Rating:  Summary: Once in a Coyote Moon... Review: Coyote Moon author John Vornholt does a good job of translating our favorite Sunnydale regulars from the little screen to the written form. The Pre-Oz Willow crush on Xander is explored as is the reocurring theme in the tv show of Buffy feeling alienated from the rest of teendom by her enormous responsibilities. In this highly entertaining novel, Buffy and the gang are on summer break from school. Our slayer is bored with a noticeable lack of action since there are few vampires to slay and school is out. A seedy carnival rolls into town promising the perfect culmination to the summer vacation. The gang gets more than they bargain for when a quest for greasy food, and a few cheap carnival thrills give way to a summer romance for both Xander and Willow (though not with each other to the latter's chagrin). When coyotes start acting in a bizarre way throughout Sunnydale, Buffy becomes suspicious and she is convinced that there is something evil behind this carnival. Yet, Buffy is alone in her quest to find the truth behind the coyotes because her friends are mesmorized by a pair of young carnival workers. The elements of Joss Whedon's creation are firmly in place here: Giles does research, Xander reacts as any teenage boy would when wooed by a mysterious member of the opposite sex, and the Slayer is as perky and as tough as portrayed by Sarah Michelle Gellar. This is a must read for any true fan of the Slayer.
Rating:  Summary: Coyote Moon Review: This book is probably one of the best book I've read of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Series. It's filled with suspense and keeps you reading til the end. It is a very good book for Buffy fans. So read it!
Rating:  Summary: Jhaeman's Review Review: COYOTE MOON BY JOHN VORNHOLT (1998)RATING: 3/5 Stakes SETTING: First Season (summer) CAST APPEARANCES: Buffy, Xander, Willow, Giles, Cordelia ORIGINAL CHARACTERS: Rose, Lonnie, Hopscotch (werecoyotes); Dr. Henshaw (friendly doctor); Spurs Hardaway (villian) BACK-OF-THE-BOOK SUMMARY "The seedy carnival looks like just the thing to give Buffy and her best buds, Xander and Willow, a break from staking bloodsuckers. Some greasy food, a few cheap thrills--what more could a Slayer ask for? But then Buffy senses something evil behind this carnival. Xander and Willow aren't so sure. They don't buy Buffy's notion that the carneys are somehow connected to the corposes turning up around Sunnydale. It doesn't help that her two best friends are each interested in someone at the carnival. Which puts the burden of proof on Buffy. Can she find out what's going on in time to save her friends? Or has the Slayer become the prey?" REVIEW Coyote Moon, the second original Buffy novel, is a solid if unspectacular story about the arrival of werecoyotes in Sunnydale (disguised as a carnival) and their attempt to resurrect their long-dead leader. Buffy spends most of the novel attempting to gain proof of the carneys' true nature (with Giles' help), while Xander and Willow are seduced by two of the carneys. Xander's terribly luck with the ladies holds out, as his new girlfriend Rose simply wants him and Willow to be the human sacrifices necessary to resurrect Spurs Hardaway, a Buffalo Bill Cody type of Western performer who died exactly a century ago and discovered the secrets of "skinwalking" from an unnamed plains Indian tribe, which allowed him and the other performers to become an animal by donning its skin. After being captured by the werecoyotes, Buffy manages to escape with the aid of Hopscotch, a renegade werecoyote who wants her to stop the resurrection because he was the one who secretly killed Spurs Hardaway to begin with. In her own inimitable style, Buffy manages to arrive at the resurrection just in time to drive a silver knife through Spur Hardaway's werebear form and save the day. The novel has some strong elements. Xander's teen lust for Rose is depicted well, as are the feelings of love and hurt that Willow feels everytime Xander fails to notice how much she loves him. Also well played is a scene where Buffy interrupts a Xander-and-Rose makeup session, prompting Xander to tell Buffy off. Other highpoints include Xander trying to grow a goatee (failing miserably) and some interesting use of Native skinwalker stories. Overall, Coyote Moon is a competent addition to the Buffy line and has the feel of a first season episode. It's by no means a page turner, but it also doesn't prompt groans of dismay like some other books in the series.
Rating:  Summary: I LUV THIS BOOK !!! Review: This is the first "Buffy the vampire slayer" book I ever read and I just love it . It has a great story line with lots of adventure and imagination . I have not read any of the other books yet , but reading the reviews of 'BLOODED' that will be my next one . I think that Sarah Michelle Geller is great as Buffy and in "I know what you did last summer"
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Good Review: I read this book a long time ago, and I can still remember it. For both good and bad reasons. I liked it because it was-it was-it was- well, I guess I liked it because it had to do with Buffy. I didn't like it because the humor wasn't as it is in the show, and the authors didn't catch the relationships between the characters. I didn't really like the story line that much, and it was kind of well, boring at times. I would still recommend that you read it however.
Rating:  Summary: Tony Hillerman lite Review: I savored this book a little longer than the previous 2. I loved the scene where Willow was playing poker. This book is Tony Hillerman lite. If you've read any of his mysteries, you'll know what I mean.
Rating:  Summary: a so so buffy book Review: a carnival comes to town and buffy, willw, and xander are ready for some r and r from the evil in town. but soon people are turning up dead and all the evidence points to the carnival. when buffy mentions this to her friends, they think that she is nuts. for both of them have found romantic interest at the carnival and are too busy to pay buffy much attention. can buffy solve the murder mystery without her friends? or all of them walking into a trap? read the book for all your answers and more.
Rating:  Summary: Coyote Moon Lacks.... Review: Although I enjoyed the book, the end was just to simple. It took them no time to research the shape shifters and the bad guy was easily defeated. They killed the bad guy in about a paragraph. I enjoyed the story and the characters. There are some things that this book lacks. I would recommend this book for a fast read. Otherwise I really wouldn't waste your time.
Rating:  Summary: An OK read, but lacking a little Review: "Coyote Moon" is the first Buffy, the Vampire Slayer book I have read. I have been following the series since it started. "Coyote Moon" seems boring, if not corny, at first. But the book gets better by chapter 3, when Buffy notices that the carnys at the carnival are very strange. From then on, the book becomes a good read, save for the fact that the characters are lacking. Buffy, Willow, and Xander are off a little, saying and doing things that they would probably not say or do in the series. The book has a good plot, I would recommend reading it, but don't read it if you are expecting it to be the same as the TV series. The plot is very good...the characters are lacking, and have no real depth.
Rating:  Summary: a very good buffy book Review: This was the best.It starts with Buffy,Willow and Xander going to a carnival it sounds really bad but just the sort of thing for the slayer to froget everything.It seems cool but then coyotes turn up in Sunnydale.Buffy recognises a worker from the carnival as one of the coyotes!Help would be ideal but Willow and Xander are in friendship with workers from the carnival so Buffy turns to Giles and together they help every1 including Willow and Xander.