Rating:  Summary: Exhausting, relentless, and wonderful... Review: I've read a lot of books in my time. Horrors, mysteries, fantasies, you name it. I've read long books and short books. I've read classics and the latest thing. When it comes to the last page of a book, I thought I had experienced it all. But that was before I read "The Long Walk." When I finished it I felt a sensation I had never had before at the end of a story: exhaustion. I was TIRED! Though I had not walked one single step, my feet were sore. I was hungry, thirsty, aching, and worn out. That is what King's story will do to you if you wisely choose to read it. You will walk every step with these young kids, go with them through their trials and fears. The miles will pass for you, too, as you see them die and fall to the wayside. For days after I read it I couldn't walk anywhere without wondering what it would be like to never stop, to walk all day and all night. It makes having to park a few extra slots away from the store seem not that bad. Get this book. Experience it for yourself. You won't regret it. This isn't just a story. It is an event. The gameshow Survivor has NOTHING on this contest.
Rating:  Summary: I think about it everyday.... Review: I read this book close to a year ago, and there is not a day that goes by since then that I do not think about some aspect of it. This is probabaly the scariest book I have ever read in my life, not because of the content of the book, but the actual idea. The fact that people would actually march to their deaths in hopes of getting whatever they want for the rest of their lives. Here's the scary part: there are people in the world who would actually do this. It is not that different from "Survivor", it is the same idea. Who knows that people on "Survivor"wouldn't risk their lives if the prize was just a lot better? Besides being scary in that "1984" and "Running Man" way, there are also amazing characters(I absolutely love Peter McVries, I cried because of him), and so many little philosophies in this story that make it so much more than a horror book. There are so many, I couldn't even name them all, but those who have read it know what I'm talking about. One example I can think of is when one of the characters compares the Long Walk to when people used to watch christians get killed by lions in the Colliseum in Roman Times. This is truly an amazing book, Stephen King is truly an amazing author, much more than just a horror writer, he's not the world's better selling author for nothing. Read this book!
Rating:  Summary: Best Book I've Ever Read Review: In all truth, it is the best book I've ever read.It might sound like a bit much, but it's entirely the truth. I first read this book when I was a young kid in elementary school, and since then I have read it over ten more times, if not more. . . . Never have I read a book that drew me into a story as much as this one did -- one that I could get completely lost in. Never have I read a book that so easily avoided a typical story to tell a fabulous, genius tale. And never have I read a book that made me question and ponder a piece of writing so much as this one. . . . especially the ever-curious, ever-brilliant ending. Having read other King works, I know that this far exceeds them in quality. King is alright. King is decent. But this is not King. This is Bachman. Bachman is genius. A great read. A fantastic read. I love it.
Rating:  Summary: High School Days Review: I have been an avid Stephen King reader since my freshman year in high school. I got a C in Freshman english (so don't ask me to diagram a sentence) thanks to reading "The Stand" in class. I would forage the library for books similar in style and substance to Kings. I think I checked out and read "The Long Walk" 4 times during high school, if not more. I always had a sneaking suspicion it was by Stephen King since the style of writing was so close. This book as always stuck in my mind. EVERY time I go to the gym and walk on the treadmill I envision the 4 mph minimum speed for the walkers. I try to imagine myself walking that fast for so long. When the truth finally came out and the Bachman books were released I bought myself a copy and have read them several times. The Long Walk remains my favorite of the bunch. To me it is nostalgic but if you like King's work you should enjoy this book.
Rating:  Summary: Gripping, rich, brutal.... Review: This book is very, very intense. Many of the scenes have stuck with me for a long time. Especially "It hurts, it hurts..." *SHUDDER!* A truly incredible piece of literature.
Rating:  Summary: Loved this book... but... Review: After reading it I really had to question Stephen King's sanity. A great book nontheless, and I'm surprised it was never made into a movie. Everything's already been said about the plot, so I won't even bother. Instead I'll just say what I liked and disliked. First of all, Stephen King's writing style is all his own. It's so descriptive and intelligent. You actually understand what's going on. The characters have a basis in real life. They aren't just far-out works of unbelievable fiction. The story itself is intriquing, it tells us about the capabilities of the human body, not to mention the human psychee. Wow, I don't think I put it down until I was done. The only thing I didn't like was the ending, but I guess that's part of Stephen King's style. He won't tell you everything, and you have to guess what's really happening at the end by yourself. Some like that, I really don't care for it. Still one of his better books in my opinion and I've read a lot of him. I loved this book to death, and I'd recommend it to anyone in an instant.
Rating:  Summary: What a waste of time. Review: There's a reason this book is written by Bachman -- because it is terrible and King was smart enough to distance his "brand" from it. The story is dreary and uninteresting and the most fun to be had is chuckling over King's, er um, Bachman's use of language. Guess he was bored too. Don't bother. If you are this hard up for a book to read -- find some old Koontz thing lying around at a Library Used Book Sale.
Rating:  Summary: about the controversial ending Review: Yes, I know how many people despise the ending to The Long Walk. But I'm here to tell you that out of all King's works, it's the most brilliant ending he's yet committed to paper. I know most people look for more closure once they reach the ending, and they want a "happy ending." If King would have gone this route, as so many of you seem to wish, I would have been extremely disappointed. He took an unconventional, downbeat approach, and I'm glad he did. It gives the novel that much more power, at least to me. In case you didn't get it, Garraty didn't survive long enough to claim his prize. The "dark figure" who "beckoned, beckoned in the rain, beckoned for him to walk, to come and play the game" is obviously the figure of Death, and the game which he wants Garraty to come and play is the game of death. When he finds the strength to run, he's obviously running to meet his death.
Rating:  Summary: The Long Walk Review: At the beginning of this book Ray Garaty is entering the annual Long Walk. The Long Walk is when 100 teenagers get together and have to keep walking at 4 miles an hour. If they drop under this for 30 seconds they get a Warning and if they get 3 Warnings they get their ticket, DEATH! In the middle of the story he talks to his new friends that will only stay with him for a while, and gets to know them very well. They get unlimited amount of water, however, they have a limit of food until 9A.M. the next day. In the end they are so exhausted that they have to force themselves to eat. Most of the people go crazt and get themselves killed. Finally at the end Stebbins dies of exhuastion and Garraty wins the Prize. The Prize is what ever he wants. He doesn't really care about it he just wants to see his Mom and Girl Jan. I didn't really like the ending because it didn't say what he ended up getting as the Prize though.
Rating:  Summary: MOVIE MATERIAL Review: This book served as my introduction to King (aka Richard Bachman) The reason I chose it was because all the other works available were 800 pages plus and I didn't want to spend 800 pages on an untasted author. Needless to say, after finishing the Long Walk, I will now be tackling some of the larger tomes. The story was well written, rich in imagination but chillingly realistic in description. The characters jumped off the pages and walked around the room with me. King is a master craftsman. I am surprised that nobody in Hollywood has pounced on the movie rights to this book. With the right actors this could be the movie of the year.