Rating:  Summary: Well researched ! Review: This book is thick and full of great information, If you ever wonder why some people just stare at you this is the book , I know it may sound funny, But after reading this book allot of the stuff are teachers told us and our own goverment is all lies, The truth is stranger than fiction ! Get this book !
Rating:  Summary: Closed minds = psychological prison Review: I stumbled upon davids' books by chance,or syncronicity, whilst reading Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea. Themes in the books have similarities such as the "Golden Age of Atlantis", the underground cities and bases of different factions of sercret societies and most notably the presence of the global elite or Illuminati. I have no doubt in the existence of this sort of elite controling world, evidence of which is, like Icke is indicating in his books, all around us if we can be bothered to look! Remember Icke is not the only person divulging this type of information, but maybe the most vocal. Why is this so? Because he couldn't careless of public opinion! He has been ridiculed for quite sometime, so he was already contoversial both the reptilian theme emerged in his work. I have noticed that he has cleverly quoted people and not taken reponsibility for the claims being made, things like "blah says ..." or "...blah said" are quite common throughout his books. I think the most important lesson that David and other such writer/reserchers give us is not to take things for granted. They teach us to ask questions and investigate for ourselves rather than taking things as "gospel". The History of this planet is not as it is depicted and the involvement of secret societies to "rewrite" "official" history is well established. George dubya's grandfather did fund Hilter, and so did the Rothschilds. This is documented. Maybe if some of David's critic's could be arsed to check some of these sources then they'ed see the evidence themselves. Boheimian Grove does exist and questionable events gone there. Its no good shooting the messenger! Check it out for yourself! Its all there on the net somewhere. Or you could always just believe the media interpretation of global events such as 9/11 and their causes and accept the fear it creates. At the start of David's books should be the statement " The following information may contain things some of which are true, some false and some which are a mixture of true and false, because nothing is black and white". Think people Think! Open your mind to a different thought process. Closed minds = psychological prison
Rating:  Summary: Sorry Dorothy, but Oz is Kansas... Review: I don't have a problem with basic Conspiracy Theory, in that the idea of The World Banking System ruling the planet makes sense. I can accept the Kennedy Conspiracy, Roswell, you name it, but like most people I find David's theories about all of the world's rulers being Reptilian shape-shifting Aliens a little hard to swallow. Especially when they are supposedly involved in the mass ritual sacrifice of children. I presume the way he avoids massive law suits for defamation is by claiming to be reflecting the views of people such as 'former mind control slave' Arizona Wilder, and by pleading Truth as a defence, insisting that the Royal Family, George Bush etc. must prove that they are not Aliens. Yet the way Conspiracy theorists work, no proof would ever be enough anyway. If the rulers did submit to DNA testing and were found to be wholly human, ole Dave would no doubt insist that the tests were rigged. Don't get me wrong, I can accept that the human race are a bunch of genetically engineered worker animals. Apart from the checked shirts, the booze, the smokes and the hockey, their willingness to accept injustice seems to be limitless. For example, nobody ever questioned the fact that a kid could be sent to Vietnam when he was 18, but couldn't by himself a drink until he was 21. Der... If there is a flaw in David's voluminous research, it is that he tries to shoehorn everything into a preset framework, intending that it should prove his point, come what may. He takes all historical references to be literal, rather than symbolic or metaphorical, such as the many ancient serpent references, which he ties in with the Reptilian lineage. To most people serpent imagery represents symbols of cthonic (underworld) transcendence, and in the case of the serpent eating its own tail, regeneration and eternal recurrence. If one got into a Conspiracy and Disinformation mindset, one could even question Dave himself. If you look at the effects that his work has on people, it can be quite damaging, by crushing their belief systems, by telling them that everything they ever believed was a lie, and by telling them that an unimaginably brutal and all encompassing Conspiracy, presided over by an all powerful Alien race has complete control of this planet, and has from day one. While he includes a relative throwaway acknowledgement that all beings are from the same life force, and that people should just do their own work and disconnect from the system as much as they can, his main focus is on the unimaginable horror of the human zoo. Icke's information about the Reptilians seems to come primarily from the testimony of individuals such as Arizona Wilder, who having somehow shaken off her mind control programming, can now "remember" seeing the British Royal Family as Reptilian shape shifters, who regularly indulge in the ritual murder of children. Yes, it could be true. Then again, these could be the fantasies of a disturbed individual, or somebody who just didn't get enough attention as a child, or somebody who is deliberately spreading disinformation in the hope that David Icke would lap it up and build entire books around the myth, and thereby lose the credibility that he was beginning to amass, prior to him going off the deep end. Anybody can claim to remember cosmic things. I could claim to have been an Alien military intelligence officer with the Templar garrison at Acre, but I could no more prove this than Wilder can prove one scrap of the genocidal shape shifter information that Icke so readily portrays as fact. Three stars for sheer audacity. Buy it soon, because if the Government ever tightens the defamation laws, David Icke will be in a sling. One final thought... If David Icke is right and his revelations are so revolutionary and devastating to the Power Elite, why is he still alive? Too high profile to be a target? JFK was as high profile as it gets. No, David Icke is being allowed to continue. Surely even a human could see that.
