Rating:  Summary: Great Start To A Series! Review: This book grabbed me from the start and the ride never ended. Friends of mine recommended this book and being a picky reader, I was reluctant to buy it at first. I finally gave in to curiosity and peer pressure (my friends raved about it) and bought the book. For those expecting a traditional Vampire story, you won't find it here. It has an imaginative twist to the Vampire myths bundled with plenty of action and sci-fi elements. My only complaint is that the series books are rumored to be released only once a year...I don't want to wait that long!
Rating:  Summary: Superb military/horror book, can't wait for the next one! Review: This book is an awesome mix of genres -- horror, sci-fi, military, suspense and action-adventure. The hero, David Valentine, is drawn into the violent world of The Wolves, an elite Special Forces outfit in a post-apocalyptic world where humans are little more than cattle. The author slowly spins a convincing tale of an apocalypse that's been brewing for thousands of years, and drops you into that tale 40 years after all hell breaks loose. The author has a way of taking vampire legends, twisting them slightly, and presenting you with a fully believable, realistic explanation for all vampiric powers (super strength, invulnerability, bloodlust, etc). Just but this, you'll love it.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Beleive the Book Blurb Review: This book surprised me. After reading the strange discription on Amazon I just about passed this up. I picked up a copy to give it a try (I liked the cover art).I am very happy I did. A nice twist on the Vampire genre, The idea behind the book was intriguing. The book was a enjoyable read and gave us a horrible vison of the world 60 years in our future. I don't regret reading the book and am excitedly awaiting the second installment.
Rating:  Summary: Engrossing Review: This has got to be the best futuristic novel I have had the pleasure of reading. Knight set up an elaborate world with strange and interesting creatures. This is a world of terror for any human. In this world, strange vampire like creatures from another world rule Earth. They basically use humans as cattle, feeding on them as need arises. A few humans due their bidding in hopes of earning a brass ring that will allow them to be exempt from becoming food to another passing vampire. Others migrate to colder areas where the vampires are not likely to come. Lastly, a rebel band of people fight to save as many people as possible and perhaps even take back their world. These band of rebels are aided and trained by another alien related to the vampires. The rebel bands are separated into three groups--wolves, bears, cats. Here enters our hero, David Valentine, a Native American whose family was murdered and raped by a scouting group of humans who work for the vampires. When David becomes older, he decides to join the rebels. Knight goes on to describe David's experences as a rebel and the harsh cruelty he and his fellow rebelers are fighting against. There would be no words available for me to express how vivid and interesting this novel is. I sit on edge waiting for the sequel.
Rating:  Summary: Mad Max plus Frankenstein plus an Indie publisher!!! Review: This is one of those books that makes you look up and say "damn, it's two o'clock in the morning and I just can't stop reading this book,oh well I'll just finish this chapter." E. E. Knight weaves an incredibly detailed tapestry of science fiction, horror, and extremely lifelike action! If you like sci-fi, or just plain action, then this is the book that will make you get fired because you are late for work the third time this week. Yes, it is that good. The author is able to transport the reader to a bizarre, almost Lovecraftian, future that is chock full of alien vampires, their human lackeys, and the resistance, an alien "tuned up" group of humans who has been enhanced by the alien invaders arch nemesis, their brother aliens, who object to their life-sucking lifestyle. The mission of the resistance is to regain control of earth, one piece at a time, while holding on to the small patches of "free" land that the alien vampires don't control. One word of warning, once you start reading this book, you will be hooked until the bitter end. This book stays focused on a central character who lost his family to the "quisling" human lackeys of the aliens, and follows in his fathers footsteps to become a "Wolf", and take the battle to the enemy. Great character developement, and a solid plot that gallops along at a fast pace throughout the entire book. I finished this book in two days, and I would trade my brass ring for the next book in the series. I can say without reservation that this is the best book I have read in the last 5 years and one of my all time favourites. Bravo E. E. Knight. More, More, More!!
Rating:  Summary: So good I forgot to get off the train! Review: This is the sometimes light but mostly dark story of David Valentine, a soldier in the war against an uncommon invader. Set in the near future, Knight mixes science fiction and dark fantasy to create a vivid world where humans are no longer on the top of the food chain. Well written with gripping narrative, I found myself so drawn into the world Knight creates that I temporarily left my own. And that is about the best one can hope for in a story.
