Rating:  Summary: This is a book that everyone should read!!! Review: With an exquisite blend of adventure, suspense, philosophy, and alien encounters, this futuristic novel is perfect for science fiction lovers of most reading levels. Orson Scott Card is a wonderful author, and displays many creative ideas in his writing, adding just enough true science to make it believable. The detailed plot and slightly different way of thinking are gripping, and most readers have trouble putting it down. Surprisingly, the readers who enjoy this the least seem to be adults, especially teachers and guidance counselors. Supposedly, this is because they have trouble thinking of children as mature thinkers, especially as young as those portrayed in this book.
Rating:  Summary: Enders Game Review: Enders Game Enders Game, a novel by Orson Scott, is about a boy named Ender who is a very smart kid for his age. The story takes place in future times and almost every kid is put in a program where they are taught to fight. Ender has a brother, named Peter, who is very cruel to him. He also has a sister that loves him very much and they are really close. They both dislike Peter because he always threatens to kill them, and he beats Ender all the time. The kids are in a training camp that teaches them how to fight in space and trains them to fight the buggers. The buggers are aliens from a far planet that have tried to invade them in past times. Ender ends up being the best student at he school and earns the respect from most of the other students. However, some dislike him and try to hurt him, but it does not stop Ender from being the best fighter that he can be. After Ender completes training school, he goes to a place called Eros. This is the training camp where he will learn to be a commander. Mazer Rakham, a commander of a past war with the buggers, becomes Enders teacher. Mazer Rakham was the best and most well known commander to all the people from earth. Mazer teaches Ender all he knows. At the end of the book, Ender is tricked into fighting the buggers. He is told that he is only fighting on a simulator, but he is really fighting the real buggers. They win the battle and Ender becomes a well-known hero to everybody. The theme of this book is good verses evil. This good verses evil theme can be seen in the conflict between the buggers and earth. It also appears in Ender's relationship with his brother. The characters of this book are well described and are put perfectly into the plot of this story. This book is a good science fiction novel with an especially good ending. I liked the ending because it was filled with lots of excitement and good prevails and defeats evil. I would recommend this novel to anybody who likes science fiction books.
Rating:  Summary: The Unimaginable World Review: Ender's Game is a remarkable book that leaves readers falling off the edge of their seat. Orson Scott Card creeped into the minds of readers. In every chapter, there was always something new to learn about the high commanders' feelings and strategies. His style of writing is like a puzzle, giving only one piece at a time, until the puzzle was complete. Ender's Game seemed somewhat ironic. I came to find out that the real enemies were not the buggers, but the commanders themselves. Through manipulation and control over the children, the commanders got what they wanted. The children were trained to have "the game" as their lives. They did not know how life as a normal child was supposed to be. Although the children were so young, starting as low as the age of 6, they had the intelligence level of adults that I noticed myself forgetting how young they were. I found Ender to be a brilliant character. The fact that he was more intelligent than any adult could be in a lifetime made him so amazing. The only reason why he was so intelligent is because the commanders manipulated him, giving him no friends, no life, and no family. The only kinds of people he knew were his enemies, especially his brother, Peter. Ender knew how to stick up for himself since he knew that no one would be at his side to help him. Crying was pointless. All the manipulation and loneliness helped him to become a great leader and soldier. Apart from the loneliness and manipulation, Ender had befriended other children and quickly lost them, but there was a part of each of them in Ender. None of his friends were good enough to lead, but to put all of them together in one person made Ender noble. He had strength, compassion, cunning, and determination. All the characteristics of the perfect boy were fit into Ender. Orson Scott Card helped me get into the minds of the characters and probe the world they were living in. Every character's feelings were understood through Card's diction. His descriptive writing also created detailed images of the environment these children were present. He created an unimaginable world that opened my eyes to life beyond my own. Ender's Game is a delightful book if the reader likes falling forward on the edge of his seat, impatiently waiting for what is yet to come.
Rating:  Summary: Ender's Game Review: Ender's Game took place in the far future. America at that time only allowed a family to have two children. If they had three children, then the third child was called a "Third". Third's were made fun of by their school classmates, family members, and other people around them. Ender was a third and had to have a monitor put in the back of his neck. All thirds could be distinguished from the other children by the monitor in the back of their neck. Ender was about five or six years old when he got tired of Stilson's gang making fun of him so he got in a fight with Stilson, the biggest bully in his class. Ender beat Stilson up so bad that he killed him. The next day an I.F. officer named General Graff came to his house to recruit Ender to Battle school. Ender accepted this offer but he had to make a big sacrifice. He had to decide whether to leave his sister Valentine and not see her until he was eighteen or save the human race from the destruction by the Buggers. When Ender arrived to Battle school he got in another fight because someone was picking on him. Ender broke Bernard's arm and was then known to be one of the best students at the Battle school. Ender was quickly promoted from launchy to a soldier in Salamander army. Ender could never fight in a battle because his leader Bonzo would not have a six year old fighting on his squad. One day Ender got tired of watching Bonzo loss so he went into the battle room and saved his army from being killed. After Ender's saved his army from a loose, he got traded to Phoenix army. At age seven, Ender became the number one soldier in the battle game. When Ender was ten he was given his own army of nothing but launchies. His armies name was dragon and dragon army was the worst army in the history of the Battle school. But since Ender Wiggen was the new leader things changed quickly. Other leaders quickly hated Ender because no matter what the odds where, Ender was going to win every battle he was in. After Ender had had a perfect record with no loses he was then graduated to Command school. Ender was the youngest person, ten years old, ever to graduate from Battle school. At Command school Mazer Rackham trained him. Mazer was very famous for defeating the buggers in the second invasion. Since Mazer was to hold he had to train someone else to go into battle. Ender was quickly promoted to captain and had to lead all the other ships into what seemed to be a simulator of a battle. After Ender had fought his way to the last level of the Buggers simulator game he was told that if he won this level than he was finished with Command school. Well, Ender was awesome in the battle and won it, killing of the Bugger race. When he jumped out of the simulator he was greeted by cheering people. Ender had no clue what was going on until Mazer announced that it was not a simulator battle, it was the real thing and that Ender Wiggen was the new hero of the world because he had destroyed the whole Bugger population. At the end of the story Ender was greeted by his sister valentine and made their new home fifty years away from earth in one of the old Bugger camps. Ender was a quiet character but he had a strong hatred in his heart. He knew he had this hatred but did not want to use it. His brother Peter gave him this hatred because he always made fun of Ender and his sister. Valentine was probably the only person that truly loved Ender. His parents loved him but since he was a third that did not love him as much as they're other two children. General Graff was the only person Ender considers as his friend. The theme to Ender's Game is: no matter how hard you try to get ride of a memory or hatred it will always stay with you for the rest of your life. The only thing I disagree about the book is that, I wish the author had explained more about what happened with the new colonization. I guess that the author told about the colonization in one of his sequels. On the whole, I thought Ender's Game was one of the best books I have ever read. I loved the setting and the whole outer space theme. I cannot wait to read Ender's Shadow.
