Rating:  Summary: A Monumental Metaphysical Marvel Review: It is hard to believe that it has been over ten years since I first read this mammoth novel- and some thirteen since it was first published. I think "mammoth" is not exaggerating, for how else do you describe on novel that exists as two separate volumes, each of over 500 pages? This isn't a casual read. It represents a considerable investment in time. There are also so many characters, settings, plot lines, specialized vocabulary and underlying principles to keep straight.... Yet, it is worth the investment in time and effort. The basic framework, like so many of Barker's other novels, is that of a hidden world behind the superficial façade of our mundane world. Barker is such a master at interweaving mundane, and profane, details into the greater fabric of his realities that you find yourself totally drawn in. I found myself totally immersed in this hidden reality. For this is a story of five worlds, or dimensions, or Dominions. These make up the whole of Imajica. That is, they should. Two hundred years ago there was an attempt to reconcile our own fifth Dominion with the other four. This ended in a metaphysical catastrophe so great that that nearly all of the Dominions great theurgists, shamans, and theologians were killed. The result was that almost all magical knowledge passed from our world and for two centuries science and materialism held grim sway.Now, conditions are once again ripe for an attempt to reconcile the Dominions. The great magus', or Maestros, know that this may very well be the last attempt to heal the rift in creation. To fail this time will undoubtedly mean two more centuries of isolation- plenty of time for the Fifth Dominion to destroy itself in nuclear or ecological suicide. Yet, to heal the rift will require a Master of such power and confidence that he will try to succeed where all those that have gone before him (even the Christos) has failed.... This isn't really the second book of Imajica, it is the second half- it was just necessary for the publisher to split it in half.
Rating:  Summary: Words are not enough Review: Read this book. Actually, read the whole "Imajica" (I agree with the other reviewer who said that turning it into a two-book set was a mistake). It is the most entertaining, gripping, non-stop, un-put-downable book I've ever encountered. Barker has something to say and he pulls no punches. I had always envisioned him as a horror writer because of his Hellraiser series, and his collaboration with Stephen King on "The Talisman". But this book proves him as the premier fantasy author of our time. However, don't go looking for dragons and Barbarella. This is a fantasy that incorporates our 90's mentality and leaves you breathless. Clive, you outdid yourself. I'm reading it for the fourth time now :)
Rating:  Summary: Words are not enough Review: Read this book. Actually, read the whole "Imajica" (I agree with the other reviewer who said that turning it into a two-book set was a mistake). It is the most entertaining, gripping, non-stop, un-put-downable book I've ever encountered. Barker has something to say and he pulls no punches. I had always envisioned him as a horror writer because of his Hellraiser series, and his collaboration with Stephen King on "The Talisman". But this book proves him as the premier fantasy author of our time. However, don't go looking for dragons and Barbarella. This is a fantasy that incorporates our 90's mentality and leaves you breathless. Clive, you outdid yourself. I'm reading it for the fourth time now :)
Rating:  Summary: Words are not enough Review: Read this book. Actually, read the whole "Imajica" (I agree with the other reviewer who said that turning it into a two-book set was a mistake). It is the most entertaining, gripping, non-stop, un-put-downable book I've ever encountered. Barker has something to say and he pulls no punches. I had always envisioned him as a horror writer because of his Hellraiser series, and his collaboration with Stephen King on "The Talisman". But this book proves him as the premier fantasy author of our time. However, don't go looking for dragons and Barbarella. This is a fantasy that incorporates our 90's mentality and leaves you breathless. Clive, you outdid yourself. I'm reading it for the fourth time now :)
Rating:  Summary: ABSOLUT PERFECTION!!!!! Review: Simply put this is Clive's best book not to mention the best book I've ever read. I read it when it first came out and I was so impressed I began reading other Clive Barker books. He is a wonderful author. I recommend you read as much of his stuff as you can. He has an imagination that is "out of this world"!
Rating:  Summary: Imajica - Round and Round and Round Review: This book is a tidle wave of experiences and emotions! I did not think Clive could top his efforts in Weaveworld, but I was sorely mistaken. He takes the reader through radically different worlds in this piece of work. Join Gentle (John Furie Zacharias) as he travels through the five different dominions and challenges himself to reconcile them all into one. Only he has the power and the drive to complete this monumental task. I have read this book (the ONE BOOK version) several times. Each time it gets a bit better. Between Jude, Gentle, Pie-O-Pah and Dowd, the action never stops! How many of you have been to another dominion? You may never know if you don't read this book..
