Rating:  Summary: David Icke Does It Again! Review: With "Children of the Matrix" (I'm 80% of the way through), David Icke adds another tomeful of amazing research to bolster what is surely the conspiriologist's equivalent of the physicist's unified field theory. No-one pulls it together like Icke with his irreverent Brit wit and cut-the-crap insight. Those who claim his books are poorly written are (a) full of it & (b) missing the point. Icke's informal writing style remains accessible and enjoyable throughout, besides which, the man is not trying to win a nobel prize for literature here; what he *is* trying to do is to inform as many people as possible about the actual nature of the world we live in. It turns out the calling cards of the Illuminati global power elite are everywhere when you know what to look for. Hardly reassuring, but a necessary step in taking back our power. The one omission I found puzzling, even unsettling: Where are the chemtrails? In Icke's book I mean! The ones above my head on an almost daily basis I have no problem spotting. Oh, well, let somebody else figure that one out. Bravo, David Icke!
Rating:  Summary: Icke does it again! Review: The first book I read by David Icke was called "Robot's Rebellion," in which among other things he talked about themes he has developed in far greater detail since that book. The most salient theme in my view is that we are controlled, programmed, like robots, by the "controllers," the conspiracy, whatever you want to call it, the people who really run the show in this crazy world. One point that struck me from "Robot's Rebellion," and his next book, "And The Truth ShallSet You Free," is that not only are we controlled on a physical level, but perhaps more powerfully, we are controlled by some "interdimensional," lower astral force, that deceives us into thinking that we are powerless physical beings. Let me say that the "And The Truth..." is maybe the best conspiracy book I've read. "Children of the Matrix" follows these same themes, but is a quantum leap in the level and amount of material Icke presents the reader. One of the many themes in this book, really the starting point, is the author's view that, just as the movie "The Matrix" depicts, we live in a world which is a self-created illusion where we limit our perceptions to what we are told is reality. Whereas in his earlier books Icke was only able to imagine a controlling interdimensional force manifesting itself in the physical, he now has assembled a staggering amount of documentation to prove his assertion. And the reader should beware, esp. if he/she is squeamish, because Icke makes a convincing case that the controllers are what he calls "Nordics," but far more powerful, reptilian races. Icke calls these reptlians the "Annunaki," a la Sitchin (The Twelfth Planet," etc.). While he agrees with Sitchin that the human race was probably created by these "ET's" (and others) mixing their genes with those of some ape-like creature, Icke takes Sitchin on on precisely the point that our creators are reptilians. The author contends that the reptilian race(s) have controlled humanity from its inception, but more importantly, still do today. And this is where the story gets really "harry," because Icke claims, and again he's got proof, whether you believe it or not, that many of the world leaders are reptilians, they shapeshift, and worst of all, they perform many Satanic rituals, most horrifically sacrificing children, whose blood is the purest available for their consumption! For those who want another reference on this topic that I find credible, read "The Frankin Cover Up," by an ex-Nebraskan state senator. Icke doesn't mince words or attempt to mitigate his accusations, for sure. It seems that some of the controllers are trying to suppress his freedom of speech, and this is not surprising! As a peon who operates at a very low level of the pyramid, it's hard for me to know whether "Children of the Matrix" is accurate. But I do recommend the book highly, especially if you enjoy looking through an author's references. There are many fascinating sources, some ancient texts or books about ancient texts by brilliant authors, others brave souls in our time who have come forward to tell the world about some of what is really going on behind the scenes. One point I do not agree with Mr. Icke on is that everyone in the world lives under a monolthic dictatorship - this I know from first-hand experience. On p. 405 he presents a very simplistic view that we in the US live under the same dictatorship as the Chinese. Yes, we are controlled, but no way is it the same for everyone, and it's a good practice to be grateful for the things we do have (even if it's just crumbs!).
Rating:  Summary: This is complete HOG WASH Review: I guess people will believe just about anything. In this book he accuses just about everybody who is anybody of being blood-drinking, baby killing reptilians. He denounces Jesus, Christianity, claims all the world's leaders are alien, Satan-worshipers PLLEEEAAASSEE! Talk about lies, distortions, exaggerations and fantasy...this book is it. There are Extraterrestrials, I have met them in the flesh personally, I have also met Immortals who live and walk among us and all this stuff he has written is simply NOT TRUE. Don't read this book as anything but pure fantasy mixed with an extreme need to ridicule and abuse just about everybody.
Rating:  Summary: A Must for Conspiracy Theorists Review: There have been lots of long reviews for this book, so mine won't be one of them. It's a great book. I have read it several times. t lacks on the literary side of things but the content and what he meant to convey is awesome, and far outweighs any spelling errors. Buy it. Enjoy it. Keep it for future reference, and most importantly, CROSS REFERENCE IT!! Compare it with Art Bell, Whitley Streiber, Erich von Daniken, Sylvia Browne, and others. See the interesting cross references in the books. ow move along, buy it and goodbye.
Rating:  Summary: Not as funny as you may think Review: Ok, the idiot theory that Zionists engineered the Holocaust solely to oppress Arabs has been bandied about Nazi circles for years, but the one about them being pawns of the lizard kings is kind of funny.
Sadly it doesn't really stay funny and the anti-semitic rantings of a man that should have been taking anti-depressants rather than LSD needs pity not encouragement.
