Rating:  Summary: Not 1984 Review: I've heard some people say that this book rips off 1984, that is NOT true. It's essentially the converse of 1984. In Orwell's masterpiece (I won't deny either of these books that title) the government has absolute power. 1984 has been called "The end of all Utopias" because the people can't win.In Bradbury's work, however, the government is not all powerful, and still has those who work against it that it foolishly ignores. Furthermore, the war is not to permanently distract the people, it is a real thing to win or lose. The people aren't closely monitored, they can even have ideas so long as they don't have books. In the end this is the beggining of a Utopia, in 451 the government can't win, they will eventually fall and a new age of learning will rise...to fall again, and again, and again, but as Bradbury points out unlike the Phoenix we may eventually learn NOT TO JUMP IN THE FREAKIN' FUNERAL PYRE, OR EVEN TO BUILD IT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Fell short of expectations¿ Review: I heard so much about this book before I finally picked it up. And when I did get around to reading it...I wasn't impressed. Yes, the author's ideas are scary: That in the future, firemen set fires to burn books. One firefighter, Guy Montag, begins to look at his life more closely and discovers how empty it is. He begins to take books home from many of the places he has destroyed. Clarisse, Guy's next door neighbor, and seemingly the one that set his book-stealing into motion, is one of the most interesting characters. Unfortunately, she disappears without much explanation. I did see some good messages in this vision of the future, but I felt a little bit cheated too, because I wanted to get a better glimpse at this society that spawned this fire fighter-book burners. I'm not debating if it should be a classic or not, I'm just saying it was not personally a very good book to me.
Rating:  Summary: READ MY REVIEW ON THIS BOOK... Review: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury seemed very confusing and weird just from reading the back of the book. Soon after reading the first few chapters, finding out this novel wasn't bad at all, actual pretty well written and interesting. It broadened my view of censorship and the fascinating situations in this book that have extreme resemblances to a world that doesn't seem so far from our own. Guy Montag is a fireman whose job is to find hidden books and burn them. Even from the start it is made apparent that Montag had a discomfort about his job. His new neighbor Clarisse McClellan helps to make his realize this and that reading and learning is not bad. His boss, the Fire Chief doubts his dedication to this job as is he. In a world where knowledge is strictly prohibited, Montag discovers the importance of literature. All the characters in this book are clearly described to come a live, made to imagine there actions and words. This book will make you wonder what it holds for us in the future, a world without books. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone searching for a beautifully written novel for all ages.
Rating:  Summary: "There is more than one way to burn a book." -R. Bradbury Review: Each piece of Utopian literature provides a different perspective on how and why society became no more than a living nightmare. "Farenheit 451" is no different. Whereas "1984" implies that the downfall of the elements of language and pure animal instincts led to the degredation of society and "Brave New World" argues that beauty and truth are essential, "Fahrenheit 451" places its claim on the existence of literature. This fast-paced novel transports the reader to a world where firemen don't put out fires, they start them, and where philosophers and lovers of books don't have a place in a college classroom, but rather as bums on the streets. With descriptive passages and thought-provoking characterizations, "Fahrenheit 451" is a delightful novel. However, I was slightly disappointed in the lack of depth it contains. I am an avid fan of Utopian literature, but I found it difficult to get swept up in the emotions of the novel. Without a doubt, it was pleasant to read, but if you're looking for a deep and enriching book that will make you laugh and cry and bring to light new perspectives on life and society, this isn't the most suitable novel for you.
Rating:  Summary: GOOD BOOK Review: The book Fahrenheit 451 was a very realistic novel. I believe the future will bring people to eventually hate books. There are more and more ways to read a book without even reading. Television is a big part in why people today do not want to read. Children begin watching TV at a very early age and just lose complete interest in reading period. There have been studies where watching television for a couple of hours each day causes ADD which will effect the amount of reading a person will do. This is an easy read for any type of reader. There is a clearly outlined plot. There is nowhere to get confused or even lost. Guy Montag is a fireman who burns books. Now you might think a fireman burning books is lame but it really just makes this entire novel so much more interesting to read. The people can't even remember the last time a fireman put out a fire! Than Guy Montag's new neighbor clarrise shows him why reading is not bad but good. Clarrise shows him the beauty of reading and all of its positive feedbacks. Of course this is a very dangerous game he is playing for if he would get caught he could be arrested. When Montag finds out that his chief fireman knows he has a stash of books in is house Montags ends up burning his own house down. The Characters in this book are explained to you in a really interesting way. Guy Montag is explained in great detail on both his physical appearance as a fireman and mentally. Each character is explained on how he or she acts and this helped me a lot when I was reading this book it helped me understand each character a lot better than any other book.
