Rating:  Summary: Better and better Review: Okay so Anita isn't all JC's out to get me, I love Richard, vamps are all evil blah blah blah. In fact the character is evolving and becoming more and more 3 dimensional if you will. In fact I like this incarnation of Anita. She's strong and tough and mature. I feel she's grown as a person and is more in touch with the nature of herself and her personality. So what if part of that is that she's more comfortable about sex, it's about time I say!! I liked this book because it shows her dealing with her power and the power of those around her, especially JC. I also can't help but feel that Ms Hamilton is building up to a big bad which means that Anita has to deal with her problems now instead of later.All in all I enjoyed this book. If you're a fan of the series then it's a worthy addition to the line of books. If you're new then I recommend that after reading this book you go back and read all the others. Enjoy!!
Rating:  Summary: Anxiously Awaiting Review: The moment LKH ventures into major character development some of her so-called fans call it "porn". Give me a break. I have given it four stars because it is lacking in the action/mystery department. I think that many who have read the rest of the series were in no way surprised by the sex in this latest installment. All the signs pointed to Anita loosing control. It has been one of her greatest fears. The fact that sex and magick have been linked to Anita's self control makes perfect sense. I am however, waiting for some very interesting side stories considering how much was revealed and sometimes hinted at, by the supporting characters. Every author deserves to have a few books that are not considered top notch by everyone. True fans don't leave when this happens and even bad stories have some redeeming quality. Time is only wasted when these qualities are overlooked.
Rating:  Summary: Not the best Review: But it certainly was better than the waiting period until the next book came out. Although I must say, it could have been polished a little. And the ending was something of a flop to be brutally honest. But overall, this book was still enjoyable. The beginning started out just like any other of her great books, yet something was missing. It was hard to pin down, but the missing link (so to speak) to this being a great read was simply that the entire affair seemed a bit rushed; like Hamilton had a deadline to meet, and didn't have time to nurture the plot into something spectacular.
Rating:  Summary: She's Great Review: This is her best book yet. She really has a knack for writing about sex the way a woman sees and feels it. I couldn't put the book down. Please, Laurell, More books and soon!!!
Rating:  Summary: Not her best, but a fascinating continuation Review: From the title of this review, your first question may be why did I give the book 4 stars. I am an avid reader, and I can only give it four stars when comparing it to Larell's other books. This series is truly a wonder to read. If you like Vampires,a strong female character, and want to spend the time to get to know some troubled but fascinating people; pick up this series. From first to last, it's a wonderful package.
Rating:  Summary: Forget the bad reviews!!! Review: I read those unflattering reviews and thus held off buying this book, big mistake. I should have just trusted one of my favorite authors. I love this Anita, she is not such a hypocrite in this book. She seems to have mellowed out a little and is trying to take care of her people. Yes, I do miss the wise cracking shoot them first Anita, but I don't miss the Anita that was just such mean sprited self-rightoues ... to those around her. This book dealt with things that had been sitting on the sidelines for too long; ie., Asher/Jean Claude and Jason. Despite what was written by one reviewer concerning Anita's new Federal Marshall status, I think she handle it quite well and wasn't pushy just professional. Yes, this book dealt a lot with the arduer but that is also where NIC left off, and showing her dealing with it and controlling it is important so that by the next book she can have it more under control like JC does. Also people complained about the amount of sex, the way I look at it is: 1. she is not having sex with strangers, the two/three people that she is with are long time friends and confidants. 2. if you don't like the sex scenes (which there is not a lot of), skip that part. Now that things have been worked out and through for Anita in this book, I too would like to see a lot more action (not in the sexual form). The way I look at this book in comparision to the rest of the books in the series, is that she needed this time to come to grips with her personal life, instead of running away like she had done it the past. And as for those who are uncomfortable with her sexual nature, then realize that this is a fantasy realm and either don't read that section or just lighten up. Overall I wish that I had read this book sooner!!! I can't wait for the next installment.
Rating:  Summary: YAY! JEAN-CLAUDE IS BACK! Review: I don't care what anyone says, although I do agree that there was just too much political blather. I also got bored with Mother Dearest's and Belle Morte's visits -- too much and too long. I'm just so happy to have Jean-Claude back. And, I must say, I didn't mind Jason's parts in the book, either.
Rating:  Summary: It is supposed to be fantasy, not who needs a therapist Review: I don't even remember which book the series i read first, just that it was before OBSIDIAN BUTTERFLY. I got so hooked that I had to read the rest and with each one I could not, would not put it down until I reached the last page. I can't say the same for these last two efforts of LKH. The characters are still there, but there is no growth or change, and while I understand that the personal aspect of Anita's life is important, I liked the actual work and action that was present in the earlier books. I hate to say it, but maybe it is time to end it all, because if all that can be offered is more of who is going to sleep with who, and why so and so is too emotionally handicapped to be with, and so on, I think LKH should spend more time on something else like the GENTRY series. I could be wrong and things could improve but the way I see it is simple. I read to escape reality and all the tedious drama, I don't need it in my books too. So if you do decide to read this book, go to the library or wait for the paperback.
Rating:  Summary: Not the best in the series Review: 'Cerulean Sins' is the eleventh book in Laurell K. Hamilton's series about Anita Blake and her vampire and shapeshifter universe. I really enjoyed the other novels, but 'Cerulean Sins' just seems to be lacking...something. There is much going on in this book-- Belle Morte, mother of Jean-Claude, threatens to wreak havoc upon the St. Louis vampires, which Anita deals with in between investigating a grisly series of murders, AND coping with her ever-rampagnt ardeur (always an interesting subject to read about), all the while catching the interest of an international terrorist. Oh, and making a few more lovers out of her vampire/shapeshifter friends, of course. So why did I feel vaguely unsatisfied when I finished reading? The conclusion just seemed a little too rushed and unpolished. Everything was wrapped up in an amazingly small amount of pages, which almost lead me to believe it would end with a -to be continued- , but no such luck. Seemingly important characters were introduced and then dropped. Some very important plot issues were even brushed aside and forgotten, leaving only an amazingly idyllic last chapter. How can there possibly be a semblence of peace and tranquility in Anita's life, when there are still so many bad guys still lurking in the shadows? I just hope that everything will be neatly explained and squared away in the next book.
Rating:  Summary: Tedious and Contrived Review: It's terribly disappointing to see a series that was so brilliantly conceived and executed descend to these depths. The "plot" has been explained both in the editorial and reader reviews, so I won't bother with it. It's so artificial and contrived that it's not really worth discussing. It's hardly even a plot. The errors in the text are inexcusable. The sloppy editorial process makes me wonder whether something in the prodcution schedule went so wrong that an editor never really got his or her hands on the author's draft. I heard an interview with the author in which she indicated that established characters in the series experienced growth in this book. I saw no development for any but a couple minor characters. Finally, I have no objection to sex - even graphic sex. I like it when it's well-done and steamy. The sex here is anything but. It's clinical and boring. Pages and pages of negotiations over who will have sex with who, followed by ridiculous descriptions of the results. . .so dull. Thinking back several books on Anita's emotional decision to finally have sex with Jean-Claude and how that scene was handled leaves me shaking my head. It's hard to believe the author of this sterile and pointless book could have written such erotic stuff at one point. Sad.