Rating:  Summary: Ender's Game Review: The book Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card is a fictional story about the future. The eleven-year span of the book follows the life of a boy named Ender from the ages seven to eighteen. After being trained at pilot school Ender ends up being the hero of the world. This action story centers around the theme of good verses evil. The author uses Ender's relationship with his brother to illustrate the theme of good and evil. He also uses the alien characters that are trying to take over the world called the buggers to contrast good and bad. In the end good wins out over bad and Ender, who represents goodness, is the hero of the story. He ends up saving the world through his mental toughness. The author uses conflicts between Ender and the buggers to make the reader wonder what is going to happen next. Descriptions of what things are like in the future make the setting intriguing. The book made me wonder what the future will be like. Things like the space center and the virtual, real life computer games make the reader curious about the years ahead. Although the strange names help to make the story feel like it isn't happening in the present, it is sometimes difficult to keep up with the characters and their unusual names. The difficult names are a bit distracting to the reader. However, Ender's Game is an interesting book that gives the reader some idea of what life could be like in the future. I found it to be an exciting and suspenseful science fiction novel.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic! Though it's more of a prequel... Review: This book is definitely one of the best books I have ever read(ecclipsed only by the others in the series) Although this book was the first one published, Mr. Card intended Speaker to be the true book and I like to look at it that way. Ender's Game is more of a prequel than anything. But that certainly does not mean you shouldn't read it. It's sci-fi action at it's greatest, and I doubt you could find a book children would be more willing to read(save Harry Potter) If your a pre-teen fan of this book, wait a few years before you read the sequels and entertain yourself with "Ender's Shadow"
Rating:  Summary: Best book ive ever read Review: An uncle of mine gave me this book. I wasnt previously a science fiction fan, let alone a Card fan. Now im both. This book is so...so...so HUMAN. Maybe its because of the fact that i was a young boy, like Ender, when i read it, but something about this book is unforgettable. I can pick it up still today and just read random pages of it, and ill enjoy it. The story is so touching, and even though Ender is a genius, i think he has an every-man quality that is undescribable. A previous reviewer mentioned that the queen as weakness idea was a drawback to the book. He obviously didnt read the whole book, or maybe hes just ignorant. The weakness he speaks of was actually the alien homeplanet. The queen turned out to be the very opposite, giving Ender a new hope.
Rating:  Summary: Childhood dreams Review: This is really a great book. I really connected to the book, becuase through out my childhood, i dreamed of being the world's best stratiegist. Or soldier. Ender is like that. But ender is this young boy, not wanting to be a soldier, and a reject. A Third. It shows how he being someone that everyone hated, picked on to winning their trust, to doing sooo many wonderful things. I could go on, i just don't want to spoil it for you. I really recommend you read this.
Rating:  Summary: Good! Review: Ender's Game is a good read. I think it has the word 'fart' in it way too much. You'd think we'ed become more advanced as a society than to say 'fart' all of the time. Especially child geniuses. Oh well, maybe my idealistic hopes for humanity are unrealistic. Seriously though, it's good, the character of Ender is excellent, and the whole Battle School scenario is fascinating. Reminds me, in a weird way, of The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea. Also, the nod to Ursula LeGuin is nice. I still think Phillip K. Dick and J.G. Ballard are the best for being psychologically disturbing sci-fi, but this had me pondering war and children for quite a while.
Rating:  Summary: Best Sci-fi Book I've Read Review: How do I begin? It's increadibly hard to talk about Ender's Game (and the rest of the series) to someone who hasn't read it. The story is about an 8-year-old boy, Ender, who is tormented by his peers and by his older brother. He is an embarasment to his parents, as he is their third child, and the only reason he was born was for the milatary. He is a genius and the milatary wants his mind for its ability to understand his enemy and still be cunning. But the story isn't all that the book is about. Character depth and development is a big part of the book. Also, Card explores the child's mind, especially gifted ones. Most other books with children as characters potray the children as faceless, lifeless cardboard cutouts. This is not the case in any of the Ender books. Overall, Ender's game must be read to be valued. I have finished the sequel, Speaker for the Dead, and am currently reading Xenocide, the third book in the series.