Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Wonderful Review: When not snickering at the very literal minded Bubba, I learned quite a bit more about the world of Sookie Stackhouse and her vampires and weres. I'm not going to give a synopsis of the book, as that has been done in other reviews. But I will tell you, that this is a marvelous adventure to add to the group of the Southern Vampire Series that Charlaine Harris has pulled us into. Make sure to read them all in order, though this 3rd in the series is very readable on its own. But by reading them in order you get the whole picture of Sookie's life before and after Bill the Vampire entered her life. All of the books in this series are very hard to put down, once you start reading. Thank you Ms. Harris for some very enjoyable reading time with these books. And like another reader requested, please don't make us wait long before the next installment.
Rating:  Summary: I still love this series, but careful....rise of AB Factor Review: I can't tell you how much I looked forward to this book, more than I've looked forward to books in a long time.However, I was not as happy with this one as I could have been. Of course, I still enjoyed it, read it in one sitting even. And i absolutly cannot wait for the fourth book (Anyone know when it will be? But, some things to consider: Watch out for the AB Factor. The AB Factor is the Anita Blake factor. I used to love the Hamilton series about the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter. However, after about oh, book four, Anita became quickly, EVERY other person's object of lust in the vicinity. Human, nonhuman, straight, gay, bi...whatever. EVERYone wants to *bleep* Anita. Well, it appears in this book that this same factor is creeping into the Harris series. Please, oh please, Ms Harris...don't make Sookie the object of lust to everyone...please? I wish the book had kept the men wanting Sookie to either Bill or Eric. Adding in Alcide, and the Weres, and such..well, it was just too much. Part of the charm of Sookie is that I can see her as EVERYwoman. I loved that she sent both guys out of her house at the end, and I loved too that she acknowledged to herself that since dating Bill, she's been beaten more than any person ought to have to endure. That's a very telling factor of her life. It's gotten out of control. I did get a tad annoyed that she's constantly being beaten up or threatened in this book....readers barely catch their breath before another attack happens. I wanted more details too on Bill's infidelity....I'm shocked...what happened?????? What the heck is his deal? For an "old fashioned" vamp, he's definitely changed. Please, hurry with the next one.....I need some closure...this book left me hanging and I need more :) K.
Rating:  Summary: I liked it. Review: In a sentance: Bill gets kidnapped, Sookie goes to get him back, and in the process learns a LOT more about the subculture of vampires, shapeshifters, and the like, having waaaay too much fun in the process. It was a fun book to read, like all the rest in the series. I read it in one sitting, & can't wait for number four.
Rating:  Summary: Going downhill... Review: This is the third book in Charlaine Harris's Southern Vampire series. Sookie's boyfriend, Bill, has been rather odd lately: distant and uncommunicative, and certainly not as affectionate as she needs him to be. And then suddenly he announces that he's going away, he can't - or won't? - tell her why, and that if for some reason he doesn't come back she is to hand over certain documents to Eric, his vampire boss. Next thing, Eric arrives on Sookie's doorstep and tells her that he's afraid that Eric is dead as the result of a dispute with the king of Louisiana. Which - apart from anything else - tells Sookie that Bill lied to her, as he'd told her that he was going to the west coast. Plus, Eric tells Sookie that the reason Bill left her in the first place was that he'd hooked up again with a former girlfriend, another vampire. And that he'd left instructions with Eric to give Sookie a payoff. Well, Sookie is, not surprisingly, furious. She goes, at Eric's request, to Louisiana to try to find out what's going on, and is assisted by a rather nice werewolf, to whom she is attracted - well, our Sookie seems to find herself being attracted to a lot of strange men, as we've seen, what with kissing Eric in book 2 and Sam in book 1. Anyway, Bill, of course, isn't dead. But - and this is one of my problems with the book - he has treated Sookie abominably. In fact, in this book I liked Eric an awful lot more and I found myself wishing that Sookie would dump Bill for Eric. Although I've finally accepted that Harris isn't writing a romance series here, and there was far from enough romance in this book to keep me happy, there were some scenes with Sookie and Eric which were verging on the romantic - and Eric takes far better care of Sookie when she's hurt (and even when she isn't) than Bill does. Bill, it's clear, is simply taking her for granted. The book is somewhat inconclusive in the end, however, which does indicate that there will be a fourth, at least. However, I will have to read the reviews of the next book before deciding whether to buy it. Club Dead was unevenly-written, shorter than either of its predecessors and contained developments of the characters which I didn't like - and I now no longer like one of the principal characters in the series. So Harris has some work to do if she's going to keep me as a reader. wmr-uk
Rating:  Summary: Great series with a sense of humore Review: I rate all three books so far in the series a 5. It's rare you find a good story written with a sense of humor and a protagonist who is flawed but you like and respect. These stories have all of the above. There is plenty of action and interaction with more than a touch of romance. Charlaine Harris does an excellent job of balencing all aspects of the story - romance, fantasy, action without falling too heavily into one genre. I love the Anita Blake series as well, but this is much lighter and funnier. And the Blake series has entirely too much dialog that rehashes the "I'm tougher than anyone on the block"- we get the point. No similar complaints here. Can't wait for the fourth in this series!
