Rating:  Summary: time for a change of life Review: Let go of everything you know or believe, open your mind and be prepared to be blown away. This book makes all the mysterious things in life that don't have an explination come together. Enjoy
Rating:  Summary: Somewhat Factually Flawed - But Certainly Thought-Provoking Review: ... Children of the Matrix by David Icke. ... Man, this is the most FUN read I have had since I first read A Separate Reality by Carlos Castaneda in 1973! This book is either the greatest kind of "comic books for adults" or one of the best investigative works of undercover intellectual exposes on our current state of affairs ever! ... Roll together Who Rules America by G. William Domhoff, The Power Elite by C. Wright Mills, When Corporations Rule the World by David C. Korten, On A Pale Horse by William Cooper, The People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn, ANYTHING by either Noam Chomsky or Michael Parenti, and a good helping of Gary Allen, Eric Von Daniken, and The Dulce Wars by Branton, and you will pretty much get the gist of this huge tome dealing with aliens, conspiracies, and good old class warfare! ... YOWZA! ...... Now, on page 402, David Icke writes: "I instinctively knew from an early age that schools were places where the clones of tomorrow were honed and produced. I was, therefore, a rebel from the start. I have never passed a major school exam in my life (and never taken one), never went to college or university, and have done all my learning in my time and on my terms." - AND IT SHOWS! ... If David Icke (and don't get me wrong: I LIKE him!) wants people to take what he is saying SERIOUSLY, then I am afraid he is going to have to either study harder or go back to school to get some of his facts straight - because I, alone (on ONE reading), found what I believe to be MANY mistakes in this book. ... For example, on page 197, he writes: "Even the term 'TESTAMENT' is the entomological confirmation that it is literally all a load of balls." What he MEANT to say was ETYMOLOGICAL - the linguistical study of the origin & meaning of words. Instead, he used the word concerning the study of INSECTS: entomology. This BUGS me! If David wants people to take him seriously (and not just make money selling them books about aliens, reptilians, and class-warfare), then he needs to increase his intellectual credibility by DEFINING words correctly and using more PRECISE language, as Socrates preached many moons ago. ... ... I have only 3 questions for David Icke. ... 1. Has he ever taken LSD? ... 2. How do we know that HE is not ALSO a New World Order STOOGE, and part of the problem instead of the solution - someone working tirelessly to make us all even MORE paranoid with all of his books and his website full of "conspiracy"-rich info? ... and: 3. How do we DEFEND ourselves from these aliens, reptilians, and ruling-class elitists? ... Every being has a WEAK SPOT, a soft underbelly, an Achilles Heel. ... I want to KNOW what that is for these aliens, grays, and reptilians? ... HOW do we defend ourselves? ...... Now, don't get me wrong, my intentions here are NOT to tear apart the reasoning of David Icke! I merely mean to point out to him - and the reader - that he, indeed, may have made some mistakes and that he should go back and check his facts, and CORRECT & REVISE his writing for the NEXT PRINTING of this VERY interesting book he has so tirelessly written for us all. ... He is RIGHT about many, many things and, especially, this one - when he says on page 152: "The Edda says that Thor (Dan) and his Aryans went from Europe in the first place to settle in Turkey and Mesopotamia and found the civilization of Sumer." ... The Israelites were descended from the Hebrews. The Hebrews were a Middle Eastern, nomadic tribe descended from the Amorites. The Amorites were a MIXED race of people - half Semitic and half Indo-European! Indeed, the Hebrew language is derived from the Semitic Akkadian, but the major theocratic thrust of the Hebrew culture is derived from the Indo-European, Monotheistic, Father-Sky-God religion! ... As for aliens, reptilians, shape-shifters ("Mr Heath! ... Cause I'm the Taxman!" - George Harrison), and underground dwellings - well - time will tell. I am not here to JUDGE the concepts David Icke is proclaiming. I am only here to QUESTION the facts he is basing them on. Let the reader make up her or his own mind. - The Aeolian Kid
Rating:  Summary: 90 % useful information - 10 % schitzoid paranoid denial Review: Too bad David Icke has not grown out of seeing boogie men in dark closets. Other than his paranoia about repitilian space aliens controlling everything he is quite valid (metaphorically). He makes a nice subject for review though. He is a great example of what happen to all of us in the dark corners of our own repitilian consciousness. If you want to read a more precise and compelling view of what this is all about then read anything by Ken Wilber. Expecially Up from Eden where he anthopologically disects human consciousness and "its" tendancies to fantasize in themes that match our evolution. Much like David Icke is doing now and like our ancesters did when they wrote the metaphorical stories that have become fertile ground for Mr. Ickes imagination.
