Rating:  Summary: A MUST-READ FOR CONSPIRACY FANS EVERYWHERE! Review: This read was so entertaining and page-turning; I didn't mind the few editorial mistakes here and there. Who cares if Icke uses perfect grammar? Doesn't grammar constantly change anyway over time such as pronunciation and translation? Is not the present English language simply "Euro-bonics"? Lighten up, people!! This read is a wild ride while keeping you entertained and stimulating thought. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Maybe, Maybe not Review: If Mr. Icke believes that the world is controled via a small cabal of reptiles why was this book alowed to see the light of day in the first place??? Why didn't these beings get a hold of the manuscript (since they control everything, access to the publisher should have been no problem) and hunt the author down??? Or better yet have him die in some freak accident??? I believe we are controled, but not by reptiles. ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX and CNN, control almost all of the media outlets, i.e. newspapers, radio stations, TV and all of the major ISPs. I have yet to see a news station do an entire broadcast with no human intrest stories at all. News devotes little or no in depth coverage of goverment or business scams and instead focuses on the major car accident on RT 45 that cloged up the drive home or the major storm that is headed our way.
Rating:  Summary: Information and misinformation mixed Review: There is much that is good about this book; much that is truth and much dialogue which springs from quantum leaps in associations. The research is often scholarly and at other times it's nonexistant. It is obvious that "the truth is out there" but, if it is, David Icke often associates words from different languages, races, and times just because they sound alike. (I imagine some forefather of Icke must have once had a hickey. You get the idea.) His outrage at Christianity and God is obvious, but he never gives any basis for this other than that he calls it all a lie. He discounts any of the Bible as being true just because there are similar legends in many ancient nations which he says the Bible steals. Why doesn't he look at the other side of this coin? Could it be their legends were based on historical events that are chronicled in Biblical writings? There is much he doesn't know about the validation of Bible truth that I could show him. Sloppy pronoucements with unsubstiated arguments make me want to put the book down and run off screaming "he's an idiot!". But so much else he tells about the rich-spoiled insiders makes perfect sense and is often frightening to consider; especially when it is obvious so much of it is true. One wonders if it is all a joke to them or if they really are the insidious "white-blue eyed" conquerers of the world who are in league with 'alien' (also read 'demon' here) legions to keep us wrapped in our cute little, television womb lives? In other words, DO YOU LIKE BEING A LEMMING? Where are Mulder and Scully when we so desperately need them?! Read this book with your mind intact and open at the same time. Don't take everything in it as gospel, but let him lead you through a magical mystery tour of facts and connections that often has basis in truth. You won't think about the things you see, the news which you read, and the voices in your head the same way again.
Rating:  Summary: A good website for an alternative perspective Review: Not sure what to think of David Icke, when I first read him it seemed really outrageous, and there is much that he says that make sense. One can easily view the power elite by the results they have created= human enslavement. I cannot imagine another word for it.
Rating:  Summary: The best investment for getting the truth Review: Children of the Matrix is a well built Masterwork. It reveals the history of Mankind, the old cultures, the political systems and their relations to what we see actually nowadays on our chaotic globe. Don't trust only on your 5 sentences. Do also use your imagination and expand your abilities to think critically on what it is going on in the world. This book of David Icke is an eye-opener. It handles different sciences to one overall science: the truth of what we are and what is happening in our world. This book integrates history, biology, archeology, politics, military sciences, psychology, occult sciences, astronomy and last but not least the art of manipulating the masses in the media. This book not only deals with the conspiracies in the world, this books also opens the closed vaults of secret sciences and their applications in world politics and mass control. David Icke opens your eyes, please take your time for it, if you don't understand Icke immediately; you never will regret; It's your best investment for getting the truth.
Rating:  Summary: This man made me question my religion... Review: this is my all time favorite book (even more than "behold a white horse"-william cooper). this book makes you think twice about getting up early on sunday. but warning- if you have a sheep's mentality- don't read. by the third chapter - you'll be reading with your third eye!
