Rating:  Summary: good book even for me a non book reader... Review: I'm not one to read many books..but my boyfriend gave me this book to read and I liked it. Its really interesting, sci-fi with twists and turns, the plot was really good too.It kept me wanting to read it till finally i was at the end of the book.
Rating:  Summary: This book is one to remember Review: I've only read the book twice and each time it was great. It should be read in schools because it can teach one a lot.
Rating:  Summary: Excellante! Review: As a general rule, people either love this book or hate it. After careful perusal of the "haters" category, I can summarize their reasons as follows: One: Ender has a brain, and Two: It involvs thinking, rather than Schwarzenneger-style mindless bashing. Many people seem to feel that Ender is an unrealistic portrayal of a child, as he acts too much like an adult. Being nine years old myself, I naturally disagree. I have always felt that the reason children act flighty and irresponsible is because they can get away with it (I say they because I try to act as responsible as I can in order to combat the popular prejudice.), much like women for far too much of history. In the Battle School one *can't* get away with it. Furthermore, the whole point of the story is that Ender and his siblings are the most incredibly brilliant people ever to walk the Earth (or, in Ender's case, Eros). I don't think I need to dignify the second point with an answer.
Rating:  Summary: My Favorite SF Novel Review: Simply put, Ender's Game is my favorite science fiction novel ever. Does this mean that it is the best Sci-Fi novel ever written? Not necessarily. However, I cannot contemplate what type of person could not relate to the endearing, yet abbrasive EnderWiggin. Card's characters alone make this worthy of your time. It doesn't hurt that there's a masterpiece of a plot backing the characters up, one that's continued in the other excellent books in the series. Give it a try...
Rating:  Summary: I loved this book, I finished it three days after I started Review: This was an awsome book. Card was very, very imaginative and I just couldn't stop reading it. If you don't mind that it has a little bit of crude parts in it, GO BUY IT RIGHT NOW. When I got to around the last hundred pages or so, I was afraid Card would write some bad ending which it seemed like he was going to, and I was afraid it would spoil the whole book...but it turned around and really surprised me...The ending made it even better! I really recomend it to anyone, AS LONG AS THE READER IS MATURE ENOUGH. The reader should probably be at least over 12.
Rating:  Summary: Fascinating and suspenseful! Review: I would like to give my opinion on Ender's game. So here it is. This book, as I said before, was fascinating and awesome. It was so comprehensive! While I feel compelled to write a long, long review on this book, I don't think I'll be able to articulate it in a way that wont give anything away. So, I'll just say, if you haven't read it, you're missing out on a masterpiece. If you like sci-fi that is somewhat reasonable, or if you like good emotional books (actually, Speaker for the Dead if more emotional, so read that one to if you like emotional books), than this is the book for you. Also, to those people who said things like, "To anyone who thought this book was great, you must not have read a single good book in your life," it's called a difference of opinion, and it would be greatly appreciated, I'm sure, to those of us who enjoyed the book, if you wouldn't condemn us for it. Also, I noticed that not one of you mentioned a book that you thought was better, so obviously YOU haven't read a good book in your opinion either. Maybe you just shouldn't read at all, if books are that boring to you.
Rating:  Summary: Greatest book ever! Review: This book has gotten me through some very tough times in my life, and I always think of what Ender would do if he was me. I've read it several times, but after a while, it does tend to lose it's emotional effect. This book best relates to teenagers, I don't know about the rest of you, because I haven't gotten there yet. BUY THIS BOOK!
Rating:  Summary: ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS I HAVE EVER READ!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: Enders game is a great book. Card is a wondeful author. He can create great images in your mind. the way Card builds the story along is very intriguing. i love the way Ender grows up threw he book. Eventhough he was a young boy he did not act like one. I would recommend Enders Gmae to anybody who is willing to read. Card tricks you many times through the book. A great read!
Rating:  Summary: My favorite SF novel Review: What can I say? It was the best! This is the book I read when I get stressed, and I've read it probably 40 times.
Rating:  Summary: The Author Says a Few Words About Style Review: First, I'm embarrassed, as the author, that I have to give a rating in "stars" in order to comment here. But since I do have to do so, I'm not about to bring down the average by rating my own book any less than five <grin>.For those who didn't believe the storyline, I can't offer much help. It IS fiction, but people have different levels of tolerance for extravagant variations from their experience in everyday life. As Johnny Carson used to say, "Buy the premise, buy the bit." For those who have commented that the reason the book is awful is because I don't describe, or my language is so very direct and plain, I must point out that there are several stylistic traditions available to a writer. I, for one, have little patience with writers who show off and try to dazzle readers with their language. The style I choose to use has been called "The American Plain Style," in which the author tries to become as invisible as possible, bringing the reader to see things as if experiencing them along with the character, instead of having a writer constantly commenting and interrupting the flow of the story. Moreover, ever since my days as a playwright I have preferred the bare stage to a realistic set: I found that the less I put on the stage, the more the audience would imagine a much more compelling set than I could ever build. Likewise, in my fiction I describe only as much as is asbsolutely necessary in order to understand what is going on; the rest, the readers create in their own imagination, if they're willing to use it. I try never to describe anything that the point-of-view character would not notice, because such extraneous descriptions take you out of the story. However, when I find it necessary I do describe, and when it is useful (especially at moments of denouement or release) I use more evocative language; some of my story endings (though not Ender's Game) are written as blank verse, though of course I run the lines together so as not to distract the reader. I am also constantly aware of the sound and rhythm of the language, so that it flows and remains pronounceable, since at an unconscious level readers all "read aloud" even if their lips don't move - the written word is inexorably tied to the spoken. In short, there are many aspects to style, and while those who complain about the style of Ender's Game are entitled to their preferences, it's rather parochial to condemn a book because the author is following a stylistic tradition with which they are unfamiliar. Of course, they are hardly to be blamed for this, since so many literature teachers in American colleges and universities teach as if there were only one way to write well, and one kind of story worth telling. Of course, those who approached Ender's Game skeptically or because they were "forced" to read it can hardly imagine their response is valid for those who read it as volunteers or with belief: No book, however good, can survive a hostile reading. In the end, a storyteller tells the tale that he believes in and cares about, and the natural audience consists of those readers who are also willing to believe in and care about that tale. Naturally, I would like to engage as many readers as possible with each story I write; just as naturally, every story ever written pleases some and offends others. I do think, though, that it is possible to detest a book without attacking people who loved it, and I do wish that those who disliked Ender's Game would not personally disparage the readers for whom the story had some particular importance. Such judgments as "best I ever read" or "complete waste of time" are so utterly subjective that in my opinion, at least, one should only report one's own response, not condemn others for having a different one. I thank those of you who have given your hearts to my story of Ender Wiggin; I also thank those who, while you did not like the book, wrote your negative views with dignity and with reasonable respect for others - including, I might add, the author, who, while he might have written a bad book, did not thereby commit a crime or unnatural act. <grin> If America can forgive Bill Clinton, surely there's room for a bit of forgiveness for the imperfections of a few bad writers now and then. - Orson Scott Card