Rating:  Summary: Imagibore Review: This book starts of very well, with lots of interesting idea's which you hope exspect to be explained more fully as you read on.
However the deeper you get into the book the more you notice how half baked it all seems, jumping from one outlandish idea to another, and contradicting itself at every turn (one example is: 'nothing disturbed her from this sleep, not even dreams' and then in the next sentance 'she was awoken from whatever dream she was having') it is full of contradictions which often made me shake my head in disbelief.
You are led to beleive that what the imagica 'is' will be explained in the fullness of time, but the conclusion to the story was the biggest flop in a book ive ever read, I wont give anything away, suffice to say that the imagica is never explained, I dont think the author even had an idea to start with.
The way men are constantly refered to as the 'destroyers' and women as something so much better is strange to start with, but as the author continues to press his 'point' home it gets bewildering, boring, and then quite worrying (does he hate his own sex so much he has to put them down in every other sentance?)
I think if Mr Barker had taken more time to develop his idea's and set the story out across more books (I never complain about buying a story that is set across 3 or even 6 different books!) it could of been a great and interesting tale.
Sadly it is a mix of half baked mix philosophy, religion and magic, in places it found it so boring I had to put it down and could only read small chunks at a time, by the time I was nearing the end I was skimming pages of seemingly pointless drivel trying to get to somthing substantial, which alas never came.
I cant recomend this as a purchase, rent it from the library but dont waste your money.
Rating:  Summary: The power of love Review: When Judith's estranged husband hires a mysterious assassin to kill his wife, he unwittingly sets in motion a sequence of events that will change all the dominions of the Imajica, of which Earth is the fifth. Both Judith and her former lover John "Gentle" Zacharias are drawn into the mysteries as the assassin Pie 'oh' Pah leads them both forward to remembering their origins and connections to each other and to the ruler of the other dominions, the Autarch. Judith's journey veers from Gentle's when she finds evidence of buried and suppressed goddesses on Earth and in the other dominions. But the Autarch has domination plans of his own, and he won't be stopped without drawing blood first. "Imajica" is essentially about healing, and about love. Gentle is a broken man, a habitual womanizer, who's brought to a place of healing through his relationship with Pie 'oh' Pah, a mystif with the power to change sex according to another's true desires. Judith is claimed by many men, but she battles this ownership, and must find her own way and rely on her own strength if she's to assist in bringing the dominions back together. And ultimately it's in Judith's hands whether this healing of the Imajica comes about or fails yet again. It's a gorgeous epic fantasy that soars to a reader's heart, and once there plants a seed of imagining the world as a better place, much as Gentle and Judith do. This is one of my favorite all-time books. I feel so wordless in attempting to describe it.
Rating:  Summary: The Great Horror Writer Takes Us On His Fantasy Trip Review: Who Would've Thought Barker Would End up using his imagination torwads writing fantasy novels after "Books of blood".I must admit,going into imjamica my hopes were high,obvisouly too high.Imjamica is about a man "Gentle" a woman "Judith" And A guy/girl/who knows!?"pie-oh-piah",Who find themselves in the middle of a plot more enormous than they knew.The story is based on the 5 imjamicas(planets),Where Gentle must travel through them and find out who he was/is,and along the way he is joined by Judith and pie-oh-pah and together they fight to bring all the jamicas together as one..Well that sounds ok,right?.The problem with this story is...it and its characters are amazinly stupid(I had to force myself to finish this book).first off the book is way too long,barker seems to go on and on about how every little thing feels or looks to the characters,at first this is refreshing,at last it's just boring and mind-rapping.secondly this book is just way to homosexual to be taken seriously as litterature(even fantasy),Gentle the Big manly man,son of god,warrior,blah,blah,is Bi-sexual??C'mon gimme a break...thirdly,Clive just got lost in himself about the middle of it,it feels like hes trying to go somewhere and you are about to be knocked off your seat,but no,he and the story go nowhere.I was really dissapointed..This the same Guy whom wrote "Weaveworld","Books Of Blood"?? ...