Rating:  Summary: The Visitors are here, and the final battle has begun Review: I am a big David Icke fan, and I have loved reading his books over the years. David is unique because he provides a much needed spiritual perspective to conspiracy studies. He doesn't just expose all the evil that is being done by "the hidden hand" in a strictly pragmatic, materialistic format. The only way for any of this to make sense is to see it in terms of a much larger perspective. One that does not view the earth as a vacuum, unconnected to the rest of the universe where humans are merely physical beings with no soul or energy componenet. Unlike the previous "Biggest Secret", David spends more time on the reptilian component of the story, past, present and future. There is much information on the history of reptoid control of our planet, as well as the history of other visiting species (primarlrly blonde haired blue eyed beings from the Pleaides) and how they battled for control of earth with the reptoids. Much more information on the satanic aspect to those who control us than is in the Biggest Secret as well. He finishes up by talking about "matrix" type characteristics to the plan of global control such as human gatekeepers. Gatekeepers are people who consciously and unconsciously keep us in line and make sure no one escapes from the matrix, and if they do, it usually costs them dearly. Gatekeepers are in all walks of life, and parents, he says, play a key role in this as well. I recommend this book, but I also recommend that you have some type of support network (who is not a gatekeeper) who you can discuss some of the ideas with along the way. Otherwise the heavy weight of the subject matter may be too much to bear.
Rating:  Summary: "The world is not what it seems" Review: This book is most profound piece of thought provoking material I have ever read. I have been reading 'spiritual' material for years (Sonaya Roman's series of books is one example, available through amazon also) and it wasn't until the movie 'The Matrix' was released that I realized the impact of the books I was reading. A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon 'Children Of The Matrix' by accident, looking to broaden my range of true spiritual information. I had never heard of David Icke before this, and I felt drawn to this book like no other. I saw the symbolism behind the Matrix movie and how it related to this world....but, I didn't realize how far the rabbit hole really goes. Many parts of this book had my head spinning from information that hit me like a hammer. The section on religion and christianity only, is mind blowing, reguardless of the rest of the book. Once you leave conventional wisdom at the door and listen to your higher consciousness, the complexity of the unexplained, start to fall together like a simple puzzle. When a single bank funds both sides of a war, who really wins? What purpose does a 'spiritual prison' like religion serve? Will a person rebel against a prison he/she can't see, touch, or smell? Why do the elite and powerfull care so much about their bloodlines? What does it really mean to be part of a secret society like the Freemasons? Don't ask, "what is the matrix?", ask "what is the illuminati?". Open your eyes and step away from the herd you have been conditioned to think is the true reality, or at least realize the herd around you. Read this book, step outside of "The Great Illusion", and remember what you've always known.... .....the illuminati has you.....
Rating:  Summary: This would explain a lot.... Review: This is a very interesting book that ties so many things together. I have read books about bloodlines, alien agendas and conspiracy theories, and this one makes them all tie together in a way that makes you say 'Ah,ha!' The things he writes about would indeed explain a lot of things going on in our world today that otherwise seem too weird for reality. Someone from an environmental group was quoted the other day as saying something to the effect of 'the only way to save the Earth is to eliminate the scourge that is the human population'. I could see an ET saying this more than any person! Suddenly it doesn't seem all that whacky after all. Some of his anti-religion rhetoric borders on offensive at times and some ideas still seem unbelievable (shape-shifting world leaders sacrificing and eating babies, etc.., but much of the information is worth giving some thought to. I don't think I will ever look at world events in the same light. A good read for those with an open mind.