Rating:  Summary: Illuminating Review: While I may not completely ascribe to Icke's reptilian hypothesis, I will certainly not take the juvenile backdoor of sarcastically belittling his work. David Icke, to paraphrase many, is ON TO SOMETHING. No matter how you look at it (unless through the hazy eyes of conventional conditioning) you have to notice that our leaders are simply not like us. David Icke states that they are a humanoid reptilian race that has breeded throughout the millenia in order to keep us in servitude to them. Well one thing is for sure - reptiles or not they HAVE interbreeded for centuries and they ARE keeping us in servitude to them. And I for one don't think it's anything to laugh about. I don't care if you call our leaders demons or lizards, it's obvious they're evil. And honestly, I don't think it's any more rediculous to think that our president is a reptilian than it is to think our leaders are benevolent. Wake up! I don't think this is a good book to start out in your quest to uncover the truth of our society, because you have to be de-conditioned in the first place to get past the first chapter. I'm fortunate in that I have read many books by many authors, notably "Rulers of Evil" by Tupper Saucey and "Behold a Pale Horse" by William Cooper so that by the time I read "Children of the Matrix" I had my blinders removed and came to it with an open mind. So if it helps, think of David Icke's reptilian theory as a metaphor for evil people in general, I know I've independently thought of these people as lizard-like without having read this book. I mean they operate through fear, violence, and hate - very reptilian for sure. They use fear to keep us ignorant, to stop us from questioning their disgusting motives. The fact is, these (most often) rich bloodlines are full of satanists who love nothing more than to ritually torture and murder children for the feeling of power it gives them. Remember, it's not what you believe that matters, it's what the "powers that be" believe, and sadly, many are satanist. Like I said, leave your sarcasm and illusion of knowledge at the door when reading this masterful book. True wisdom lies in knowing that you know nothing.
Rating:  Summary: ExtraTerrestrials and Satanists Under Every Rock! Review: Mr Icke's main point is that the world is being run by reptilian extraterrestrials who suck human blood, and that people like Hillary Clinton, Henry Kissinger, and the Queen of England are shape-changing reptiles from that ancient cold-blooded family line. His proof? None, except for the occasional wild rantings of the crayon-wielding crowd who attend his lectures and confess that they too ran into somebody who turned into a reptile in [local store] one time. David Icke was a soccer player who was forced into retirement due to arthritis. He then became a British Broadcasting Company (BBC) sports presenter, commenting on various middle-of-the-road sports events. He was fired after claiming he was the son of God and after he took his female personal assistant on holiday whilst making her pregnant. Icke left his wife and young sons in England during this overseas holiday. After widespread public condemnation of his actions, Icke called a press conference and (wearing a turquoise track suit) explained that he took his assistant on holiday to heal the earth's energy spots. In addition, he claimed he was the Reborn Messiah. After many, many talk show appearances he recanted his Messiah claim saying that he was mad then. (According to one report, he'd determined that he was special as a result of his amazing ability to find parking spaces in Central London). According to Mr Icke, everyone from Benjamin Franklin to Jefferson were "Satanists". This despite both the deeply spiritual writings and concern for the common man of Franklin and Jefferson. (This is only one example the well read will find ludicrous). Mr Icke has an agenda and my guess it is to prepare the gullible for next Global Fascist state's created enemy : aliens while posing as "opposition". A common tactic of psyops. This is a right wing screed: Like most of them (Antony Sutton et al) it tries to hide the reason for the holocaust. THe US and European oligarchy installed the Nazis and European fascists to prevent a workers revolution in Europe and to attempt to overthrow the example for oppressed workers everywhere. The people murdered in the camps were mainly of the left. The oligarhic owned press and schools will never tell you this. Do a search on the Internet for "Another View of Stalin" by Ludo Martens for real history instead of this slime.
Rating:  Summary: Funny!! Review: Trust no one! May be he's one of lizard army from another dimension. Your government, your king or even your religion leader are part of them. That's main idea of this book. Warning!By admiting this theory may change your life to be a jerk amongst your friend. But who knows? Everything may be possible. Anyway, please report me asap if you find someone transform himself to a lizard :)
Rating:  Summary: Interesting book Review: Even if this book may depict the reality of what is happening somewhat inaccurately, it is still worth reading. This guy is on to something. It may not be exactly what he says, but there IS obviously something wrong with the world. I can't say that I blindly believe this guy, but there may be some truth to what he is saying. I, being a scientist, am not prepared to immediately accept the idea that we live in a world surrounded by alien reptilian beings who covertly control all humanity. However, there is evidence that there is something going on behind the scenes. Even if the whole scenario of alien reptilian beings is fictional, the whole story, etc, the claims this guy makes about the way the world works may not be far from the truth. I suggest you read the book, and even if you have to dismiss all the details about reptilian races and bloodlines, judge the book by looking at the big picture. You don't have to believe that there are reptilian aliens disguised as nation presidents and world leaders, just realize that there is really something wrong with the way the world works. I think that is the main point this guy tries to make.