Rating:  Summary: A truly sobering read, one of Icke's best. Review: I think that one of David Icke's greatest contributions to this sort of alternative journalism is an understanding of the global power structure. Those at the pinacle of the pyramid, the global elite, have access to nearly complete knowledge, not only of the plan and how it's carried out, but of humankind's true history and heritage as spiritual beings. What's worse is that that information is tocritized, compartmentalized, with each descending echelon possesing smaller and smaller fragments of the "big picture." Those at the bottom, due to the small area of focus may actualy believe that they are serving the nation amiably when in fact if they could see from a higher perspective, I am sure that they would be mortified at what their actions have acheived. But the most diabolical aspect of the power structure is that it is virtualy invisible unless you know what to look for. In this volume David Icke delineates this and much more. A must for anyone who is fed up with the sensationalistic mass media. I would also recomend "Rule by Secrecy" by Jim Marrs; "Blue Blood, True Blood" bu Stuart Swerdlow, and "The Matrix of Power" by Jordan Maxwell.
Rating:  Summary: Keep it to yourself??? Review: After reading Children of the Matrix and anouncing my findings to my parents, my Father said he was very concerned about me and that I might become a Paranoid. Especially since I live all by myself. Although I do really appreciate his concern, I don't feel that I am like that at all. As far as heads of state turning into Reptiles, I just wouldn't know about that, since i've never seen it happen before. I just try to keep an open mind about stuff like that. Anything is possible after all. Right? I would highly recommend this book to anyone who's into Conspiracy Theories and if you don't happen to believe it, just read it for the fun of it. Ok? You may want to keep it to yourself though.
Rating:  Summary: If it looks like baloney...smells like baloney... Review: It's baloney! David Icke, a man with no intellectual or scholarly credentials to speak of, has made it his life's work to convince the reading public that the powers that be are of a "shape-shifting" "reptilian" race set out to gain world domination over many centuries. As tempting as it is to believe the Queen of England sacrifices, tortures and cannibalizes babies, among other things, the notion that a plot to rule the world passed down through countless generations of a reptilian genetic code via secret societies and satanism is, well, baloney. Three stars for entertainment value.
Rating:  Summary: Way out there, but not out there enough in some regards! Review: I Like Icke but dammit if he just cant get all of his facts straight. In The Greatest Secret he says that "SOMA" is Chlorophyl, now in "Children of the Matrix" he says it is drinking Menstrual Blood. I must agree about the power and sacredness of the Menstrual Bood but if one studies this subject one knows it is not for drinking (even ritually). Icke gets stuck at the physical level and if he breaches the symbolic he gets stuck on the symbol. One who knows that SOMA is a sacred psychedellic should be familiar with authors such as James Arthur, Gordon Wasson, Robert Graves, David Spess and a few little known others. The facts pointing to the Amanita muscaria mushroom as the main "thing" that represents SOMA on the physical plane are pretty well established. That SOMA at a deeper level is intangible is another thing all together, even if a mushroom is a critical Alchemical part of the bigger picture. Icke's conspiracy theories can be pretty far fetched and this is again because he gets stuck in the literal, physical, symbol and tangible representations of the things he investigates. This may sound cryptic but some things must be. Mainly, Icke needs a good lesson in symbolism and the discovery of Entheogens. Icke does one good deed in exposing the global consciosness being enslaved by what he terms "The Matrix", unfortunately, he still misses the bigger picture (The Red and Blue Pill). So despite his claim at uncovering the secret masters he is still in his own little matrix in the end. I still like the book but Icke's ego is self defeating. He can not be bothered with things he does not understand and has shown himself to be closed minded in many areas. He also does not credit properly those who have helped him in his research. I can recommend this book but it still must be taken with a grain of salt.
