Rating:  Summary: Somewhat Factually Flawed - But Certainly Thought-Provoking Review: ... Children of the Matrix by David Icke. ... Man, this is the most FUN read I have had since I first read A Separate Reality by Carlos Castaneda in 1973! This book is either the greatest kind of "comic books for adults" or one of the best investigative works of undercover intellectual exposes on our current state of affairs ever! ... Roll together Who Rules America by G. William Domhoff, The Power Elite by C. Wright Mills, When Corporations Rule the World by David C. Korten, On A Pale Horse by William Cooper, The People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn, ANYTHING by either Noam Chomsky or Michael Parenti, and a good helping of Gary Allen, Eric Von Daniken, and The Dulce Wars by Branton, and you will pretty much get the gist of this huge tome dealing with aliens, conspiracies, and good old class warfare! ... YOWZA! ...... Now, on page 402, David Icke writes: "I instinctively knew from an early age that schools were places where the clones of tomorrow were honed and produced. I was, therefore, a rebel from the start. I have never passed a major school exam in my life (and never taken one), never went to college or university, and have done all my learning in my time and on my terms." - AND IT SHOWS! ... If David Icke (and don't get me wrong: I LIKE him!) wants people to take what he is saying SERIOUSLY, then I am afraid he is going to have to either study harder or go back to school to get some of his facts straight - because I, alone (on ONE reading), found what I believe to be MANY mistakes in this book. ... For example, on page 197, he writes: "Even the term 'TESTAMENT' is the entomological confirmation that it is literally all a load of balls." What he MEANT to say was ETYMOLOGICAL - the linguistical study of the origin & meaning of words. Instead, he used the word concerning the study of INSECTS: entomology. This BUGS me! If David wants people to take him seriously (and not just make money selling them books about aliens, reptilians, and class-warfare), then he needs to increase his intellectual credibility by DEFINING words correctly and using more PRECISE language, as Socrates preached many moons ago. ... ... I have only 3 questions for David Icke. ... 1. Has he ever taken LSD? ... 2. How do we know that HE is not ALSO a New World Order STOOGE, and part of the problem instead of the solution - someone working tirelessly to make us all even MORE paranoid with all of his books and his website full of "conspiracy"-rich info? ... and: 3. How do we DEFEND ourselves from these aliens, reptilians, and ruling-class elitists? ... Every being has a WEAK SPOT, a soft underbelly, an Achilles Heel. ... I want to KNOW what that is for these aliens, grays, and reptilians? ... HOW do we defend ourselves? ...... Now, don't get me wrong, my intentions here are NOT to tear apart the reasoning of David Icke! I merely mean to point out to him - and the reader - that he, indeed, may have made some mistakes and that he should go back and check his facts, and CORRECT & REVISE his writing for the NEXT PRINTING of this VERY interesting book he has so tirelessly written for us all. ... He is RIGHT about many, many things and, especially, this one - when he says on page 152: "The Edda says that Thor (Dan) and his Aryans went from Europe in the first place to settle in Turkey and Mesopotamia and found the civilization of Sumer." ... The Israelites were descended from the Hebrews. The Hebrews were a Middle Eastern, nomadic tribe descended from the Amorites. The Amorites were a MIXED race of people - half Semitic and half Indo-European! Indeed, the Hebrew language is derived from the Semitic Akkadian, but the major theocratic thrust of the Hebrew culture is derived from the Indo-European, Monotheistic, Father-Sky-God religion! ... As for aliens, reptilians, shape-shifters ("Mr Heath! ... Cause I'm the Taxman!" - George Harrison), and underground dwellings - well - time will tell. I am not here to JUDGE the concepts David Icke is proclaiming. I am only here to QUESTION the facts he is basing them on. Let the reader make up her or his own mind. - The Aeolian Kid
Rating:  Summary: verbal manipulation conspiracy exposed here and more! Review: WOW! I just borrowed this book from the library yesterday despite the ridiculous cover. Don't judge a book by it's cover, right? Wrong. Even after just a few random readings, my impressions went from this is ridiculous to some of this is interesting to there are so many mistakes, to how do I take any of it seriously. From my own experience in studying my religion within the orthodox framework, I know very well how one can take various sources, find connections among them, and prove what one set out to prove; one's own given belief system. There is a method to the madness of every system, and Icke might have mastered this system if not for the rampant mistakes. To name a few: the Hebrew word Kabbala, a term used to refer to the esoteric teachings of the Judaic tradition, has at its root "kabel", to receive. Kabbala refers to received knowledge, not "serpent wisdom" by any stretch of the Hebrew language. Then, making connections between words because they have some similarity of sound or a couple of letters is really far-fetched. Levi, one of the twelve tribes, and Leviathan, the giant mythical fish, where's the connection? Manna which fed the Israelites in the desert related to mania?! There are several of these, my favorite being that the Christian word AMEN refers to the Egyptian god Ammon. Wrong again (and again). Amen is the acronym for the Hebrew letters Alef-Mem-Nun, standing for , El Melech Ne'Emun, meaning (in)God (the)King we believe. The word is found throughout the Psalms(by the ficticious King David). Icke might as well say that the ritual of giving gifts has wicked origins because the German word for poison is "Gift". His extensive use of "false friends" isn't freindly, only false, over and over again. If anything, the endless commonalities among