Rating:  Summary: Futuristic View of Books Review: Fahrenheit 451 was a good book. There were some good aspects but also a few bad. The first aspect of the novel is how futuristic it is. It was hard to follow in some places. One example is "And the uncles, the aunts, the cousins, the nieces, the nephews, that lived in those walls," (pg. 44). This is talking about a tv family that Mildred watches but she talks about them like they are her real family. Also Bradbury discribes some things in a way that is difficult to understand. For example, when he describes the stomach pump used on Mildred, "One of them slid down into your stomach like a black cobra down an echoing well looking for all the old water and the old time gathered there. It drank up the green matter that flowed to the top in a slow boil" (pg. 14). This was hard to understand. I had to look at Sparknotes to figure out what he was talking about in some of the parts. Bradbury is very descriptive, which allows you to picture the novel while you read. "With the brass nozzle in his fists, with this great python spitting its venomous kerosene upon the world, the blood pounded in his head and his hands were the hands of some amazing conductor playing all the symphonies of blazing and burning to bring down the tatters and charcoal ruins of history," (pg. 3). This really describes how he burns books in great detail. You can picture it in your mind what he is doing and how he is doing it. "Her head was half bent to watch her shoes stir the circling leaves. Her face was slender and milk-white,and in it was a kind of gentle hunger that touched over everything with tireless curiosity. It was a look, almost, of pale surprise; the dark eyes were so fixed to the world that no move escaped them. Her dress was white and it whispered," (pg. 5). This shows how he describes his characters in great detail. He uses character developement so that you get a feeling for all of the characters. He also doesn't have so many characters that you get lost. The book as a whole is very good. The meaning behind it about the society could happen in the future. One day society could get as bad as it is in Fahrenheit 451. They tried to make everyone happy but there was still war and death which make people sad. They were hiding people from the truth of the world by not letting them read books. I think this is a good book and I would recommend it; just be aware of how futuristic it is.
Rating:  Summary: Fahrenheit 451 Review: Guy Montag is a fireman whose job it is to find books and burn them. A short while into the story it becomes apparent that Montag already has a certain unease about his job, when he meets a new neighbor of his, Clarisse McClellan, who makes him realize the discomfort he's been feeling. He and the other people around him, including his boss, the Fire Chief, become doubtful of his devotion to his job. This book follows Montag on his journey as he discovers the impotance of literature in a world where knowledge is strictly prohibited. The characters are for the most part non-charismatic and without enthusiasm, with the exception of Clarisse who, having served her purpose, dies within the first few pages. It's a shame, but it is balanced out by the introduction of an old professor named Faber. Both these characters act as guides for Montag as he becomes self-aware and abandons his ignorance. This is the first book in a long time that has made me really think, about what the book means, about what the future will look like, about a life without books. It is an extraordinary piece of writing about a repressive society caught up in its own rules and ideas. Reading through it and hearing as the Chief describes to Montag the history, the process of how slowly, books went from being solely for intellectuals, to being superfluous and completely replaced by television, and finally to being illegal, hits very close to home. While the situations in this books are very extreme, it brings out ideas of this two-dimensional world that doesn't seem so far away.