Rating:  Summary: Icke does it again! Review: The first book I read by David Icke was called "Robot's Rebellion," in which among other things he talked about themes he has developed in far greater detail since that book. The most salient theme in my view is that we are controlled, programmed, like robots, by the "controllers," the conspiracy, whatever you want to call it, the people who really run the show in this crazy world. One point that struck me from "Robot's Rebellion," and his next book, "And The Truth Shall Set You Free," is that not only are we controlled on a physical level, but perhaps more powerfully, we are controlled by some "interdimensional," lower astral force, that deceives us into thinking that we are powerless physical beings. Let me say that the "And The Truth..." is maybe the best conspiracy book I've read. "Children of the Matrix" follows these same themes, but is a quantum leap in the level and amount of material Icke presents the reader. One of the many themes in this book, really the starting point, is the author's view that, just as the movie "The Matrix" depicts, we live in a world which is a self-created illusion where we limit our perceptions to what we are told is reality. Whereas in his earlier books Icke was only able to imagine a controlling interdimensional force manifesting itself in the physical, he now has assembled a staggering amount of documentation to prove his assertion. And the reader should beware, esp. if he/she is squeamish, because Icke makes a convincing case that the controllers are what he calls "Nordics," but far more powerful, reptilian races. Icke calls these reptlians the "Annunaki," a la Sitchin (The Twelfth Planet," etc.). While he agrees with Sitchin that the human race was probably created by these "ET's" (and others) mixing their genes with those of some ape-like creature, Icke takes Sitchin on on precisely the point that our creators are reptilians. The author contends that the reptilian race(s) have controlled humanity from its inception, but more importantly, still do today. And this is where the story gets really "harry," because Icke claims, and again he's got proof, whether you believe it or not, that many of the world leaders are reptilians, they shapeshift, and worst of all, they perform many Satanic rituals, most horrifically sacrificing children, whose blood is the purest available for their consumption! For those who want another reference on this topic that I find credible, read "The Frankin Cover Up," by an ex-Nebraskan state senator. Icke doesn't mince words or attempt to mitigate his accusations, for sure. It seems that some of the controllers are trying to suppress his freedom of speech, and this is not surprising! As a peon who operates at a very low level of the pyramid, it's hard for me to know whether "Children of the Matrix" is accurate. But I do recommend the book highly, especially if you enjoy looking through an author's references. There are many fascinating sources, some ancient texts or books about ancient texts by brilliant authors, others brave souls in our time who have come forward to tell the world about some of what is really going on behind the scenes. One point I do not agree with Mr. Icke on is that everyone in the world lives under a monolthic dictatorship - this I know from first-hand experience. On p. 405 he presents a very simplistic view that we in the US live under the same dictatorship as the Chinese. Yes, we are controlled, but no way is it the same for everyone, and it's a good practice to be grateful for the things we do have (even if it's just crumbs!).
Rating:  Summary: Mildly entertaining Review: You'd expect some type of hard evidence after all this time. No photos are given of vast underground tunnels (some were allegedly under the WTC in NY) that exist in many places throughout the world. With seismic equipment they would be simple to find. No photos of aliens or alien hybrids, etc, etc. No pieces of advanced alien hardware, no funny footprints, no medical documents that would reveal the aliens in human shape were really aliens. There's really nothing but a few people claiming weird things. David Icke combs through thousands of years of human history to try to prove his point that the aliens have been controlling us for years. The trouble is if you can gather bits and pieces of anything throughout human history to prove just about any theory. His case just isn't strong enough. I wouldn't reccomend buying it. I read most of it in a few hours in the bookstore.
Rating:  Summary: More MATRIX Mistakes & CHILD-LIKE Corrections... Review: ... I found more disturbing statements in this book. ... Again, on page 212, he says that "the name Andrew, another 'disciple,' has the same meaning as Pater, Petra, or Peter." It does NOT! Andrew is a Greek name, meaning "MANLY," derived from the same root as the END of the name ALEXANDER! ... Also, on pages 212 and 213, he fails to mention all TWELVE signs of the Zodiac / Mazaroth - plainly spoken of in the Book of Job - the oldest book in the Bible. EACH of the 12 apostles and 12 tribes of Israel were associated with one of the 12 astrological signs. ... On pages 260 and 261, he mentions close to a DOZEN corporations who are supposedly involved in the creation of underground tunnels in the earth, controlled by reptilians. SHOW ME PICTURES!!! ... On page 321, he says: "The Book of Mormon claims to be an account of how the "lost tribes of Israel" came to America. But there were no "lost tribes", (sic) as the Samaritan people confirmed." ... WHAT is THIS supposed to mean? First of all, the Samaritans are one example of the living proof of the lost tribes. They were all remnants of some of the Israelites from the 10 northern tribes of the Kingdom of Israel (the vast MAJORITY of the Israelite people!) left behind by the Assyrians who INTERMARRIED with Assyrians, and subsequently with Palestinians (orginally Philistines from the land of Caphtoria - the Greek island of Minoan Crete!). Also, MILLIONS of people do not just disappear, and they were NOT all slaughtered by the Assyrians. They were made SLAVES, and carried off into various parts of the empire. Many, later, even made their way up to Scotland, down to Ethiopia, and over to Armenia! Ask ANY Rastafarian Jamaican about the Lost Tribes of Israel. THEY know! ... On page 351, he calls former President Jimmy Carter the "first Trilateral Commission President of the United States..." He was NOT! Gerald FORD was! ... On page 358, he writes: "The main active ingredient in Prozac was found in the blood of Henry Paul, the driver of the car when Princess Diana was murdered. Prozac is just one of a long list of drugs designed to have the same effect." ... Now, is David Icke making a case here for the EFFECT of the drug PROZAC on the driver as the CAUSE of the death of Princess Diana, OR is he sticking to his previous assertion that the beautiful Princess was MURDERED in a ritualistic way? ... A THOUGHT to ponder: Is Princess Diana really dead, or was her death all a fake and bogus farse constructed by her wealthy, Arab lover, Dodi Al-Fayed, as a way for BOTH of them to escape from the public eye forever? Is it not HE who was the executive producer of BOTH those famous "FX" movies that show how to FAKE a death scene? ... Who can say what REALLY happened to the beautiful and noble Princess, or WHY, but this book gives us yet again one more reason to ponder! ... YOWZA! ... - The Aeolian Kid