human cultures strengthen the unified field theory. Then there's the Jewish issue. I find it interesting how the Jewish people are considered among the Illuminati, who seek to expound a world view based on separation rather than unity. The core of Jewish belief from the onset was and is the One-ness of God which IS the oneness-unity of all creation. The Jewish mantra the Shema is the affirmation of the oneness of all. The Laws of One are the ways in which to retain and/or restore unity to life. The Kabbala explains how the act of divine energy manifesting itself as physical reality results in fragmentation and our human task is to continually unite these fragments. Perhaps these fragments are the illusion; the other gods; everything that coaxes us away from the Unity be it technology, money, fame, or spectator sports. This task is referred to as Tikkun Olam, repairing the world. Note that the Hebrew for world- OLAM, also means HIDDEN. I must add that I myself am anything but mainstream and for the system that perhaps we created because we still prefer leaders and authorities. I homeschool my child, I don't vaccinate, I don't buy flouride toothpaste, and I don't drink coke OR pepsi, or ever set foot in McDonalds. So, while there are aspects of this book I relate to as an "outsider", I can't take the whole seriously due to the myriad flaws. The bad cover art says it all.
Rating:  Summary: Fascinating, but true? Review: As a long-time student of conspiracy theories, I enjoyed reading David Icke's take on things. As others have noted, his goal appears to be bringing together many different conspiracy theories and revisionist versions of history --e.g. the global elite (aka New World Order), alien abductions, the alleged extraterrestrial origin of humanity, the many pre-Christian "Christs," and so forth. As such, it's an excellent overview of alternative belief systems (some would say paranoid or crackpot theories). His main argument is that our reality is manipulated by a reptilian alien race. There's also a Nordic-like race of aliens who are sometimes at war with the reptiles and sometimes work with them. It's quite complicated. Although I don't believe everything in this book (I haven't read any of his others yet), it fits into my belief in a multidimensional universe. Icke himself, in what is one of the best chapters, says that, ultimately, everything comes from the same energy and that the various manifestations of things, including those we call "evil" are really aspects of ourselves. Barbara Marciniak, in Bringers of the Dawn, a book allegedly channeled by Pleidians, says early in the book (or the Pleidians say) that everything in the book is a story and should not be taken literally. I think this is equally true of Icke's book --and, for that matter, everything else in this largely illusory world.
Rating:  Summary: Keep an open mind when reading this entertaining book Review: This book is filled with conspiracy theories that are very entertaining and filled with material that will make you think. This book gets into how an extraterrestrial race of reptiles are manipulating the earth so one day they can take over. The author gets into how secret societies like the Illuminati are all part of the plot to keep humans in line through religion, war ect. Icke claims that all the people in power through out history are all part of the same extraterresrial blood line that have been ruling humans since the beginning of human history. Icke even goes too say that Bush and Gore are related and that whole blood line are the reptilian Annunaki-Nephilim.Icke also claims that the Illuminati- Satanist are all the same cults that ancient texts refer to. Every page in this book has some very interesting and entertaining information but when he starts talking about the shape shifting people it starts to get a little to hard to believe but than again you never now anything is possible.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best conspiracy book out there!!! Review: Every page in this book has great and entertaining information that makes you think about the world we live in.This book gets into how humans have been manipulated since the start of human history by an extraterrestrial or interdimensional race out to keep humans ignorant of what really is happening. This book shows how all people in power through out history share the same blood line from American Presidents to the royal family that go back to the time of the Sumarians and beyond. Hard too believe but possible. The author exposes how a secret society called the Illuminati are the real power behind the throne conroling just about everything in politics, media, and big corporations to keep humans in line. The author claims people are being kept in line through imprisonment of the human mind. Rigid belief systems like Christianity,Judism,Islam, Hinduism, and all other forms of religion designed to discourage free thinking, all a creation of secret societies like the Illuminati. The Author also gets into Christ conspiracies that are very interesting and if you never read any material of this nature this stuff will blow your mind away. The author tells the story and gives proof of who and what these extraterresrials are that go back thousands of years.The author claims that the mythical Gods of old like in Sumarian writings of exraterrestial Gods called the Annunaki are of reptilian form and these are the guys that are running the whole show. The author also claims the blood line of the Annunaki and the Biblical Nephilim are same guys that interbred with human female as stated in the Bible and Sumarian scrpit, and that they share thier blood line with all are leaders through out history. When the author gets into the shape shifting part it gets a little hard too believe. He claims that some our most known leaders are shape shifters. This is something you just have to read for your self.The concpiracy theories go on and on with very interesting and entertaining material that make you think. "Maybe all of this is possible".