Rating:  Summary: Well worth it. Review: This title began life as one of the few P.O.D. titles released by iPublish, TimeWarner's now defunct online writing forum, and thats how I first came across it and wrote this review. The Way of the Wolf tells the story of David Valentine, a resistance fighter living in a future earth ruled by brutal vampiric entities and their vicious minions. Since the Kurians, remorseless beings that suck the aura or life energy from other races arrived on our world through interdimensional portals, society as we know it has been all but obliterated. Humans exist mainly as slaves and snack food, with only the small pockets of resistance in the colder climes hanging on to any ideal of how life should be. These teams of hardened fighters, aided by the lifeweavers (a faction of Kurians who are against the idea of feeding on other races), prevent the Kurian Order from taking hold of the free territories. The story charts the progress of Valentine from the time he first joins up with the resistance, through his training and subsequent magical enhancement by the lifeweavers to joining the Wolves, one of the elite fighting forces that hold the Kurians at bay. After the initial introduction to Valentine and the details of his newly acquired role in life, the book meanders in an interesting slice-of-life fashion allowing the reader to build up an understanding of the main character and the new world order. About half way through this resolves into a more plotted format when Valentine encounters a difficult situation which he has a personal interest in resolving, and develops more of an aim in life. The story flows along at an enjoyable pace, explaining the new world order at a pace which makes it easy to get to grips with, while delving into fascinating detail about the Kurian race and their creepy and widely varied minions. It is a book very much centred on the protagonist - attention has certainly been paid to characterisation but a couple of them come across just a little light, and I would have liked to see more depth in the love interest - luckily Valentine's own interest in having a shot at anything carries his actions through believably where the depth of his feelings is less apparent. The portrayal of Valentine himself strikes a very enjoyable balance between him as an obviously talented fighter and his own inner turmoil and self-doubt. As he rises through the ranks and comes to understand more about the way things work in Kurian society the reader is carried smoothly along on the same very natural learning curve. Again I would have enjoyed being able to get just a little closer to Valentine's thoughts and feelings, but I feel the absence of this is a product of his lack of strong opinions or motivations in the first half of the work, and hope it is an issue that will be naturally resolved as future events unfold. For me the real interest of this book is held in the way it allows us a small viewing window into an alien society where the mysteries, the rules, and the in-fighting are entirely different to our own, and this window is placed in a way that draws the viewer in yet still tantalizes them with off screen secrets. There are two more books in the Vampire Earth series, both of which are already written. Although the story wraps quite satisfactorily at the end of this volume it is obvious that a wealth of intriguing information about Kurian society is still to come, and the overarching concept of battling the evil Kurian Order is still left almost completely untouched. All of which leaves the reader eager to read the next volume. While it is still rewarding to read this volume as a standalone the maximum enjoyment is to be had if you're in it for the series. If this novel turns out to be a reasonable standard to go by I have no doubt that E.E. Knight is going to be a household name in the genre before he's done. This volume is excellent and I strongly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: I have to agree w/C. Munoz.... Review: To say that this was a "vampire" book took an EXTREAME stretch of the imagination. This book shouldn't be marketed as a vampire book, instead it should be marketed for what it really is: an sf/military book. Having the vamps be aliens bent on turning us into slaves, was a bit far-fetched (though it did have promise as an idea, I'll give it that). Worse than that, I didn't care about ANY of the characters; it got to the point that I wished that the "vamps" would come threw and just suck everyone dry (just so my misery would end). I did also get CHOICE OF THE CAT, though I'm not entirely sure why (other than I like having complete sets of things), since this book was such a labor for me to get through. Instead of getting this one, get DHAMPIR by Barb and J.C. Hendee. They have ACTUAL vampires in their book, a story-line where things actually make sense, and characters you actually find yourself caring about.
Rating:  Summary: In a word? Wow.....! Review: Upon recommendation from a friend, I checked out WotW. I can easily say that I was overwhelmed - in a good way - by what I had originally assumed was going to be just another mass-fiction book based in a post-apocalyptic world, this time filled with vampires. This book has something for everyone: scifi, survival, deep 3-dimensional characters, post-apocalyptic settings, infusions of military situations, adventure, and, yes, vampires - well, sort of. Would I have marketed this book as just a Vampire book (or just a post-apoc, or just a survival, etc.)? No, never. The author doesn't overdo any one of these aspects - each one is there to support another. A HUGE background of work had to have been done to provide the detail of peoples, places, biologies, politics, and relationships between this coast-to-coast conglomeration of humans, their friends, and their new masters. There are so many authors whose best attributes, if rolled up into one person, would equal E. E. Knight. Lovecraft's attention to detail, Tolkien's epic backgrounds and characters, etc. Without any exaggeration, I couldn't be more excited about a new author and what's to come in the Vampire Earth Series. [After first starting the book, I discovered he has a website at http://www.vampireearth.com - I've been hanging out there ever since.]
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic Debut Novel! Review: Way Of The Wolf will suck you in (pun intended *winks*) from the very beginning with it's wonderful lead character, intriguing plot, and excellent world building. A lot of thought and imagination have gone into the history of the world, and you will be astonished to find out where the Gods and Vampires of our legends actually come from, and how they ended up here. In fact, the world is so vividly described that you can't help but feel like it's a creepy premonition of what's in store for us when the year 2022 arrives! Val has been born into this dangerous, ravaged world long after the cataclysmic events that changed the Earth as we know it now. But even as you experience everything from Val's point of view throughout the story, you will also feel a certain kinship with some of the older characters, the ones who remember how things used to be. I felt oddly nostalgic seeing what familiar things have survived from the old world. It was like being transported forward in time as a ghost at Val's shoulder, longing to reminisce with those old-timers about a way of life that is now dead and gone. Is this book Fantasy, Horror, or Science Fiction? It's difficult to say. Way Of The Wolf is an enticing combination of all three genres. The lines are expertly blurred, and that is part of what I think makes this story so unique and refreshing. And it has a little bit of everything that makes for a well rounded, exciting adventure; action, "magic", aliens, mystery, romance, a dash of humor, and creatures that have stepped right out of your darkest nightmares. Way Of The Wolf is a brilliant debut novel, and even though it has a satisfying ending, there are still many questions left unanswered, and mysteries to unravel. I can't wait to join Val again in the next installment of the series, Choice Of The Cat! This was a fantastic book, and a real page-turner. I highly recommend it!