Rating:  Summary: EXCELLENT!!!!! BRAVO!! Review: What a great story! I hope Donna Boyd continues to write her werewolf stories. This story is done with such class and style and is impossible to predict what is at the next turn of events. Kept me on the edge of my seat and definately wanting MORE! Bravo!
Rating:  Summary: Only wish she hadn't stopped! Review: Many people have told you of the story of the Devencroix werewolf family, so I won't go there. What I will tell you is I read these books and I was transported to the world where werewolves live among us unsuspecting humans without knowing they were ever apart of our world. Donna Boyd stopped with only two books in this series this one The Passion and The Promise. I only wished she'd continued. These books are so much more than I had expected going in.We are led on a roller coaster of emotions as you read these two stories. The characters are well drawn and you will either fall strongly toward loving them or hating them. The passionate tale draws you in and takes hold of you. The Passion and The Promise both tore at my heart. Remembering aspects of this book even now is an emotional experience. The books will leave you crying out your emotions whether you are for or against the characters. Donna Boyd has done such a wonderful job of creating a world of werewolves that aren't just horror stories. I don't want to give any of either of the stories away because as you are reading them you will be so eager to find out what is going to happen next you'll want to flip through to get glimpses of what happens, but don't do it. These books aren't for the faint hearted they have some graphic moments and very adult material. They also have a sweeping story that carried me through this world where superior werewolves run expansive empires without humans being the wiser. At times I caught myself holding my breath as I sat devouring each page. The only thing I have bad to say about the Devencroix series is that I can't believe they ended at 2 books. This series cries out for at least a 3rd book. However, I understand the pressures authors face, so maybe she just tired of the series after two books. I haven't and I still love to read both of these books but I never pick them up until I am prepared to sit and read them both.
Rating:  Summary: Magnificent Review: I was not prepared to find such a treasure in this book. Being a fan of Anne Rice's books (all of them) and knowing her upcoming book is the last one on her supernatural series of witches and vampires, I was looking for something to read on the genere of the supernatural and the occult. I happened to be roaming around Amazon, reading reviews, and I found this newcomer, Donna Boyd. I bought "The Passion". And this, my friends is what I think of this story. First of all her writing style is beautiful. She takes you from one scene to the other flawlessly. The book is well written and very organized, you don't feel lost in the world of this creatures. She does not bombard you with many characters and keeps the storyline straight all the time. About the story itself, all I can say is that it is the only story about supernatural characters that has made me cry. Alexander Devoncroix's character is charming, smart and arrogant; but you are able to forgive the arrogance, for he makes it up with a very human heart even though he's a werewolf. He meets his dead human best friend's daughter, Tessa, in a very peculiar situation. Needless to say they become inseparable. He is bent on "educatin her" just for his amusement and to repay all the kindness his old best friend showed him during the time they spent together. Tessa's character is kind of slow, weak and simple in the begining, very predictable, but as the story develops you find Tessa's soul is very strong; stronger I think than Alexander's. Tessa is regarded as a pet, an amusement to all werewolves who meet her and Alexander shows her off with pride. Tessa doesn't mind for as predictable as her character is in the beginning, she falls in love with her werewolf friend. Into the picture comes Denis, Alexander's renegade brother and Elise, Alexander's love interest. Denis is bent of forwarding his position in the pack through a plan that involves marrying the new pack leader, Elise. Alexander of course does not want this for he is, even though he doesn't know it at first, in love with Elise. Denis' only great characteristic is his ambitiousness. Other than that he's not a complicated character, but as with Tessa's character, Denis' development and evolution will leave you breathless. Elise is the pack leader, a smart, strong and levelheaded female werewolf with a heart. Elise as the leader has plans of her own and this human girl, Tessa, is just the tool she neeeds to push her cause. Denis, on the other hand, has plans for Tessa too. The outcome of this story is absolutely unpredictable and completely heart wrenching. I loved every detail and every emotion felt by Alexander, Denis, Elise and Tessa. If you want a story where werewolfs are portrayed in a very different manner to that which they have been subject throughout history, this is your story. It's a must read. I highly recommend it. I don't usually take the time to sit down and write a review for every book I read, for then I would be sitting at the computer almost daily. But I think that Donna Boyd has done a tremendous job of this story and I wanted to tell anyone who gets to read this review "BUY IT".