Rating:  Summary: It ain't no country club... Review: Club Dead is, by far, my favorite installment of the Southern Vampire series. Club Dead tells the story of Sookie's adventures to find and rescue Bill, who has mysteriously gone missing. With the help of Eric and Alcide (a newly introduced Werewolf), Sookie travels to Mississippi to immerse herself into night culture to find out was has become of Bill. The first two books were introductory books where we were given overall assessments of all the characters. The marvel of this book is that we are now neck deep in DEVELOPMENT!!! All of the characters go through believable changes, just as We Real People go through changes in our own lives. We find out what kind of "person" Bill really is; we get a better look at Sookie and her insecurities and emotional quirks; and at the same time, we meet some new people too! And let me not forget to mention the better glimpse of Eric; which, by the way, I am reluctantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. But I must wait for the 4th book to see if it ever does drop. Club Dead has about the same amount of violence as the first two books and about the same of sex as Dead until Dark. The plot of Club Dead a little weaker than the plots of first two books, but it is not detrimentally so. It still carries its own weight within the series especially considering the growth of each of the characters, which is this book's strongest point. If you have read Dead Until Dark and Living Dead in Dallas, I recommend you read this one for some interesting and frustratingly entertaining developments - it's amazing how this book sensibly mirrors real people and how we can be disappointed with and hurt by one another. If you have NOT read Dead Until Dark or Living Dead in Dallas, DO NOT read this one. You MUST first read Dead Until Dark then Living Dead in Dallas in order to fully appreciate the characters' growths that Club Dead represents in the series.
Rating:  Summary: Avid Reader & Reviewer Review: Sookie and the Vampire Bill are once again thrust into trouble in Club Dead. Sookie is very unhappy with the Vampire Bill. It would seem she is being dumped, but no one knows for sure where Bill is and what he is doing. What is a girl to do? Just accept some financial settlement or try and stake the cad who left her without even a goodbye? While Sookie is nursing her broken heart, it would appear the Vampire Bill has met some foul play. With Eric and Bubba for back-up, Sookie heads to Shreveport to try and find Bill. Sookie has one major clue to find Bill, Club Dead. With the help a very sexy werewolf, Alcide, Sookie gains entrance to the illustrious club that caters to vampires, shifters, and other oddities. As usual, things do not go as planned. Club Dead widens Sookie's group of admirers and brings a great deal of conflict with them. How could a girl choose between the Vampire Bill, Eric the Viking Vampire, and Alcide the very warm werewolf? The politics of the vampires make Sookie's head spin - let alone the addition of werewolves and shifters. The first two books in the series, Dead Until Dark and Living Dead in Dallas really just introduced us to the full cast of characters. In Club Dead, Charlaine Harris shakes up Sookie's world and gives her more perspective on life. Sookie is finally able to see Bill's weaknesses and decide for herself if she wants to try and work through them. Club Dead is a very fun book to read. Charlaine Harris has a wonderful sense of wit with a tongue in check approach to the story line. How could anyone keep a straight face with the image of Bubba, Elvis has not left the building, and his cat fancy? The Southern Vampire series is one of my favorites for its humor and characters. My only complaint is in regarding the ending. It was very abrupt and left me wanting more. Charlaine Harris is the other of three more Sookie novels; Dead Until Dark, Living Dead in Dallas, and Dead to the World, to be published May, 2004. She is also the author of two popular mystery series; the Aurora Tegarden series and the Lily Bard Shakespeare series.
Rating:  Summary: Favorite of the series Review: Club Dead is the third book in the Southern Vampire series and I have to say it was the most impressive. I originally started reading the series while looking for light vampire reading and for some unknown reason was unable to stop. The first two books had interesting plots and strong characters, but Club Dead topped them all. It's really relieving to find a book with a strong female leading character as opposed to the usually subservient or unintelligent ones. She's a great contrast and really shows her intelligence and independence in this novel, moreso than the others. It would have been a perfect climax to the entire series.
Rating:  Summary: Sookie to the rescue. Review: This is not a romance series. It has some romantic elements, but at it's core, this is a mystery series. That fact is proven when Sookie finds out that the vampire of her dreams has been unfaithful and planned on dumping her rather unceremoniously for the other woman. The situation is aggravated by the fact that her beloved Bill was kidnapped before he could follow through with his abandonment. Does Sookie let her broken heart keep her from finding the two-timing jerk that she loves? Absolutely not. Sookie is her own woman. And she's strong enough to put her feelings aside long enough to do what she thinks is right with Eric and a newly befriended werewolf at her side. What results is a rescue effort fit for Mission Impossible. Mix in some rebound/sympathy smooching with the wolf and Eric's agressive [physical] overtures, and Sookie has her hands quite full. So far, this has been a great ride. I can't wait to see what comes next.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Vampire Series Review: I am a huge romance fan and a huge horror fan. I discovered Charlaine Harris' dead series quite by accident and immediately fell in love. This third book continues where the first two left off. If you have not read her first two novels, be sure to read "Dead Until Dark" first and then "Living Dead in Dallas". I just fell in love with all of her various characters. In this book, she introduces a new love interest in Sookie's life, Alicie, a werewolf. The only problem with this book is that it sort of leaves you hanging, but I guess that means I'll just have to wait for her next novel. To any fans of vampire romance novels - you have to read all three novels. I almost didn't try this book because other reviewers mentioned that this series was lighthearted, and even though it is not deep and dark like many vampire romances, it still has all the supernatural characters and romance and wonderful characters that I love in all of my horror romance novels. This book and the entire series gets 5 stars.