Rating:  Summary: Amazing, but true.. Review: After reading this book, I have never looked at the world the same anymore! To understand the book you must be open minded, and thourghly read it, because I reread pages over and over and always found new things in it, because of the detailed description.. Its scary to think its true, but you got a believer here!
Rating:  Summary: more from Icke Review: I'm not sure why, but I found this an easier read than "the Biggest Secret". I think Icke has evolved into a more structured writer organizing his data in a manner that is more easily absorbed. My favorite sections of his previous book were the manipulations taking place in the current era rather than ancient times which is mostly speculation (although quite convincing). Children of the Matrix seems to have improved upon this area of research. The major activities of the bloodlines is presented throughout three major chapters including but not limited to: Serving the Dragon, The Past (The Present, and The Future). Some of the most interesting information can be found in the appendices including in depth details of the sacred bloodline mainly focused on the Bush and Windsor families. The second appendix is probably my favorite section of the book. This area traces the lost years of Adolf Hitler and reveals evidence of a possible Rothschild heritage. If you've read The Biggest Secret, then this is more of the same albeit still a facinating read. If you're new to Icke, then this is a good place to start.
Rating:  Summary: Not Just Conspiracy Theory, Conspiracy FACT Review: David Icke is one of the leading conspiracy theorists, going farther than most with claims that the world ruling class is made up of shape-shifting reptiles. Even if you don't buy that inductive leap, Icke does an excellent job of exposing the ties that bind the Bush Family, the Rockefellers, Henry Kissinger and the British Royal Family together (just to name a few). The only thing that stopped me from giving this book 5 stars is what I view to be an annoying tendecy for Icke to rehash some of the same info from his previous books. This detriment only comes into play, of course, if you have read his other works. In any event, the book is compelling, even if you just believe ten percent of it. It is a very enjoyable work.
Rating:  Summary: Children of the Matrix Review: Once again I have picked up this book to skim through. First I would like to say to all who are researching the beginnings of man, language is the key. That being said, I must say I enjoyed this book very much, because its entertaining and well as informative, especially the chapter: God save us from religion, I have long felt that religion is a hinderence that does not allow man to question. Do I believe in a world wide conspiracy, yes because all conspiracies have a level of truth to them, no matter how far fetched they are there is a foudation for these acquisations. The biggest problem I have with this book and it is the biggest is WHERE ARE THE BLACK PEOPLE!?!?!? It amazes me that still in this day and time we are omitted from history no matter where that history stems from. Was there ever a time we existed pre-enslavement. Outside of that I really enjoyed the book. Take from it what works for you. Note: To every one who enjoys TV, movies and different forms of media i say watch for the signs, indoctrination is very subtle. ET's certainly exist and so, many movies are made to make us numb to that reality. Read this book and many more like it and judge for yourself, then go out and find your own answers.
Rating:  Summary: Love conquers all! Review: Icke is certainly "out there" in terms of his overall theory of the sad state of our world. He takes the position that the terrible things that have happened throughout history and are happening today are the result of behind the scenes manipulation by a sinister group known as the Illuminati. He goes to further to argue that the Illuminati are controlled by an inter-dimensional race of reptilian demonic characters. Icke pounds away at orthodox versions of history and religion and does so in an extraordinarily convincing and entertaining manner. To me, what's most important is his final thesis. It is that, in the end, love is the most powerful force in the Universe. I have known this instinctively for a long and have written about this myself in my own first novel, "Swan Haven". But, in any case, this is a wonderful and entertaining book. It is also remarkably informative. Pick it up and give it a read.