Rating:  Summary: Fahrenheit 451 Review: Farenheit 451 was overall a good book. It did have some strong points as well as its weak points as well. The characters in the novel I thought were very well developed and gave enough detail to make you get a picture in your mind about what he/she looked like. The character that I thought was the best developed out of them all was Guy Montag. He was described physically but also mentally so you could really understand what he was thinking in certain cituations, like how he goes against his heritage of a fireman and decides to start reading books. Guy was a fireman, and firemen in these times burned books. The book says " First Fireman: Benjamin Franklin" (64) I also like the technology of the novel. The technology was very relavent to what is reaslistic. The ear peaces that they wore to listen to the radio could become very popular in the near future. When Clarisse McClellan said "...did you know that once billboards were only twenty feet long? But cars started rushing by so quickly they had to stretch the advertising out so it would last" (39). This shows what society was and that technology got so fast that they had to change billboards. The setting of the novel was developed well also. The setting was in a futuristic city, which seemed very high paced, like I would envision most large cities to become in the future. I did not like the fact that people did not have there own feelings about things. They never came up with there own ideas and just seemed to go through everyday monotonously. I do not agree that this is what the future holds and that people pride themselves on having there own ideas. I also disagreed with that nobody likes books and doesn't read them anymore. I feel that it was not a good idea to say that nobody reads and most of the people don't mind that. I would think that if people enjoyed reading like the group led by Granger, there would be violent revolts. When Mildred says "...Why should I read? What for..." (101). It shows that people had no desire to read or what reading had in store for them. Overall the book was very good and I suggest that you should read it if you are in the mood for an action novel.
Rating:  Summary: A Future Look on Todays Society Review: When I first began to read the book I was excited at the idea of a fireman's job was to burn books, not read them. As I read more I realized that this is what is happening to today's society but not to the same level of watching TV and not reading as much. People watch more TV than ever before and read less. You can ask anyone about any TV show and they probably have seen it. Reading books has become a inferior form of entertainment since the invention of TV and radios and other forms of entertainment. Montag, the main character in Fahrenheit 451, is a fireman who doesn't any longer put out fires, but starts the fires. The job of the fireman is to burn all books because they are illegal and not wanted in society. People have turned to wall TV's or parlor walls and seashell radios that fit in your ear for entertainment and pleasure and enjoyment so they don't have to have feelings and choose between right and wrong. People no longer care about their government or even their on children. Montag thinks that everyone is happy with their chosen society but he meets a girl named Clarisse who is a teenager that moved in next door to him. She talks to Montag about what firemen used to do and Montag couldn't believe what she was telling him. She asked him questions that made him think which he didn't like. She confused him but he listened to what she had to say and walked home from work with her everyday. A few things that changed Montag's views of their so called happy society was when he found his wife lying on her bed having overdosed on her sleeping pills which could have killed her. These men came in to help her by cleaning out her stomach and purifying her blood stream and then they were on their way. Montag realized that this was an everyday event for these men and many people have tried this suicide attempt. Montag understands that the people may enjoy their entertainment but they are still unhappy. He and his wife were even unhappy and he was going to change this. A second reason was when they were called on duty to burn some old ladies books. The police usually would come and arrest the person committing the crimes but they had not come yet and the old lady wouldn't let them burn her books. The firemen covered the illegal books in kerosene and the lady actually lit the match that burnt her and her house down because she didn't want to live without her books. Montag didn't understand why someone would die for their books. What was so good about them? He got fired from his job for having books and ran away to try to change society. He met up with other men who used to be professors at a college and they decided to leave their city and try to start again somewhere else. As they left a bomb was dropped on their city and they saw the remains of the city and turned around to go and start their new society. I really liked this book because I can relate to it. People in our society are reading less and enjoy the entertainment of television and radios just having fun in life. I don't think it will ever get as extreme as written in the novel but is closely related to it. I really enjoyed the book and would recommend it to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Farenheit 0! HAHAHA! Review: Stop the fires you wierd pyromaniac! Chill! I mean, if you are angry, go to anger management class! Stupid Montag. I, Zeus, hate you because you are stupid and can't make up your frickin' mind! HAHAHA! I'LL SEE YOU IN HELL! (you get to visit my bro, Hades, who also happens to be a pyro. You guys will like eachother.) Basically, there is this whole stupid salamander theme that makes no sense whatsoever! I oughta zap you for that, Bradbury. You definitely weren't my idea. And also, you don't have to be such a downer all the time. I mean come on, all your books are depressing and pointless, because you have like no solution to the whole vague, stupid problem of the story. I didn't even know what the problem or solution or anything was. What the hell? You know, the end was stupid, too, and led off all pointless and wierd. I half fell asleep reading this! (Because, contrary to myths, gods can't snap their fingers and have read the book. We gotta put effort into it! Damn!) Anyways, you better do better next time, Bradbury, or else! (And hey, this ain't a threat- a threat is if I strike you without you knowing why. So...ha!)