Ender together in most difficult situations. There were times when Ender just wanted to quite but thinking that Valentine loved him and waiting for her little brother to come home gave courage to fight on. It is a great story. I enjoyed it very much and I hope others will enjoy it as much as I did.
Rating:  Summary: Awsome! Review: This book was very well written. It keeps you hooked from the beggining by giving you enough information to make you curious, but not enough for you to figure out what's happening. The ending is a huge shock, that leaves you dazed and wondering like young Ender how it could have happened. I recomend it to anyone of any age, because it is easy to follow, but interesting, and the older you are, the more you get out of it, so even adults enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: Review for Reading Review: I really enjoyed the book Ender's Game. Truthfully I am not much of a reader. Not oly am I not much of a reader, but also I do not like fiction at all. This is why I was so optomistic about even picking this book up. I was trying to find ways around reading this book, becuase I had to for Reading class. After realizing there is no way around it, I began to read it. The second I started reading it, I fell in love with the book, I am serious. It is really a wonderful book. Since I started reading the book I could not put it down. The beginning and ending are very slow paced and it takes a while to catch on. There is a lot of important detail you have to catch, to have a good understanding of the book. The middle is very fast paced though. It goes by very fast. All around it is very exiting. There is never a stall in the book. There is never a really boring part or and uninteresting seen. Some books put you to sleep, this one does not at all. I really like it because it focuses on a lot of aspects surrounding one major character and event. It has a lot of relationships in the story and show difference in them. There is love and war, peace and hate, everything together. This is an overall great book that I would recommend to anyone who is looking for something interesting to read. Excuse me I have to go and look for some more of Orson Scott Card's books, hopefully his others will be as good as this one was. Go read it!