Rating:  Summary: Refined & Expanded Overview of the REAL Matrix Conspiracy... Review: Icke has updated his previous works with more information, much of which has been seen on his website in the last couple years. He appears to have refined some of his views based on criticisms of The Biggest Secret, though the basic ideas are the same and are more thoroughly and accurately documented this time. This is a lot of material to cover, and Icke has made a worthy effort. It's an interesting synchronicity that this was released the same month as Matrix V from Leading Edge Research Group. The coming decade should be very interesting!
Rating:  Summary: Fasten Your Seat Belts! Review: Fasten your seat belts, ladies and gentlemen: we are in for the biggest ride in human history! And that goes back much further than you think, as Icke documents in his latest book. Having read all his prior books, I thought there could be nothing left to shock me; was I wrong! Are you ready to have every belief you've ever had ripped away from your psyche? (Remember---no beliefs equals freedom from the propaganda!) I have been researching the great crossroads we are at for decades: will we choose liberty or slavery? When the shift hits the fan, will people recognize what Icke says is true, that we have been manipulated from behind the scenes by a non-human species? Who would we be without their ruthless conditioning of our minds, economy, society, media, drug traffic, etc? I have researched UFOs and aliens for decades, as well as Satan worship, environmental issues, corporation takeovers, third world slavery and the political agenda behind religions. I have become very familiar with the New World Order politics. But in this masterpiece, Icke ties everything together! It all falls provably under one umbrella. So the fantastic news is, if enough people wake up and we take back our power, we can have paradise on earth, especially when we utilize the hidden technology "they" have kept from us, such as cancer cures, ways to make deserts into crop-growing lands, etc. Many problems, yet only one simple solution!!! Take back our power from the Illuminati! Everyone on the planet needs to read this book and spread the word.
Rating:  Summary: great si-fi Review: some facts used as base for the fiction as usual. you seem to be trying to create a void in certain individule minds, which is a prelude to brain washing as david most likely knows. seems to me david is trying to fill that viod with his own agenda. hmmmm wonder what that could be . and what bloodline are you from mr.icke ???????
Rating:  Summary: Awaken Thou That Sleepest... Review: The Matrix of fear that has held the human race hostage and imprisoned for millennia within a world of lies, indoctrination, manipulation, and terror is awesomely revealed throughout the many pages of this most stunning and shocking Icke publication to date. Never before has a single book made so much sense of the bizarre world we live in today. Ever wonder why our children are disappearing in increasing numbers? Why the US military is headquarted in a Pentagon? Why the entire planet is coming under increasing centralized control? To that latter question, it's a deliberately contrived agenda, says Icke, that's been unfolding throughout human history, now coming to final conclusion for all to see...Icke shows us in painstaking detail the hidden forces and fiendish dynamics behind this final "rounding up" of we the human race under the behest of an imminent, global dictatorship, Satanic forces that have always been conspiratorially at work behind the major religious, political, and corporate scenes but that are only now coming out to view in utter, poignant relief as we begin to awaken out of our stupified, collective entrancement to them to reclaim our infinite spiritual potential, painfully lost and denied for so very long... Front organizations, co-ordinated cover ups, and grotesque undercover abominations of the most macabre nature are revealed throughout this incredibly integrated and spiritually comprehensive masterpiece of revelation...the greatest gift of love we can ever give to humanity is the gift of truth, however hard it may be to swallow...and this is perhaps the greatest gift of truth the human race has ever been given...the pressing and urgent Knowledge needed to awaken out of the Matrix before it is too late...