Rating:  Summary: Children of THIS reality dont listen to fruitcakes like Icke Review: Where do I begin ? Once again we have more pathetic, flawed and mindless drivel perpetrated by that No#1 certified mental looney Icke. This book is full of negative disinformation with no supporting facts and incredible leaps of false logic. Icke attempts to convince the reader that his ideas are plausible but makes so many insane errors that one wonders whether this lunatic is having a big laugh at everyone. This book is not for the sensitive or weak of heart as it will hypnotically destroy your world view and create misery and pain. Beware.
Rating:  Summary: Almost entirely wrong. Review: I went to the bookstore with the sole intention of buying the most sensationalized barking-moonbat book that I could find.
I came away with this book, and feel as if I have succeeded admirably in my goal.
From the onset, Icke starts in with flippant sentences weaved together into an argument that disintegrates if any single aspect of the tapestry is found to be false. He adds falsehood upon falsehood to bolster his case and, without auxilliary reading, it sounds convincing.
However, almost everything he says is certifiably wrong. When I say "certifiably wrong," I mean "there is not a single shred of evidence that would withstand even the smallest bit of scrutiny / a Google search."
I made the effort to find this out. Every time I read a sentence that had some fact being driven in by fiat, I underlined it. From those, I took the ones that seemed the easiest to find proof of, and set out on my task.
When Icke talks of a 60,000 year old perfectly-crafted iron cube as proof of ancient civilizations, one would assume that there is documentation for this piece of antiquity, which there is. What we find, however, is that the cube no longer exists, that the organization that supposedly held the cube and subsequent casting doesn't exist, and that over its supposed 150 year history, nobody ever bothered to take a picture of the thing.
Fine, you say, that's only one example - which is true. But after having spent a considerable amount of time researching over 50 of his claims, I have yet to come upon A SINGLE, OBJECTIVELY VERIFIABLE FACT. [For a compiled list of these easily trashed "facts," see http://www.uglysolutions.com]
This does not make the book any less interesting. For those of you with a history with the Subgenius / Discordian subcultures (read: those who are able to "pull the wool over their own eyes") this is a highly entertaining book. The way he misrepresents facts is astounding to behold, and perhaps justifies the purchase. In short, it's a friggin' hoot.
HOWEVER, if you have friends who are gullible, leave this book safely out of their reach. In the wrong hands, the paranoia in this book could easily turn a pleasant, if simple, person into a complete moran.
Rating:  Summary: TRUTH IS ALWAYS STRANGER THAN FICTION...! Review: ....Well this is a true Hollywood blockbuster of the best type......if there were people with big enough balls to make this book into a movie,I'm sure that it would be one of the strangest,longest & most unbelievable movies ever made....! Icke does make alot of connections,presumptions and accusations that may seem completely bonkers,but TRY NOT TO FOCUS TOO MUCH ON THE DETAILS in this book.....what is by far MORE IMPORTANT ARE THE THEMES running through this and indeed all of his books.....PLEASE DON'T DISMISS this book as a load of old hog wash (I know the tacky cover doesn't help!).....but keep an open mind and an open heart and it could change the way you see the world and yourself forever ! A MUST READ FOR ALL WHO PLAN ON STAYING HERE ON PLANET EARTH!!....(and maybe even those who don't...!)
Rating:  Summary: Enlightening, Move up to reality Review: Do you know how difficult it is to digest some of these things Mr. Ike provided here? very. People are the product of the society they were born and raised in, this is no excuse for foolishness but that's the reality made available to everyone, we have no better sense. But oh my God! when will we know who you really are? We're solidly bent on believing the inscrutible concepts of God and life after death to the point no truth can free us from the false prophets sunday sermons. But my contention is this: If the story is true, for so long a time since God expelled man from the garden of Eden showing no more personal interest in his existence, why should we believe that Jesus is gone to prepare a better place than earth with mansions for us? Where it is said we will be priests and kings ruling over territories. But isn't it farfecthed? I vigorously encourage you to buy this book, read it with an objective mindset and this could Be the greatest turning point to a different wholesome attitude toward life in general. I hope that has people read it helps to clear away at least some of the traditional beliefs that make most of us stupid about sprituality and volnerable to many conartist radio and TV preachers. One of our bigest problem that barrs us from acknowledging reality is that the so-called "inspired word of God" teaches us that we're special, God wants us after we're dead in the other life. 2qa654w1z88,;d are
Rating:  Summary: verbal manipulation conspiracy exposed here and more! Review: I'm not sure why, but I found this an easier read than "the Biggest Secret". I think Icke has evolved into a more structured writer organizing his data in a manner that is more easily absorbed. My favorite sections of his previous book were the manipulations taking place in the current era rather than ancient times which is mostly speculation (although quite convincing). Children of the Matrix seems to have improved upon this area of research. The major activities of the bloodlines is presented throughout three major chapters including but not limited to: Serving the Dragon, The Past (The Present, and The Future). Some of the most interesting information can be found in the appendices including in depth details of the sacred bloodline mainly focused on the Bush and Windsor families. The second appendix is probably my favorite section of the book. This area traces the lost years of Adolf Hitler and reveals evidence of a possible Rothschild heritage. If you've read The Biggest Secret, then this is more of the same albeit still a facinating read. If you're new to Icke, then this is a good place to start.